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The Natural Hygiene system of total health is magical and fantastic. Did you know, Carol, that they deny both viruses and bacteria as agents of disease? That's right -- the germ theory is total bunk, according to hygiene principles. This fabled 'Doctor' Shelton and his loony forebears and mutated clones pretend to knowledge and wisdom they did not possess.

A system of knowledge built on fudge.

They deny viruses and bacteria as -primary- causes of diseases. A healthy body is immune. They do not deny the existence of germs.

Even more magical and fantastic than Natural Hygiene is prescribing poisons for health.

Hygiene is defined as the science of health. Shelton got a few things wrong in the science of health. Hygiene is not a cult but a field of knowledge.

Prescribing poisons for health is not based on the science of health. There is a word for doctors whose doctoring is not based on science (the science of health), quack.

Few ingestible things are not poisons. This includes water. It's a matter of dosage. A drop of super-concentrated mercury on your skin will kill you. I suppose a small fraction of that won't.

Most of the victims of the great post WWI flu epidemic had healthy bodies.

It's possible to be an expert on nonsense, believing it at the same time.


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A health body will not become diseased by micro-organisms and the body of a healthy virtuous women will not become pregnant by rape.

Coo Coo. Coo Coo!

Ba'al Chatzaf

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A health body will not become diseased by micro-organisms and the body of a healthy virtuous women will not become pregnant by rape.

Coo Coo. Coo Coo!

Ba'al Chatzaf

False analogy and you know it.

You thesis is nonsense, analogy or not.


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A health body will not become diseased by micro-organisms and the body of a healthy virtuous women will not become pregnant by rape.

Coo Coo. Coo Coo!

Ba'al Chatzaf

Take smallpox as an example.

Etiology.--Smallpox is considered one of the most virulent of contagious diseases, and it is generally believed that persons exposed are almost invariably attacked, unless protected by vaccination. This is one of the most stupendous exaggerations to be found in medical literature. My experience has been that very few people take it when exposed to it.
Impaired Health 2 CHAPTER 1.html 38
I remember quite a number of years ago being connected with a pest-house, where I was appointed physician and spent two hours a day with confluent smallpox for three months, without taking the disease. It is true I had a vaccination scar from childhood, but I have long since given up the opinion that that afforded me any protection. With me in that epidemic was a thirteen-year-old girl, who was caught and held there by the health authorities. She waited upon the sick people, and in all that time did not spend one hour outside of the house except in the small yard. She never had been vaccinated, and she failed to contract the disease. I could give many instances of personal experience where many were exposed without a single development. In this particular epidemic two German nurses took down, in spite of the fact that they had been vaccinated and re-re-vaccinated in the old country, where they do the work "just right."
Impaired Health 2 CHAPTER 1.html 39
Race.--It is said that the aboriginals suffered terribly from smallpox. Why? Because it is a disease of filth. The uncivilized people are just filthy enough to be good subjects for this disease. It is said that, when it was first introduced into America, the Mexicans died by the thousand. They yet suffer very greatly. Only a few years ago I was corresponding with a physician, located in Mexico, whose function was to take care of the miners for a large corporation. He gave me much information in regard to the severity of the disease among the natives. It is said the North American Indians have been decimated by this disease. The negroes are especially susceptible, and the mortality among them is great, being about forty-two per cent, against twenty-nine for whites.
Impaired Health 2 CHAPTER 1.html 41
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