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What a wonderful place to be born, live and grow in.

Happy 4th of July, 2011

"The truth is that neither then nor at any former time, since I had attained my maturity in Age, Reading and reflection had I imbibed any general Prejudice against Kings, or in favour of them. It appeared to me then as it has done ever since, that there is a State of Society in which a Republican Government is the best, and in America the only one..."

-- John Adams

"[T]he flames kindled on the Fourth of July 1776, have spread over too much of the globe to be extinguished by the feeble engines of despotism; on the contrary, they will consume these engines and all who work them."

-- Thomas Jefferson

"Let the Fourth of July always be a reminder that here in this land, for the first time, it was decided that man is born with certain God-given rights; that government is only a convenience created and managed by the people, with no powers of its own except those voluntarily granted to it by the people. We sometimes forget that great truth, and we never should. Happy Fourth of July."

-- Ronald Reagan

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What a wonderful place to be born, live and grow in.

Happy 4th of July, 2011

"The truth is that neither then nor at any former time, since I had attained my maturity in Age, Reading and reflection had I imbibed any general Prejudice against Kings, or in favour of them. It appeared to me then as it has done ever since, that there is a State of Society in which a Republican Government is the best, and in America the only one..."

-- John Adams

"[T]he flames kindled on the Fourth of July 1776, have spread over too much of the globe to be extinguished by the feeble engines of despotism; on the contrary, they will consume these engines and all who work them."

-- Thomas Jefferson

"Let the Fourth of July always be a reminder that here in this land, for the first time, it was decided that man is born with certain God-given rights; that government is only a convenience created and managed by the people, with no powers of its own except those voluntarily granted to it by the people. We sometimes forget that great truth, and we never should. Happy Fourth of July."

-- Ronald Reagan

Visit the Interactive Constitution Center

Since the Second Continental Congress actually declared American Independence on July 2, this is the day that John Adams thought would be celebrated. Adams wrote to his wife:

The second day of July, 1776, will be the most memorable epoch in the history of America. I am apt to believe that it will be celebrated by succeeding generations as the great anniversary festival. It ought to be commemorated as the day of deliverance, by solemn acts of devotion to God Almighty. It ought to be solemnized with pomp and parade, with shows, games, sports, guns, bells, bonfires, and illuminations, from one end of this continent to the other, from this time forward forever more

Missed it by that much. :rolleyes:


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"Sail on O Nation, strong and great."

Though a slight tinge of pessimism can be noticed occasionally here on OL in topics like "The Final Nail in America's coffin," and such; though Adam will never cease to stalk the Commander-in-Chief with his light-sabre; though Brant is building a suspicious device pointed northward in his garage;though there now appear to be even more Kardashians than we thought possible --you are, you know.

You're strong, and you're great.

I wish you the joy of the Fourth. That star-spangled banner yet waves, and the whole world can see it.


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Thank you. However, when the Secret Service shows up looking for my light saber, I am giving them your address!

star-wars-smiley-5472.gif <<<<I couldn't find the have white half black Darth Vader, but you get the idea!


Great quote George!


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Thank you. However, when the Secret Service shows up looking for my light saber, I am giving them your address!

star-wars-smiley-5472.gif <<<<I couldn't find the have white half black Darth Vader, but you get the idea!


Great quote George!


Love the duel. You can tell the Secret Service that if they get in a light saber fight with me, they better cross themselves!

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Since the Second Continental Congress actually declared American Independence on July 2, this is the day that John Adams thought would be celebrated.

The date on the document is July 4, 1776, that’s good enough for me.


One lesser known detail about the Revolution is the involvement of the French writer Beaumarchais, author of the Figaro plays. He was responsible for supplying the arms to the colonists, with the big shipment coming right before the Declaration, which was, arguably, contingent on that delivery. So, one could say that we celebrate July 4 because of Beaumarchais. Why is he not revered for his role in the founding? Could it be because he later sent a bill, which we refused to pay?

I think this might belong better on the plagiarism thread, among all the talk of GHS’s fondness for clubbing baby seals etc.


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TO: Mr. B. Gaede

Tumbleweed Villas, AZ

Dear Mr. Gaede, Greetings! Best wishes on your national Independence Day, or as we think of it up here, the Vain Mutiny.

We have got our eye on you. You may have fooled the neighbours with that story about your newfangled high-tech still, but you cannot fool us. Infrared aerial technology and our secret informant your grocery delivery boy do not lie.

Watch your step pal.

You have been warned.


Gord McGordon III

Head Spy


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Since the Second Continental Congress actually declared American Independence on July 2, this is the day that John Adams thought would be celebrated.

The date on the document is July 4, 1776, that’s good enough for me.

July 2 is the date that the Second Continental Congress declared independence from Great Britain. July 4 is the date that Congress approved the Declaration of Independence. As the historian Pauline Maier explains:

The adoption of independence was, however, from the beginning confused with its declaration. Differences in the meaning of the word declare contributed to the confusion. Before the Declaration of Independence was issued -- while, in fact, Congress was still editing Jefferson's draft -- Pennsylvania newspapers announced that on July 2 the Continental Congress had "declared the United Colonies Free and Independent States," by which it meant simply that it had officially accepted that status. Newspapers in other colonies repeated the story. In later years the "Anniversary of the United States of America" came to be celebrated on the date Congress had approved the Declaration of Independence. That began, it seems, by accident. In 1777 no member of Congress thought of marking the anniversary of independence at all until July 3, when it was too late to honor July 2. As a result, the celebration took place on the Fourth, and that became the tradition. At least one delegate spoke of "celebrating the Anniversary of the Declaration of Independence," but over the next few years references to the anniversary of independence and of the Declaration seem to have been virtually interchangeable.


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Happy fourth everybody.

With all its shortcomings, we live in one hell of a great country.

Let's keep it that way.


One of the best things about July 4 is that the SyFy channel has a marathon of the original Twilight Zone episodes.


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Happy fourth everybody.

With all its shortcomings, we live in one hell of a great country.

Let's keep it that way.


One of the best things about July 4 is that the SyFy channel has a marathon of the original Twilight Zone episodes.


Also a day long Firefly marathon.

Ba'al Chatzaf

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Happy fourth everybody.

With all its shortcomings, we live in one hell of a great country.

Let's keep it that way.


One of the best things about July 4 is that the SyFy channel has a marathon of the original Twilight Zone episodes.


Also a day long Firefly marathon.

Ba'al Chatzaf

Firefly is Ok, but is there anything worth watching until Game of thrones starts up again?

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Does Glenn Beck reruns count?

Why watch reruns of that? You can watch his shows on YouTube, and not be stuck sitting through commercials.

I vote for a The Ascent of Man marathon. This episode has material on Beaumarchais and Franklin.


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Does Glenn Beck reruns count?

Why watch reruns of that? You can watch his shows on YouTube, and not be stuck sitting through commercials.

I vote for a The Ascent of Man marathon. This episode has material on Beaumarchais and Franklin.


Is that the Bronowski one? Wonderful, but I don't see it on my Pbs menu here. I would send them some money, really, if I had any!

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Thank you. However, when the Secret Service shows up looking for my light saber, I am giving them your address!

star-wars-smiley-5472.gif <<<<I couldn't find the have white half black Darth Vader, but you get the idea!


Great quote George!


Love the duel. You can tell the Secret Service that if they get in a light saber fight with me, they better cross themselves!

Furthermore I will make mincemeat out of them and put them in a tourtiere.

They wouldn't like that!

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Thank God this was not in the circumcision thread!

Sabers and cuts of meat! What would Peikoff think!

A tourtière is a meat pie originating from Quebec, usually made with minced pork and/or veal, or beef. It is a traditional part of the Christmas and/or Christmas Eve réveillon and New Year's Eve meal in Quebec, but is also enjoyed and sold in grocery stores all year long. This kind of pie is known as pâté à la viande (literally, meat pie) in the Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean region.

Tourtière is not exclusive to Quebec. Tourtière is a traditional French-Canadian dish served by generations of French-Canadian families throughout Canada and the bordering areas of the United States. In the U.S., namely in the states of Michigan, Maine, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Vermont, New Hampshire, Connecticut, Minnesota, and New York, citizens of Quebec ancestry have introduced the recipe. Every family has its own "original" recipe, passed down through the generations. Like the recipe, there is no one correct filling, as the pie meat depends on what is available in regions. In coastal areas, fish such as salmon is commonly used, whereas pork, beef, rabbit, and game are used inland.

Tourtière was named after the ceramic casserole dish it was originally baked in, the Tourte. Asselin, Donald. "A French Canadian Cookbook" Pub. Charles E. Tuttle Company, Inc. 1968.

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Thank God this was not in the circumcision thread!

Sabers and cuts of meat! What would Peikoff think!

A tourtière is a meat pie originating from Quebec, usually made with minced pork and/or veal, or beef. It is a traditional part of the Christmas and/or Christmas Eve réveillon and New Year's Eve meal in Quebec, but is also enjoyed and sold in grocery stores all year long. This kind of pie is known as pâté à la viande (literally, meat pie) in the Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean region.

Tourtière is not exclusive to Quebec. Tourtière is a traditional French-Canadian dish served by generations of French-Canadian families throughout Canada and the bordering areas of the United States. In the U.S., namely in the states of Michigan, Maine, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Vermont, New Hampshire, Connecticut, Minnesota, and New York, citizens of Quebec ancestry have introduced the recipe. Every family has its own "original" recipe, passed down through the generations. Like the recipe, there is no one correct filling, as the pie meat depends on what is available in regions. In coastal areas, fish such as salmon is commonly used, whereas pork, beef, rabbit, and game are used inland.

Tourtière was named after the ceramic casserole dish it was originally baked in, the Tourte. Asselin, Donald. "A French Canadian Cookbook" Pub. Charles E. Tuttle Company, Inc. 1968.

Smack, drool, quels beaux ingredients! We await the potentianlite to advance our unique cuisine with elan!

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Thank you Harvard for your contribution to the 4th of July!

A Harvard study claiming that Fourth of July celebrations promote Republican voting is being paraded across
the Internet
by right-of-center websites and media, but left-leaning authors are disparaging, downplaying and ignoring the Ivy League’s unwelcome report.

“People who celebrate the 4th of July with their parents are more likely to grow up with right-leaning political affiliations!” warned Brandon Scott Gorrell at ThoughtCatalog.com. “That’s right – fireworks on Independence Day + children = the next George W. Bush! Fuck,” he wrote.

Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2011/07/04/harvard-serves-sour-grapes-and-glee-for-fourth-of-july/#ixzz1REV5ygat

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