Solyndra - O'biwan's Criminal Enterprise? Where is RICO when you really need him?


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Take a look at this timeline and remember that Joe "the dumbest man to every occupy the Senate and the dumbest man to every occupy the Vice Presidency the Plagiarist" Biden was the man in charge of the "stimulus" law and remember that the boy fascist prince stated clearly that:

"Nobody messes with JOE!"

Let's see the videotape on that...

Does anyone have a mop and handcuffs to clean up this mess?


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"A big part of what we're trying to do is correcting the record," said Rhone Resch, president of solar trade group the Solar Energy Industries Association, said in an interview. "You can't judge an industry by the bankruptcy of one company."

Resch and others point to fresh figures showing that the U.S. solar industry now employs more than 100,000 people at more than 5,000 companies.

In addition, installations of photovoltaic solar panels grew 17 percent in the second quarter from the first quarter, according to SEIA data, largely because the price of solar power is down 30 percent from a year ago, making it increasingly competitive with natural gas, coal and other fossil fuels.

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But behind the pomp and pageantry, Solyndra was rotting inside, hemorrhaging cash so quickly that within weeks of Mr. Obama’s visit, the company canceled plans to offer shares to the public. Barely a year later, Solyndra has become one of the administration’s most costly fumbles after the company declared bankruptcy, laid off 1,100 workers and was raided by F.B.I. agents seeking evidence of possible fraud.
Solyndra’s two top officers are to appear Friday before a House investigative committee where, their lawyers say, they will assert their Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination.

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As the announcement was made that the FBI had raided the homes of the CEO of Solyndra, other executives in the company and the home office of the company, my instinct was celebratory.

Then I realized that this was not the Jimmy Stewart FBI movie of my childhood. This was O'biwan's FBI.

So rather than this being a raid to acquire evidence of the potential criminal conspiracy that acquired one half billion dollars of the American taxpayers money, it dawned on me that this was unfolding as the perfect crime.

Now, I would never suggest that the FBI would be destroying evidence to protect the President, Vice President, Rahm Emanuel, David Axelrod, etc., but it is a question don't you think?


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Ok...the 5th Amendment is still recognized as applicable, now if we can use the 9th and 10th, maybe we can fight off these bastards and return the individual freedom we have lost..

No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.

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Solyndra LLC had such steep financial problems in late 2010 that the company violated terms of its loan-guarantee agreement with the Department of Energy and technically defaulted on its $535 million loan, according to people familiar with the matter.

Report on Solyndra

See the Congressional Research Service's report on the solar-panel maker.

View DocumentOB-PV542_Solynd_D_20110927093943.jpg

More photos and interactive graphics

The failed solar-panel maker, which is under numerous criminal and congressional investigations, ran so short of cash in December 2010 that it was unable to satisfy certain terms of its U.S. loan agreement, these people said. The agreement required Solyndra to provide $5 million in equity to a subsidiary building its factory but cash-flow problems prevented those payments.

The Energy Department ultimately restructured the loan agreement to help keep the company afloat and Solyndra continued to draw money from its loan.

Solyndra's cash-flow problems in late 2010 had previously come to light but it was not known that the company technically defaulted on its loan and violated its agreement with the U.S. government.

The company's financial problems prompted the Energy Department early this year to allow it to reshuffle its debt. Under the arrangement, private investors agreed to provide a new $75 million loan and won the right to be paid ahead of the government if the company was liquidated.

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The FBI is investigating Solyndra LLC for possible accounting fraud and the accuracy of financial representations made to the government, according to an agency official.
The FBI is examining possible misrepresentations in financial statements, according to the FBI official, who requested anonymity because the investigation is continuing.

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Ok...the 5th Amendment is still recognized as applicable, now if we can use the 9th and 10th, maybe we can fight off these bastards and return the individual freedom we have lost..

Do you think the judges whose pay checks come right out of the Federal Treasury are going to let this happen?

Ba'al Chatzaf

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Ok...the 5th Amendment is still recognized as applicable, now if we can use the 9th and 10th, maybe we can fight off these bastards and return the individual freedom we have lost..

Do you think the judges whose pay checks come right out of the Federal Treasury are going to let this happen?

Ba'al Chatzaf

It will depend on the judge, there are some exemplary Federal judges with integrity.

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It just keeps getting worst...

Top executives at
have refused to tell U.S. officials whether they received executive bonuses after the company began to fail, and they have frustrated bankruptcy proceedings by refusing to answer questions about the
solar firm
's sudden and dramatic shutdown, according to papers filed by Justice Department lawyers late Friday.

Rush Limbaugh referred to ABC's tenacious pursuit of the Solyndra story as "...committing a random act of journalism...."

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