Protecting a Red Head - Australian PM Has Difficult Time With Aboriginal Demonstrators! Cannot Tie That Kangaroo Down, Mate!


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Some beautiful shots of Australia on Australia Day!

Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard clung to her bodyguard as she was dragged to safety through a crowd of angry protesters in Canberra today.

Riot police formed a shield around the prime minister as they helped her force a path through the protesters who surrounded a restaurant where she was attending an awards ceremony to mark Australia Day.

Miss Gillard stumbled after losing a shoe in the scuffle, but was caught by her personal security guard and managed to get into a waiting car.

Read more: http://www.dailymail...l#ixzz1kZejs5pE


Nice Opera House!

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Why all these ninety zillion threads on political trivia like this, Adam?

One or two, yes, but what's the relevance to an Oistish site? I feel like I'm losing a shoe being mugged by aboriginal protesters. (No offense, but seems like with you it's all politics all the time...)

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Why all these ninety zillion threads on political trivia like this, Adam?

One or two, yes, but what's the relevance to an Oistish site? I feel like I'm losing a shoe being mugged by aboriginal protesters. (No offense, but seems like with you it's all politics all the time...)

Mr. Coates:

Please refer your complaint to the owners.


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Why all these ninety zillion threads on political trivia like this, Adam?

One or two, yes, but what's the relevance to an Oistish site? I feel like I'm losing a shoe being mugged by aboriginal protesters. (No offense, but seems like with you it's all politics all the time...)

Maybe so, but he knows what he is talking about.


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Why all these ninety zillion threads on political trivia like this, Adam?

One or two, yes, but what's the relevance to an Oistish site? I feel like I'm losing a shoe being mugged by aboriginal protesters. (No offense, but seems like with you it's all politics all the time...)

Maybe so, but he knows what he is talking about.


And snips like this remind us that there is a big world out there full of endangered species like the redhead. I for one enjoy Commonwealth references.

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> I for one enjoy Commonwealth references.

it's the overwhelming frequency of political stuff I was referring to.

> Please refer your complaint to the owners.

Gotta be willing to take criticism and rationally respond to it if you're going to participate in a discussion list like this. INstead of being dismissive and "thin-skinned".

It is perfectly reasonable for someone to say that there are things he doesn't like about a list or its topics. And you shouldn't try to 'squelch' or bristle at those who are "troublemakers" like that. (That would be cultish, Diana-type behavior.)

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> I for one enjoy Commonwealth references.

it's the overwhelming frequency of political stuff I was referring to.

> Please refer your complaint to the owners.

Gotta be willing to take criticism and rationally respond to it if you're going to participate in a discussion list like this. INstead of being dismissive and "thin-skinned".

It is perfectly reasonable for someone to say that there are things he doesn't like about a list or its topics. And you shouldn't try to 'squelch' or bristle at those who are "troublemakers" like that. (That would be cultish, Diana-type behavior.)

You're the would be squelcher. Frankly.


the schoolmarming never really stops

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> You're the would be squelcher. Frankly.

What you're doing is mindlessly "piling on" instead of recognizing a perfectly legitimate criticism: the list lately sometimes seems to be a politics discussion list because that's in many cases the majority of new threads.

Tell me the truth, did you honestly not notice this or do you -honestly think- Romney, Gingrich, the Republican primaries, Obama's latest offense, and - worst of all - the Australian prime minister losing her shoe in a scrum are the major topics an Objectivist list ought to be focused on?

And did you honestly take my criticism to be suggesting there should be -no- politics threads?

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> You're the would be squelcher. Frankly.

What you're doing is mindlessly "piling on" instead of recognizing a perfectly legitimate criticism: the list lately sometimes seems to be a politics discussion list because that's in many cases the majority of new threads.

Tell me the truth, did you honestly not notice this or do you -honestly think- Romney, Gingrich, the Republican primaries, Obama's latest offense, and - worst of all - the Australian prime minister losing her shoe in a scrum are the major topics an Objectivist list ought to be focused on?

And did you honestly take my criticism to be suggesting there should be -no- politics threads?

For heavens sake, Phil, the primaries are going on now and naturally people are interested in discussing them, even outsiders like me who have no stake in the outcome. The personalities of the pols are fascinating to say the least. And there's no "ought to focus" on OL, that is what makes it unique.

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Subject: Politicization Uber Alles

> the primaries are going on now

Carol, there is -always- something political going on; the cycle never ends.

It's an issue of ~balance~.

And my complaint with the press, with the evening news, with the media as well is the too-obsessive focus on politics stories. It's depressing when a supposed site for intellectuals, for the cultured, for those who supposedly have some interest in ideas, the arts, literature, etc. make the same mistake of "politicization" of their interests that the media is leading them by the nose toward. For a time on the old OWL or Atlantis lists there were always multiple threads going on technicla issues in philosophy - free will and determinism, etc. My complaint then was the out of balance in the other direction.

There is also the issue that the -content- of some of those threads can often tend to be numbingly boring and repetitious. The trivia. The minutiae. Reminds me of all those endlessly repetitious discussions about minutiae in the Iraq war which are fortunatley over. Ultimately the direction of the country is not going to be determined by minutiae about Mr. Mormon or Mr. Former Speaker. Or by political trivia huniting or politicized gossip. Unless they get to be President. (Or make it to the final content). Then will be the time to obsess over this.

And the thread about the Australian P.M. losing her shoe! YIKES!! WOW!!!! That is even less relevant and even more NewYorkPost - gossip columnish. That's - the tabloid or supermarket National Enquirer intellects is what pushed has me over the edge to screaming insanity...I see the men with the white coats approaching as we speak... :cool:

(Warning: I feel a rant coming on....)

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Subject: Politicization Uber Alles

> the primaries are going on now

Carol, there is -always- something political going on; the cycle never ends. It's an issue of balance and my complaint with the press, with the evening news, with the media is the too-obsessive focus on politics stories. It's depressing when a supposed site for intellectuals, for the cultured, for those who supposedly have some interest in ideas, the arts, literature, etc. make the same mistake of "politicization" of their interests that the media is leading them by the nose toward.

For a time on the old OWL or Atlantis lists there were always multiple threads going on technicla issues in philosophy - free will and determinism, etc. My complaint then was the out of balance in the other direction.

There is also the issue that the -content- of some of those threads can often tend to be numbingly boring and repetitious. Ultimately the direction of the country is not going to be determined by minutiae about Mr. Mormon or Mr. Former Speaker. Or by gossip.

Unless they get to be President. (Or make it to the final content). Then will be the time to obsess over this.

And the thread about the Australian P.M. losing her shoe! WOW!!!! That is even less relevant and even more NEwYorkPost - gossip columnish.

That's what pushed has me over the edge to screaming insanity...I see the men with the white coats approaching as we speak... :cool:

Free will and determinism are also omnipresent and their cycle never ends. You want to impose a balanced filing system on the ebb and flow of conversation.

Not your job.

If you want a rest from politics, check out the emerald tiara on the Order of Splendour. It's to die for, much less go insane.

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> You want to impose...

Big difference between 'imposing' and suggesting or criticizing.

> ...Not your job.

And, yeah, it is my job.

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> You want to impose...

Big difference between 'imposing' and suggesting or criticizing.

> ...Not your job.

And, yeah, it is my job.

OK, "Suggest imposing"., "Would like to impose", "Wish somebody would impose", "Why can't they see that they ought to impose?.."

Your job - yes, you are right in that everyone on a discussion forum can comment on its content freely, as you and I are, and long live that.

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> You're the would be squelcher. Frankly.

What you're doing is mindlessly "piling on" instead of recognizing a perfectly legitimate criticism: the list lately sometimes seems to be a politics discussion list because that's in many cases the majority of new threads.

Tell me the truth, did you honestly not notice this or do you -honestly think- Romney, Gingrich, the Republican primaries, Obama's latest offense, and - worst of all - the Australian prime minister losing her shoe in a scrum are the major topics an Objectivist list ought to be focused on?

And did you honestly take my criticism to be suggesting there should be -no- politics threads?

Gee, just put Adam on your "ignore" list. Problem solved. It's not my problem. I notice that Adam has greatly accelerated his postings with the political season and since he's a political animal what could be more natural?


Adam is now the #2 OL poster by quantity of posts and I've been reduced to #3, Sob!--what's next--4?

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[...] there's no "ought to focus" on OL [...].

Yes, there is, according to Phil. What he wants to see focused on in the proportion in which he wants it focused on is what ought to be focused on (here and on every other list where he's been a participant and where I've read posts).


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[...] there's no "ought to focus" on OL [...].

Yes, there is, according to Phil. What he wants to see focused on in the proportion in which he wants it focused on is what ought to be focused on (here and on every other list where he's been a participant and where I've read posts).


Why don’t we have an OL where all topics go to Phil for pre-approval, and how about all posts too, everything should be subject to moderation by Phil. This seems the only way to palliate the “footy-prints all over ma desert” issue that plagues this forum.

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Ninth Doctor that sly fellow of time travel and sonic thrust and power, well, he seems to be calling for a Palliative Ward for Objectivist Living comments. This is so thrillingly right.

Someone stern and ipso facto committed to the Church of Reason, Home-schooled-by-self-and-Peikoff, yearning yearning yearning to do the job. A palliative indeed, the Phil Coates Terminal Ward, where all comments go for a little red-pencil and white-out and rambling corrections and chidings. I see this as a further extension of the Coates Empire Of Production Notes, which has now grown ever so big.

Let's see. Six metric tons (tonnes) of notes in the garage. One book project horribly hobbled by Them. Another course outline suppressed by Bad Attitude. Reams and reams and reams of printouts from OWL list cul-de-sacs. A deeply churlish no-thanks-not-interested-enough-to-decline personal corner of insight, a no thanks you idiots OL blog, a no thanks fuck off online exposure to his Opus Mag. on Induction, a no thanks fuck off to publishing help, a no thanks fuck you to offers of assistance, a ban at Noodlefood, a ban at SOLOP, an inert account at RoR, and it sounds like a new fuck you in which Grundy is now witlessly insisting that her lesson plan shall be The Lesson Plan For All, and that her rulers are the rulers to smack pupils' knuckles and that is the way gawd planned it. Like a hideous and not-even-entertaining Lesson Plan Nine From Outer Space boxed-set DVD series all starring Mrs Grundy at the blackboard with her electric prods and her shackles and pincers and red pencils.

The Ick Factor of the Objectivish. It's Back. It's BAAAAACK. And it has infested Phil, again, it seems. It may be terminal this time and indeed we may require a palliative. I suggest my painless option, a form of doghouse or Devil's Island. We will not euthanize. We will isolate and soothe. We pipe in Broadway show tunes, the early Streisand, and some mad Ginette Reno/Opera Guy howlers. It is not a bad doghouse, as these things go.

This seems the only way to palliate the “footy-prints all over ma desert” issue that plagues this forum.


[Edited to add lustre to the acid finish, and to add this coda. Long ago, on SOLOP, I wrote a savage post called Own Goal for the Vicar of Diddly. It was accompanied by a savage image. Jonathan contributed a savage image. The administrator, lord of SOLO, removed the thread. My biggest hit to his amour propre, evah! He just could not stand it. Ha and double ha.

But here, during an earlier spasm of metaphor, an image from my Mexican Wrestling series, the hooded tormentors and heroes and villains and superstars. As I made clear at the time, not everyone is all bad. Some are like El Doctor Cerebro, below, kinda scary, but perhaps working for the good of Humankind. Hard to figure, but basically open to interpretation. Back then I had not hit upon the rich, endless seam of metaphor at the Schoolmarm Mine, opened I think by Jonathan and Ellen on a bare Kentucky hillside long ago). I use pictorials from Lucha Libre classic poster sites to illustrate my thesis that Objectivish devotees should don masks and make some money from their ritualized fantasies of personal destruction.

So, to the Phil in the doghouse, I think of you as El Doctor Cerebro, the Masked Prober, as well as Grundy.


Explained more fully at this hysterical reposting from SOLOP, "Que Wankero!" ]

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I don't get the picture of the guy in front of the blackboard with all the equations. It looks like there's a drawing of one person sprawled on the ground, and two people, the one on the right has a sword on his belt. What's it mean? It looks kind of goofy, but not what I think of when I hear the name "Grundy".

Next, on your youtube link, is that Kent Nagano conducting? I associate him with Munich (the Bavarian State Opera), not this kind of thing. I only got a glimpse of him at the beginning of the video, and no, I didn't make it to the end.

Finally, the "savage image". Could we see it? Or if we have already, could you identify which one it is?

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Finally, the "savage image". Could we see it? Or if we have already, could you identify which one it is?

Kind of thinking I lost it. It could still be there, still on an expired website of mine, and maybe properly retired, since I am much more forgiving and respectful of Ellen Stuttle at the moment, even regretful.

The image was a ventriloquist, a kind of woodcut image, with Linz as fingerer and, lawd help me, Ellen as the lapdancing Mr Hinge-mouth. Perhaps best forgotten by all.

The other image I allude to may also be lost. This was of Linz in full-on Vicar of Dibley/Diddly drag, with black pageboy hair, enormous bosom, and instead of a big cross on said bosom, a shining silver LANZA!

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It looks like there's a drawing of one person sprawled on the ground, and two people, the one on the right has a sword on his belt.



What's it mean? It looks kind of goofy, but not what I think of when I hear the name "Grundy"

You have seen the movie Dr Jeckyl and Mrs Grundy? Grundy is the character that roams London at night in heavy petticoats and tight corset, with a rule and a lesson plan, torturing and killing the wrongdoers while teaching them. I think it should be on Netflix.

Kent Nagano conducting? I associate him with Munich (the Bavarian State Opera), not this kind of thing. I only got a glimpse of him at the beginning of the video, and no, I didn't make it to the end.

What, after I made it clear that I too, like our inmate on Devil's Island, love Ginette Reno and Fais-mois la tendresse?

Well, the way I see it is, every national culture has its DIVA Deluxe and its Great Tenor, and in Quebec this is Ginette and whatsisname. And yes, everyone used the prestige of opera to blackmail such greats as Nagano to put themselves through the torture of conducting this national tearjerker deluxe. Of course, you understand that she, like Peikoff, will die soon, and thousands upon thousands upon thousands will attend her obseques and mound roses upon her giant coffin, and that this maudlin song will be played forevermore in Quebec, an eternal classic of pure big quebecoise voice from another era.

Just think if Ethel Merman could sing/had a beautiful instrument/if she had written number one hits over the span of forty years, if she was still alive at 132, still singing, now weighing in at 200 Kg, accompanied by the New York Philharfuckingmonic and invited guests, and got to warble out her most recent Number One Pop/Cross-over/Classical/Country smash hit. We would all tear up.

That is how dire it is, and why I caution you never to cross north of the 49th. It might kill you if you are not protected from the shock of people who are effortlessly crazier than the most crazed American.

Now, if that is not horrifying enough, just tell me. And please pretend you share Phil and my love for the rapturous Ginette and Opera Guy howling each others' lungs out. Poised on the precipice of taste, indeed. I dare you to listen to the end. Double triple dare. Because, dear Ninth, Timelord, you know who Bulent Ersoy is ... and you do NOT want me to post a video of Turkey's greatest DIVA belting out Turkish classical laments. Not until the children are in bed, anyway.

Some dumbass thinking that a frightening security breakdown for the Australian Prime Minister is not worthy of comment ...? This lardy dumbass should let himself off his chains and learn how to extract the pith from his environment, produce his own topical items, understand just what is fucking notable about Gilliard's shake-up.

You are so myopic and BroomUpAss sometimes, Phil. You really are.

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What's it mean? It looks kind of goofy, but not what I think of when I hear the name "Grundy"

You have seen the movie Dr Jeckyl and Mrs Grundy? Grundy is the character that roams London at night in heavy petticoats and tight corset, with a rule and a lesson plan, torturing and killing the wrongdoers while teaching them. I think it should be on Netflix.

Never even heard of it.

Now, if that is not horrifying enough, just tell me. And please pretend you share Phil and my love for the rapturous Ginette and Opera Guy howling each others' lungs out. Poised on the precipice of taste, indeed. I dare you to listen to the end. Double triple dare. Because, dear Ninth, Timelord, you know who Bulent Ersoy is ... and you do NOT want me to post a video of Turkey's greatest classical DIVA extraordinaire or all time here on OL. Not until the children are in bed, anyway.

Hey hey back off, this kind of thing is what gets the cycle of violence started. Northern Ireland, the Middle East, now OL? And in case you labor under the misapprehension that you're picking on an unarmed opponent, let me assure you that I have local horrors of my own, and like you I also have an international network of cringe inducers to draw on as well.

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Hey hey back off, this kind of thing is what gets the cycle of violence started. Northern Ireland, the Middle East, now OL? And in case you labor under the misapprehension that you're picking on an unarmed opponent, let me assure you that I have local horrors of my own, and like you I also have an international network of cringe inducers to draw on as well.

Okay, I will slowly de-escalate. If I must stay the giant bazooka that is Bulent Ersoy, then I will post Zeki Muren. Lovely, timeless voice, dull and plodding Turkish classical accompaniment, gently highlighted by Mr Muren's slow progression into full facial feminization. Beyond Liberace, yes, but not yet to Bulent Ersoy or Plan Nine. I withdraw my implicit threat of Total Classical Musical Video Warfare. And I bear in mind that many things have been and will be beloved, from Zeki Muren to Bulent Ersoy and Ginette Reno and well beyond, and whatever awful sentimental dreck is your own secret shame. I shall next find something tasteful and cleansing and pleasant, like Dame Kiri on the Muppets.

Thank you for keeping the cap on the Big Guns. Those should be reserved for Objectivish Armageddon, I suppose.

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Hey hey back off, this kind of thing is what gets the cycle of violence started. Northern Ireland, the Middle East, now OL? And in case you labor under the misapprehension that you're picking on an unarmed opponent, let me assure you that I have local horrors of my own, and like you I also have an international network of cringe inducers to draw on as well.

Okay, I will slowly de-escalate. If I must stay the giant cannon that is Bulent Ersoy, then I will post Zeki Muren. Lovely, timeless voice, dull, and plodding Turkish classical accompaniment, only highlighted by Mr Muren's slow progression into full facial feminization. Beyond Liberace, yes, but not yet to Bulent Ersoy or Plan Nine. I withdraw my implicit threat of Total Classical Musical Video Warfare.

Thank you for keeping the cap on the Big Guns. Those should be reserved for Objectivish Armageddon, I suppose.

This being ostensibly an Australian redhead thread, if there exists a crypto-duet of Nellie Melba and Joan Sutherland singing Home sweet Home, I beg and implore you both not to post it, in the name of global sanity.

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This being ostensibly an Australian redhead thread, if there exists a crypto-duet of Nellie Melba and Joan Sutherland singing Home sweet Home, I beg and implore you both not to post it, in the name of global sanity.


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