It's meee

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Boy, am I glad you guys are still there. I have lost my internet temporarily due to extreme cash flow glitches, for which I naturally blame the government and not my own pathetic money management skills. If you noticed I wasn't posting I thought you might think I was in jail or the hospital, but not so. In fact I am in top health due to not drinking or smoking and taking long, healthy walks mainly back and forth to work. I employed my ample spare time before school started in the aforesaid walks, rereading my entire library, watching the only free satellite channels available to me (Gaelic football is really quite interesting, although the rules are almost totally incomprehensible to me, at least the players are hunks) and feeling very, very sorry for myself.

I shall return, I know not when, but I will be back sometime to sing the blues on the appropriate thread, Canadian Boring.

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Boy, am I glad you guys are still there. I have lost my internet temporarily due to extreme cash flow glitches, for which I naturally blame the government and not my own pathetic money management skills. If you noticed I wasn't posting I thought you might think I was in jail or the hospital, but not so. In fact I am in top health due to not drinking or smoking and taking long, healthy walks mainly back and forth to work. I employed my ample spare time before school started in the aforesaid walks, rereading my entire library, watching the only free satellite channels available to me (Gaelic football is really quite interesting, although the rules are almost totally incomprehensible to me, at least the players are hunks) and feeling very, very sorry for myself.

I shall return, I know not when, but I will be back sometime to sing the blues on the appropriate thread, Canadian Boring.

I assume there are computers in the public library of your community. When my computer is down for whatever reason, I go over to the library and do my thing, for free.

Ba'al Chatzaf

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Good to see you back, even if only briefly.

I wasn't worried (nor am I) because I had heard that you were the real reason infomercial king Don Lapre stabbed himself in the groin trying to hit his femoral artery when the cops nabbed him back in June. They say he was running from the law, but I have no doubt it was from a broken heart.

I assumed you had let the dust settle a little and simply taken what money he managed to hide and run. Frankly I thought you were in Monte Carlo...


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This will teach me to make quips about attempted suicide:

Incarcerated TV Pitchman Don Lapre Found Dead

Published : Sunday, 02 Oct 2011, 9:22 PM MST

Updated: Monday, 03 Oct 2011, 8:01 AM MST

My Fox Phoenix

From the article:

FLORENCE, Ariz. - Embattled TV pitchman Don Lapre was found dead of an apparent suicide in his cell Sunday morning.

The manner of his death has not been confirmed, but we've learned from U.S. Marshals that his body was indeed found at 8:30 a.m. Sunday at a holding facility in Florence.

The dude tried again and succeeded. He killed himself yesterday.

Total bummer...


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Well, it's about time. I was going to start looking for you at today's NY Slut Walk event!!!!


I am still not buying this "internet alibi" and clearly the facts bear me out:

1) the slut walk movement started in Toronto, Canada;

2) Carol comes from Toronto, Canada;

3) she constantly refers to some secret Igloo society, yeah right, what a cover story;

4) she posts an avatar of a rocking chair spinster type of woman, what better false trail could you lay, oops, poor choice of metaphors;

5) she mysteriously vanishes during the planning phase of the huge NY Slut Walk for last weekend;

6) the prosecution rests...

So, where is Carol in this video...


and to be fair and balanced, Kirsten Powers chimes in with:

In Boston, feminist writer Jaclyn Friedman bellowed, "Today we all march under the banner of sluthood!" In Ottawa, revelers chanted, "Slut, slut. Ho, ho. Yes means yes, and no means no!" The Web site "Feministing" described the slut walks as a "movement," with one blogger saying, "Sign me up for Team Sluts." The Slut Walk DC Web site boasts a banner, "Reclaiming the word slut."
This is supposed to pass as progress for women?
Slut-walk defenders say that they're being ironic, that it's supposed to be funny that women are turning a word used to dehumanize them into a badge of pride.

Ok Carol, come clean, so to speak.


ever watchful

Edited by Selene
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I don't know if you guys have noticed, but our dear WSS has not posted for a few days.

As it turns out, a magic cloak has veiled his browser in mystery and suspense.

Did he elope with Carol?

Was he carried off by the ghost of trolls past?

Did he convert to to Islam and move to Yemen to study, er... techniques?

Stay tuned.

We will get to the bottom of this.


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Success! Yes, Carol Jane and I are 'safe' and in communication with the Transitional Council. In my stumbles around the outer internets I have discovered Muslim Libertarians, Libertarian Arabs, Arab Randbots, democracy talk, freedom talk. I owe OL a report.

If you really wonder what I have been doing with my keyboard, I have become a Twitter maniac (he said without shame). This is what I write now. This is what depths I have sounded:

RT #NewsSyriaStyle usually includes attractive presenters, dramatic music, confessions, conspiracies and a tone of bizarre self-delusion.
RT Everyone loves #NewsSyriaStyle! Armed Gangs! A valiant President! Unimaginable Conspiracies! Dialogue! Giant Flags! Confessions! #Syria

Thanks, MSK, for getting under the dashboard and giving me back my voice.

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This will teach me to make quips about attempted suicide:

Incarcerated TV Pitchman Don Lapre Found Dead

Published : Sunday, 02 Oct 2011, 9:22 PM MST

Updated: Monday, 03 Oct 2011, 8:01 AM MST

My Fox Phoenix

From the article:

FLORENCE, Ariz. - Embattled TV pitchman Don Lapre was found dead of an apparent suicide in his cell Sunday morning.

The manner of his death has not been confirmed, but we've learned from U.S. Marshals that his body was indeed found at 8:30 a.m. Sunday at a holding facility in Florence.

The dude tried again and succeeded. He killed himself yesterday.

Total bummer...


I watched him in action quite a while years ago. I thought he was sincerely trying to build something on a phony foundation. I knew nothing about him trying to sell vitamins.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi guys,

My temporary iin ternet interrupt of two freaking months is nearly at ane end.. er, Michael, why did my reappearance thread bring forth a suicide bulletin? You could just put me on Ignore-- see, you are not the worst, there is a joke about actual suicide which of course is not funny.

Adam, if you did not see me at the Slut Walk it is due to the sexist ageist media who chose not to feature our group. Of course I was there with the Senior Sizzlers, tastefully clad in various items of our team uniforms. Rahida was especially fetching in her goalie pads, er, pad. A discordant note was the attendance of her sister-wife or as Rahida refers to her "that lazy cow Meena". Meena is detrmined to join the team although she is not a senior and a very poor stick handler, but she says if Rahida can get away from the poutine fryer three times a week so can she.

Baal I am well aware of the various free internets at libraries, also at coffee shops and the homes of friends and relatives. I am at this moment at a library between a very large teenager playing endless card games and a well dressed gentlemen strawling Arabid looking sites. The compulsive gambler's very size compels him to invade my space and the visual content of those Artabic sites is frankly alarming. Starbucks and Tim Hortons have very expensive coffee.

to be continued........

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Morning stranger:

Meena is determined to join the team although she is not a senior and a very poor stick handler

Funny, that is what Meena's ex-husband said in his divorce complaint!

Good to see you back and better than ever.


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my sojourn in the 19th century has inspired me to compose a poem in anticipation of the happy day when my home internet returns (it should be tomorrow, but going on past experience, it won't be). This ode is in imitation of Ring Lardner's to Zelda Fitzgerald sometime in the roaring 20s:"To hell with Scott Fitzgerald, then!/ To hell with Scott, his daughter!/ It's you and I back home again/to Great Neck, where men are men/ and gin is 3/4 water."


To hell with Tims and Starbucks, then!

To hell with sons and students!

It's you and I back home again,

Sprawled on the futon in the den,

Abandoning all prudence!

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Carol Jane,

I would never put you on ignore.

Besides, I'm waiting to see how this infomercial stuff pans out. I'm biding my time to see if you get up your courage and star in one. I have no doubt your will deliver the classic line with just the right amount of laser-targeted intensity: "But wait! There's more!"


(btw - I had to look up futon. I had no idea what that was. It sounded serious. Ahh... it turns out that it's just a very common kind of mattress. Silly me...)


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  • 2 weeks later...

Carol Jane,

I would never put you on ignore.

Besides, I'm waiting to see how this infomercial stuff pans out. I'm biding my time to see if you get up your courage and star in one. I have no doubt your will deliver the classic line with just the right amount of laser-targeted intensity: "But wait! There's more!"


(btw - I had to look up futon. I had no idea what that was. It sounded serious. Ahh... it turns out that it's just a very common kind of mattress. Silly me...)



Infomercials are for second-handers.

I'm holding out for Objectivist Idol!

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