What Straight Men Don't Understand About Lesbians


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A lot of satire in this here, but some sharp insights.

Male fascination with things Sapphic is usually born out of total indignation that we do not desire the male form. They are genuinely shocked that women can have fun together when we, as one charmer once said to me, "have no genitals". I still laugh at the memory of a lesbian comedian saying during a gig: "It's not that we dislike penises, we just don't like them on men."


with Sapphic sighs

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A lot of satire in this here, but some sharp insights.

Male fascination with things Sapphic is usually born out of total indignation that we do not desire the male form. They are genuinely shocked that women can have fun together when we, as one charmer once said to me, "have no genitals". I still laugh at the memory of a lesbian comedian saying during a gig: "It's not that we dislike penises, we just don't like them on men."

Some cute turns in that piece -- I sure would have liked her to take a swipe at the two dudes who posed as phony lesbian personalities Amina Arraf and Paula Brooks. I was dismayed to hear the Gay Girl In Damascus was a poseur -- his vanity project was roundly condemned by LGBT folks on the ground in Syria. The other dude, 'Paula,' what a betrayal of trust, a sneaky, smutty way of getting jollies . . .

What I mean is that what these guys did was not essentially funny to me but instead ugly, though the Guardian writer took a humorous line.

This was kinda snickery, though -- the doofus duo coming on to each other undercover:

“In the guise of Paula Brooks, Graber corresponded online with Tom MacMaster, thinking he was writing to Amina Arraf. Amina often flirted with Brooks, neither of the men realizing the other was pretending to be a lesbian.”

[From Moon Of Alabama blog]

Edited by william.scherk
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A lot of satire in this here, but some sharp insights.

Male fascination with things Sapphic is usually born out of total indignation that we do not desire the male form. They are genuinely shocked that women can have fun together when we, as one charmer once said to me, "have no genitals". I still laugh at the memory of a lesbian comedian saying during a gig: "It's not that we dislike penises, we just don't like them on men."


with Sapphic sighs

That is the funniest lines I have seen in ages.

So what about shemales? I assume that lesbians who like penises are no more interested in shemales than in regular men. Or is there some kind of sub-sub-sub-culture that I don't know about? :rolleyes:


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