Protecting a Red Head - Australian PM Has Difficult Time With Aboriginal Demonstrators! Cannot Tie That Kangaroo Down, Mate!


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Can your fave do that indeed. I feel like I have had a high-colonic after listening to Joan, after screaming in laughter. Thanks you guys.

Now that I think about it, there is nothing scary about Bulent Ersoy's voice. Turkish classical singing seems all warble and moaning and screaming and clashing symbols and sobbing clarinets, but have a listen to this (do NOT look at it, you will be blinded): It seemed so freakish to me at first, but then I realized that the audience is Eating It Up. They love it. Listen to her at 3.33. She howls insanely for a good twenty seconds and the audience eats it with relish. And this is not pop music. This is 16th century torture/love song.

I guess what I could be saying is, "You think North American culture has degenerated? Get a load of this!" Oh, and this is the biggest Diva in the country run by the Islamist Menace Party that has its sights on Egypt, as I alluded to with the MB-GOP Wall Street Journal story elsewhere ... So, I will add an additional fuck you Richard to the doghouse.

Edited by william.scherk
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Can your fave do that indeed. I feel like I have had a high-colonic after listening to Joan, after screaming in laughter. Thanks you guys.

Now that I think about it, there is nothing scary about Bulent Ersoy's voice. Turkish classical singing seems all warble and moaning and screaming and clashing symbols and sobbing clarinets, but have a listen to this (do NOT look at it, you will be blinded): It seemed so freakish to me at first, but then I realized that the audience is Eating It Up. They love it. Listen to her at 3.33. She howls insanely for a good twenty seconds and the audience eats it with relish. And this is not pop music. This is 16th century torture/love song.

I guess what I could be saying is, "You think North American culture has degenerated? Get a load of this!"

Alas I can only look, because my computer is so decrepit, or maybe not alas. She could be a character in one of Nadel's mystery novels, ever read any? The detective is a wonderful Istanbul police officer Cetin Ekmin, henpecked but imperturbable father of eight, an atheist with a devout Muslim wife and a Jewish son-n-law. The writing is terrific and the taste of Turkey irresistible

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Alas I can only look, because my computer is so decrepit, or maybe not alas.

In that case it's probably safe to post these side by side. You could conceivably make a duet out of them by hitting play on both at the same time, but not with your decrepit gear.

You want to really go nuts? Try all three at once.

"You know I'm a dreamer, but my heart's of gold..." do these clowns steal their lyrics from the Monkees?

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Alas I can only look, because my computer is so decrepit, or maybe not alas.

In that case it's probably safe to post these side by side. You could conceivably make a duet out of them by hitting play on both at the same time, but not with your decrepit gear.

You want to really go nuts? Try all three at once.

"You know I'm a dreamer, but my heart's of gold..." do these clowns steal their lyrics from the Monkees?

Well, there's no doubt about it now. You really are a Time Lord.

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You guys got it all wrong.

Well, Phil does like to pose bossy, but the real deal is he was feeling lonely.

He wants the topic to be... er... Phil.

Ta Daa!


And it actually is his job to call attention to himself. No one else sure as hell will once we start discussing primaries and stuff like that.

As they say in Brazil, Quem não chora não mama. Very loosely translated (in order to make sense): The baby who doesn't cry doesn't get anything to suck on.



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In favour once more of Adam fetching this particular story up for inspection, I want to point out again what a large-ish story this was internationally (and how important a story it is in Australia). The actors in the drama (Tent city, Aboriginals, the PM, the Opposition leader, the fraught drama of protest politics) are present in one way or another in other English speaking countries and other democracies.

Here is a bit of a follow-up story from an Oz media source:

World's press compares Julia Gillard to Cinderella and Elvis: how the international media reported the Prime Minister's dramatic restaurant exit

January 27, 2012 - 10:44AM


Click to play video

Gillard's 'Cinderella story' goes global

Pictures of Prime Minister Julia Gillard being bundled to safety and losing a shoe in a protest have made headlines around the world.

"A kind of Cinderella story turned on its head."

That's just one of the ways international media described the dramatic incident when Prime Minister Julia Gillard was dragged to her car by her security detail following a protest outside Canberra's Lobby restaurant yesterday.

Footage of Ms Gillard's unceremonious exit from the Australia Day event was splashed across televisions, newspapers and websites around the world, with some news organisations focusing on the fact the Australian leader lost her shoe during the chaos.

"A fancy dinner. A hurried escape. A shoe left behind, found and offered back by an unlikely suitor," The New York Times reported.

"The story ... called to mind a kind of Cinderella story turned on its head, a combustible mixture of race, social status and the juxtaposition of a leader dining in a glass-walled restaurant only steps from a decades-old protest encampment," the paper continued.

"Visibly rattled" ... Prime Minister Julia Gillard is dragged away by her security detail. Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

The BBC said the Prime Minister and Opposition Leader Tony Abbott had to be "rescued" from the protesters, while Italy's news agency Agenzia Giornalistica Italia said she was "fleeing enraged aborigines".

The Sun News in Canada noted Ms Gillard lost her "blue-suede shoe" during the commotion - perhaps alluding to the 1950s rock 'n' roll track Blue Suede Shoes, famously sung by Elvis Presley.

Other news organisations noted Ms Gillard's look as she was rushed to her car by her protection officers, pointing out that she looked "visibly rattled" and "frightened".

New Zealand's Newstalk ZB said images of Ms Gillard looking afraid "could have a lasting impact" on her reputation.

"They're going to think 'Well, we've got a Prime Minister there who's frightened, and that's not really what we normally see here in Australia'," their Australian correspondent said.

But other media noted Ms Gillard told reporters later she was unscathed by the incident.

"I am made of pretty tough stuff and the police did a great job," Ms Gillard said yesterday.

Satirical US news website Wonkette said the tent embassy was "as if the Native American seizure of Alcatraz Island back in 1969 had lasted not for 18 months, but for four decades".

"A great inspiration to Occupation Movements worldwide, of course," it continued.

Some news organisations also elaborated on the debates and tensions surrounding the country's relationship with Aboriginal Australians.

"Australia Day marks the arrival of the first fleet of British colonists in Sydney on January 26, 1788. Many Aborigines call it Invasion Day because the land was settled without a treaty with traditional owners," Britain's Daily Mail reported.

"Relations between the Aboriginal community and Canberra's politicians have often been strained, with successive governments failing to overcome high rates of indigenous crime, poverty and poor health,"

London's Daily Telegraph noted, while Germany's Deutsche Presse-Agentur news agency focused on

health and social issues..

In the USA, a noted Objectivish also-ran, contract teacher and all-around cranky-but-loveable Philip Coates complained that the story was "boring": and "out of place": and a sign of degeneracy and imminent intellectual destruction the solution to which could only be to put him in charge of World News. His peers coughed politely.

Read more: http://www.brisbanet...l#ixzz1kd2qw7Bz

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Exactly. I have found her ascendency to PM to be quite a story. She has made some peculiar deals with the greens and the mining industrial power groups.

Andrew, another OL member, has given me some good perspective on her.

The aborigine story line is not only poignant, but captivating.

I was going to relocate to Australia in 1967. The Aussies were going to pay for it and set me up with a teaching position. It was tempting, but I was to entrenched with my life in NY City. Politics, NBI, libertarianism, family, community and of course women.

Plus, I think she is quite hot and a red head!

Glad you appreciated the story.


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Adam, you are welcome. We have to look out for each other with Mrs Grundy prowling the streets at night looking for offenders.

I actually, for a moment, forgot what thread I was in. My latest entry ties together the themes in one prickly package. Just for you, Adam, the connoisseur of political brawling. Maybe I can find some South Korean or Taiwanese legislature brawls. Politicians shoving each other around and whacking each other to capture the Speaker's Dais, it is almost a dance form.

Jordanian TV Debate on the Syrian Crisis Degenerates into a Brawl

The Internet, JoSat TV (Jordan) - November 29, 2011 - 05:10 embed courtesy of MEMRI-TV

In this one, we have some preliminary ranting from the crazy provocateur on the phone calling in, followed by a roaring rant from the rather large man on the right, then the skinny white haired man on the left alludes to the father of the big fellow. He mentions 'a certain sheik' who died in Palestine (West Bank of the Jordan river) and mentions that the Israeli defence forces opened the border for Jordanians to cross without permit. This further implies collusion with the IDF and Israel, thus a grave charge of Your Nutcase Father Slept With The Enemy.

Then Big Boy gets to ranting that his father died in Amman (true) and that white-haired guy is a liar (true) and that white haired guy is a scumbag (true). And then they get up and go at it. The modern history of Jordan in 300 seconds.

<iframe src="" width="604" height="356" frameborder="0"></iframe>

Oh, and this is what is playing in the Doghouse ...

Edited by william.scherk
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Ahh such a peaceful of milk and honey...

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Ahh such a peaceful of milk and honey...

We must count our blessings, such as they are.

Here is a couple of videos of thrilling full-contact legislating, the first from world-champion Taiwan, the next a 'best of legislative brawls and fisticuffs of power' from around the world. I especially like the Alabama Senate right hook.

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Subject: Reductio ad Ludicrous

> a frightening security breakdown for the Australian Prime Minister is..worthy of comment [WSS]

Right. Because brouhaha and embarrassment in Australia is directly relevant to American national interests. Why not start a thread on when a Burmese general fell down the steps of his airplane ladder? Or how a Czech prime minister spat on someone? Or how there was a riot in the Supreme Judiciary building in Japan?

In fact, let's turn this website into competition for a daily newspaper. Don't knock contemporary yellow journalism. Try to compete with it....I'm ready to start an entire thread just to post a video I have of the leader of South Korea picking his nose. Let's have an entire thread on a clip from National Enquirer showing a shot up Angela Merkel's skirt at Germany Day!!! (Without the mandatory sourcing "links" that la Ms. Stuttle seems to only be upset at missing when I'm the one who doesn't provide them.)

All very relevant and "topical" and "worthy of comment" for Objectivist trivial "news" collectors with spare neurons that need to be engaged and have been busily telling us what intelligent books they are reading.

Oh, I forgot....that was never very topical or worthy of comment. Would require too much actual thought and work compared to "snipping" from a tabloid story.

> In favour once more of Adam fetching this particular story up for inspection, I want to point out again what a large-ish story this was internationally (and how important a story it is in Australia). [WSS]

Reaaally? You're going to use the fact that our current low-level, sensationalist, scandal-hunting, yellow journalists and media as an -example-? SERIOUSLY???? And using the fact that something is important for now in Australian politics as a reason it should be comparably important in ours?

You're kidding, right?

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Subject: Reductio ad Ludicrous

My fellow logicians, I'm trying to figure out whether we're dealing here with:

Argument By Repetition (Argument Ad Nauseam)


Argument By Pigheadedness (Doggedness)


I suppose it could be both. Thoughts?

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Subject: Reductio ad Ludicrous

> a frightening security breakdown for the Australian Prime Minister is..worthy of comment [WSS]

Right. Because brouhaha and embarrassment in Australia is directly relevant to American national interests.

So the Aughtofocus on OL is "American national interests". No need for all those other silly forums and subforums then.


interested international observer

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Subject: Reductio ad Ludicrous

> a frightening security breakdown for the Australian Prime Minister is..worthy of comment [WSS]

Right. Because brouhaha and embarrassment in Australia is directly relevant to American national interests.

So the Aughtofocus on OL is "American national interests". No need for all those other silly forums and subforums then.


interested international observer

No need for Phil to comment on them if his interests are elsewhere.


it's interesting that what goes down down under is necessarily not of concern or interest to Americans

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Subject: Reductio ad Ludicrous

> a frightening security breakdown for the Australian Prime Minister is..worthy of comment [WSS]

Right. Because brouhaha and embarrassment in Australia is directly relevant to American national interests. Why not start a thread on when a Burmese general fell down the steps of his airplane ladder? Or how a Czech prime minister spat on someone? Or how there was a riot in the Supreme Judiciary building in Japan?

In fact, let's turn this website into competition for a daily newspaper. Don't knock contemporary yellow journalism. Try to compete with it....I'm ready to start an entire thread just to post a video I have of the leader of South Korea picking his nose. Let's have an entire thread on a clip from National Enquirer showing a shot up Angela Merkel's skirt at Germany Day!!! (Without the mandatory sourcing "links" that la Ms. Stuttle seems to only be upset at missing when I'm the one who doesn't provide them.)

All very relevant and "topical" and "worthy of comment" for Objectivist trivial "news" collectors with spare neurons that need to be engaged and have been busily telling us what intelligent books they are reading.

Oh, I forgot....that was never very topical or worthy of comment. Would require too much actual thought and work compared to "snipping" from a tabloid story.

> In favour once more of Adam fetching this particular story up for inspection, I want to point out again what a large-ish story this was internationally (and how important a story it is in Australia). [WSS]

Reaaally? You're going to use the fact that our current low-level, sensationalist, scandal-hunting, yellow journalists and media as an -example-? SERIOUSLY???? And using the fact that something is important for now in Australian politics as a reason it should be comparably important in ours?

You're kidding, right?

You're simply getting it shoved right back into your face. Since you don't yet get it you'll probably get twenty more. You're being told to take your schoolmarmism and fuck off this thread. Time and time again you jump into threads the subject of no interest to you to lecture about thread posting etiquette. Time and again you make the thread all about you and your crap. When you left ten months ago I didn't miss you for a single day. Let me make it real simple and clear for you: DON'T TEACH ON ME!


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> So the Aughtofocus on OL is "American national interests".

No Carol, this would be a dumb thread even if it were domestic, even if it were on how a major political figure were rescued from a mob and lost a shoe. And especially if it were part of, I'll repeat again, out of balance focus on politics.

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> You're being told to take your schoolmarmism and fuck off this thread [brant]

And I'm telling -you- to fuck off, you moronic asshole who almost never makes a post longer than a paragraph or which is grammatical or makes any half-coherent sense.

> Time and time again you jump into threads the subject of no interest to you to lecture about thread posting etiquette.

Character issues and whining:

Time and again, you and your "snark pack" brothers need to learn to accept when someone 'teaches at you'** with important lessons about character, conduct, reading skills, thinking and fallacies.

**I suspect the gnashing of teeth, the tortured howling, the shoot the messenger insults may come when the shoe fits a bit too tightly :o

What a small group of you guys do instead is whine about side issues like whether there is a link to something which only appeared a few posts ago, stew in sullen foot-draggin, insulting, contemptuous "hey, yoiu patronizin' at me??" resentment. You remind me of hoods drawn over their heads, pants down around the ankles, flunkie juveniles hunched down in the back row fuming over past slights and whining over minor injury.

(Really gets boring when you guys keep repeating this.)

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..... moronic asshole who almost never makes a post longer than a paragraph ,,,,,

Is this a transgression on a discussion forum? Many of Brant's one-liners are in fact essentialisations of a complex topic, and could be expanded into multipara posts, articles, nay even books if he felt like it. The most recent "what goes down down under" eg. It's a topic sentence for many areas of thought -the isolationist strain in American history being the most obvious. - and stimulates ideas in the reader.

I have read quite a few long annotated posts which cannot be said to do the same.

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> Is this a transgression on a discussion forum?

it's a response to his telling me to fuck off. Dish it out, you gotta take it.

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> You're being told to take your schoolmarmism and fuck off this thread [brant]

And I'm telling -you- to fuck off, you moronic asshole who almost never makes a post longer than a paragraph or which is grammatical or makes any half-coherent sense.

> Time and time again you jump into threads the subject of no interest to you to lecture about thread posting etiquette.

Character issues and whining:

Time and again, you and your "snark pack" brothers need to learn to accept when someone 'teaches at you'** with important lessons about character, conduct, reading skills, thinking and fallacies.

**I suspect the gnashing of teeth, the tortured howling, the shoot the messenger insults may come when the shoe fits a bit too tightly :o

What a small group of you guys do instead is whine about side issues like whether there is a link to something which only appeared a few posts ago, stew in sullen foot-draggin, insulting, contemptuous "hey, yoiu patronizin' at me??" resentment. You remind me of hoods drawn over their heads, pants down around the ankles, flunkie juveniles hunched down in the back row fuming over past slights and whining over minor injury.

(Really gets boring when you guys keep repeating this.)

This is really funny. Phil, in your innocence you don't know how to hurt people. You actually are an innocent soul.


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Phil, in your innocence you don't know how to hurt people. You actually are an innocent soul.


That's one of the reasons I like him.

A little girl thowing a tantrum is still a little girl and I think little girls are adorable.

(I kinda forced the metaphor there, but you get my drift. Phil doesn't know how to be evil for real. He only knows how to be a pain in the patootie being a brat while play-acting at badass stuff.)



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> you don't know how to hurt people.

What makes you think my purpose is to hurt people? Not exactly a skill I'd want to spend time acquiring.

My purpose in the second part of the post was to teach like a schoolmarm - to instruct or explain to the recalcitrant. Sometimes with the obstinate you have to use "Scherckian" over-the-top language. to get people to see that how they are behaving like people they would not admire. You don't try to rap knuckles otherwise. That's sort of a last resort.

(I thought the metaphor of the recalcitrant flunkies slash juvenile delinquents was sort of clever and vivid, actually. -- Phil pats himself on the back.)

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> you don't know how to hurt people.

What makes you think that's my purpose?

My purpose in the second part of the post was to instruct or explain to the recalcitrant - sometimes you have to use Scherckian over-the-top language. to get people to see that how they are behaving like people they would not admire.

I had never thought you ever had such a purpose--I had never thought about it at all 'til now.


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It ain't working.

Ain't nobody listening to your message.

Your skill at manipulation technique is way too obvious. And I really hesitated to use the word "skill" here. I'm just giving you Brownie points for persistence.

Try this: How to Persuade People Who Don't Want to be Persuaded: Get What You Want-Every Time! by Joel Bauer (and Mark Levy)

It's not a great book, but it'll get you started. At least learn what the fright challenge is for Krisssakes.

If you are so committed to the schoolmarm schtick that you're gonna keep presenting it even with all those tomatoes and rotten eggs flying at you from the audience, and you really do want people to take you seriously, it'll take some serious work. Schoolmarm is a hard act to pull off as hero in any setting. It's a petty villain stock character and archetype, so good luck on turning that one around.

But it can be done. Not as easy as the prostitute with the heart of gold, but possible. To do it, you gotta jazz it up a whole lot or be a hot woman. And you ain't no hot woman, that's for sure.

So get to work. You gotta lotta learning to do.

Your act is corny the way it is right now. And worse, your audience thinks you're a clown to laugh at, not a sage.

And don't blame anyone but yourself. You're the one who gets up on stage all the time. If you didn't, nobody would laugh at you. So learn your craft--the passion is obviously there and the skill is learnable--and stop being a stinker.

That's not nice, maybe, but that's show biz...


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