Linz has accomplished your purposes


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My brain is hurting badly from trying to understand what happened to Janet's wretched blog, and I have given up trying to understand it all, but what she wrote on solo says that MSK has had purposes which Lindsay P has accomplished.

Does this mean a possible new rapprochement in O-politics, could somebody enlighten? The BOW office is open till 11. if Ravi answers just speak slowly.

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I moved this from the Tech section (which is supposed to help people with technical issues in using the forum and things like that).

I'm not going to waste too much time on this poster except to say that repeating a lie will not make it true. I'm only dealing with it out of respect for you since you started a new thread about it.

Here's the short story.

The lady made spelling mistakes and sent people to the wrong place. Her blog was not hacked at all. We thought it was because we thought we were going to it. But we were not. We were going somewhere else--to a site where a blog did not exist and never existed.

Then Adam (Selene) got confused with Google's instructions at the empty place and ended up setting up a blog by mistake. Since you only need to fill in a few blanks and hit send, that was an easy mistake to make.

That's all that happened. The rest is gobbledygook and delusional outbursts.

Ah... there is something else. This dork is so dumb that she doesn't realize who the person is who actually deletes her stuff. He's a bully like she tries to be so she sucks up to him. Likes attract... it's complicated... But talk about confirmation bias on steroids. In Objectivism, this is called a blank-out.

Feel sorry for her. Don't hate her.

She's old and scared of dying and doesn't know what to do about it.


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I moved this from the Tech section (which is supposed to help people with technical issues in using the forum and things like that).

I'm not going to waste too much time on this poster except to say that repeating a lie will not make it true. I'm only dealing with it out of respect for you since you started a new thread about it.

Here's the short story.

The lady made spelling mistakes and sent people to the wrong place. Her blog was not hacked at all. We thought it was because we thought we were going to it. But we were not. We were going somewhere else--to a site where a blog did not exist and never existed.

Then Adam (Selene) got confused with Google's instructions at the empty place and ended up setting up a blog by mistake. Since you only need to fill in a few blanks and hit send, that was an easy mistake to make.

That's all that happened. The rest is gobbledygook and delusional outbursts.

Ah... there is something else. This dork is so dumb that she doesn't realize who the person is who actually deletes her stuff. He's a bully like she tries to be so she sucks up to him. Likes attract... it's complicated... But talk about confirmation bias on steroids. In Objectivism, this is called a blank-out.

Feel sorry for her. Don't hate her.

She's old and scared of dying and doesn't know what to do about it.


Michael, thanks for explaining, I was frivolous to take more of your time by posting this here. i am also old and scared of dying, though not tired of living and I don't know anyone who isn't. What I do about it is tote as few bales as possible and take the odd swim in Ole Man River, and I couldn't hate her, even if you told me to.But I don't feel sorry for her either. I feel sorry for those who suffer sorrow, and I have no evidence that she does.

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There's no shame in fearing death. We all do.

For myself, I have chosen the path of trying to savor each moment of my precious life while I've got it. I don't always succeed, but I go for it.

I see dork wasting what's left of hers playing a sick game of getting close to people so she can later blame them for her woes.

Her life is precious, too.

It saddens me to see what she does.

But it's her life, her choices.

Maybe shooting for madness hurts less than facing the fear for some...


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