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Have any of you noticed the resemblance between the Norwegian Shooter and and Ragnar Danesgold as described by Rand?

This wing-nut was a true blue and gold Viking Berserker.

Ba'al Chatzaf

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Have any of you noticed the resemblance between the Norwegian Shooter and and Ragnar Danesgold as described by Rand?

This wing-nut was a true blue and gold Viking Berserker.

Hadn’t thought of it, but I’ve often noted a resemblance between Bob Kolker and Major Kong.

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Have any of you noticed the resemblance between the Norwegian Shooter and and Ragnar Danesgold as described by Rand?

This wing-nut was a true blue and gold Viking Berserker.

Hadn't thought of it, but I've often noted a resemblance between Bob Kolker and Major Kong.

I would have staid in the plane.

Ba'al Chatzaf

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Have any of you noticed the resemblance between the Norwegian Shooter and and Ragnar Danesgold as described by Rand?


Not at all.

Rand would never have a hero who is slightly balding.


Look how the mainstream describes this kook. Both of the following statements come from the same article in Spiegel: Police Identify Right-Wing Extremist as Suspect.

According to investigations by Norwegian media, B. was a right-wing extremist who had repeatedly made anti-Islamic statements on Internet forums.

. . .

The suspect apparently had no known links to the right-wing extremist scene.

Apparently parts of the 1,500+ page manifesto this guy left is plagiarized from Unabomber.

That ain't "right wing extremist," but tell the media that.

The guy is a lone-wolf bigoted kook who hates the left and Muslims. That's about the best description of him I can think of. He isn't part of any movement or recognizable ideology except hatred.

The idiots in the media think that just because he hates the left and Muslims, he must be on the right. There's a fundamental error in that approach.


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These types of people think their government which exists in their own heads only, gives them the moral right to behave like a government as in starting wars at home and abroad without questioning said "right" in the least. That was timothy McVeigh. That was the Unabomber. If the former was of the "right" the latter was of the "left" but "left" "right" is really irrelevant except the "right" can generally come with more bombs and guns and soldiers for that crude kind of overt conflict. The left's strength is in academia and the media and buying votes with bucks and fear. They generally control the governments. They've been winning all my life. They may now lose because of the economic destruction of this country and the middle class which is accelerating.


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Have any of you noticed the resemblance between the Norwegian Shooter and and Ragnar Danesgold as described by Rand?


Not at all.

Rand would never have a hero who is slightly balding.


Look how the mainstream describes this kook. Both of the following statements come from the same article in Spiegel: Police Identify Right-Wing Extremist as Suspect.

According to investigations by Norwegian media, B. was a right-wing extremist who had repeatedly made anti-Islamic statements on Internet forums.

The suspect apparently had no known links to the right-wing extremist scene.

Apparently parts of the 1,500+ page manifesto this guy left is plagiarized from Unabomber.

That ain't "right wing extremist," but tell the media that.

The guy is a lone-wolf bigoted kook who hates the left and Muslims. That's about the best description of him I can think of. He isn't part of any movement or recognizable ideology except hatred.

The idiots in the media think that just because he hates the left and Muslims, he must be on the right. There's a fundamental error in that approach.


Wiki Norway Gun Possession Rules - here

Norway has well regulated gun laws, but not open carry. Many reports are that he had "assault weapons," or, a "machine gun" these statements are highly suspect. Apparently, he was a member of a shooting club. Apparently, one of the weapons that he had was a Glock which is not an assault weapon, nor a machine gun/pistol.

Edited by Selene
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Have any of you noticed the resemblance between the Norwegian Shooter and and Ragnar Danesgold as described by Rand?


Not at all.

Rand would never have a hero who is slightly balding.

The picture I saw was taken when he was younger and had all his hair. The physical resemblance between the younger version of the shooter and Ragnar was quite striking. It is the physical resemblance I refer to, not any kind of character trait.

Ba'al Chatzaf

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Have any of you noticed the resemblance between the Norwegian Shooter and and Ragnar Danesgold as described by Rand?


Not at all.

Rand would never have a hero who is slightly balding.

The picture I saw was taken when he was younger and had all his hair. The physical resemblance between the younger version of the shooter and Ragnar was quite striking. It is the physical resemblance I refer to, not any kind of character trait.

Ba'al Chatzaf

They are both Scandinavian, BFD. Why did you make your trite observation in the first place? "Physical resemblance"? If the guy was black would you note the resemblance to Muhammad Ali, a Rand favorite, or the Rev. Ike, another?


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I went to camp from ages 8-14, and then again as a counsellor at 15. Not in Norway, but camp is camp. Ours was an Anglican one.. not so different really, in fundamentals, from Norwegian Labour,

This creature took my wonderland, my joyful innocence and hope, my Disneyland and turned it into Auschwitz.

He took 93 irreplaceable souls and bodies, and intended to take more.

I suppose in prison he will write his Mein Kampf.

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Self confessed killer can only be sentenced to 21 years under Norwegian law!

Not too bad, one reporter figured it out to 82 days per individual killed...however, the sentence can be extended by five year terms depending on evaluation of the inmate and the risk to society.

He will be eligible for release in ten (10) years according to Norwegian law.

And to think, it all started with Njal's Saga, wiki here, which was an Icelandic oral tradition writing that was used as a base of common law principles which we can trace through English common law to US common law.

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I went to camp from ages 8-14, and then again as a counsellor at 15. Not in Norway, but camp is camp. Ours was an Anglican one.. not so different really, in fundamentals, from Norwegian Labour,

This creature took my wonderland, my joyful innocence and hope, my Disneyland and turned it into Auschwitz.

He took 93 irreplaceable souls and bodies, and intended to take more.

I suppose in prison he will write his Mein Kampf.

<div><br></div><div> Or his Kazinsky (the Unabomber) Brief. </div><div><br></div><div> Ba'al Chatzaf


Edited by BaalChatzaf
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And guess what? ALREADY some bitch on NPR decided to try and blame Ayn Rand for this;

See: http://www.cato-at-liberty.org/the-norwegian-killers-anti-individualist-nationalism/

I mean, do these people have no shame? No limit to the amount of absurdities they will use to defame someone?!?

Edited by studiodekadent
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And guess what? ALREADY some bitch on NPR decided to try and blame Ayn Rand for this;

See: http://www.cato-at-l...st-nationalism/

I mean, do these people have no shame? No limit to the amount of absurdities they will use to defame someone?!?


Damn! Nice find. The audacity of public radio stupidity never ceases to amaze me, but the most "comforting" part of this is that the state extorts the money to pay for this anti-commercial, pro marxist media!


hat tip to Andrew tiphat.gif

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