A dose of blechh from the Panzer Pope


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Here is the Christmas Homily from the Panzer Pope (the first Pope known to say jawhol! instead of amen).

If you can stand it see: http://www.lasvegassun.com/news/2011/dec/24/eu-vatican-christmas-text/

Particularly this:

" It seems to me that a deeper truth is revealed here, which should touch our hearts on this holy night: if we want to find the God who appeared as a child, then we must dismount from the high horse of our "enlightened" reason. We must set aside our false certainties, our intellectual pride, which prevents us from recognizing God's closeness. We must follow the interior path of Saint Francis the path leading to that ultimate outward and inward simplicity which enables the heart to see. We must bend down, spiritually we must as it were go on foot, in order to pass through the portal of faith and encounter the God who is so different from our prejudices and opinions the God who conceals himself in the humility of a newborn baby. In this spirit let us celebrate the liturgy of the holy night, let us strip away our fixation on what is material, on what can be measured and grasped. Let us allow ourselves to be made simple by the God who reveals himself to the simple of heart. And let us also pray especially at this hour for all who have to celebrate Christmas in poverty, in suffering, as migrants, that a ray of God's kindness may shine upon them, that they and we may be touched by the kindness that God chose to bring into the world through the birth of his Son in a stable. Amen."

Didn't you mean jawohl, Holiness?


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The fundamental epistemological fallacy spouted by religious leaders like the one quoted above never ceases to amaze me. The existence of X (a god) is presented as if it constituted an objective fact, without providing one iota of evidence.

In past centuries, the Catholic church burned those at the stake who pointed out the fallacy of presenting religious belief as fact. The church has lost that power, but a lot still remains to be done for reason to prevail.

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