These People Have To Be Defeated And Driven From Our Land...


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I don’t care if you’re a Republican or a Democrat—this is just plain creepy:


I’ve mentioned the existence of the “Obama Flag” before, but this one is flying outside the Democratic Party HQ in Lake County, FL. Apparently their “Che Guevara Flag” was at the cleaners…

A short confrontation at the Democratic office ended when party chairwoman Nancy Hurlbert took down the controversial flag, which had been flying under an American flag on the same flagpole.

"It's a cult of personality to show his face, like Stalin or Mao," said John Masterjohn, a former Marine and retired schoolteacher from
. "It's despicable. They don't realize how sick they are."

There’s a lot of talk in the elite media about President Obama’s recent plunge in the polls. Most people assume it’s related to gas prices, but in fact that doesn’t seem to be the case. Some say it’s that the real economy is struggling much more than the “reported” economy (as I write in the Boston Herald today).

But I think a significant number of voters are put off by the slavish devotion of the O-bots. Americans generally reject the notion of worshipping our political leaders, but that often seems to be precisely what Team Obama demands.

If you point out the obvious failures of the Obama “stimulus” or ObamaCare, you’re attacked as “racist” or a “hater.” But these policies have nothing to do with race or hate, so clearly the reason these criticisms are unacceptable isn’t because of the policies, but because of the person—Barack Obama—who endorsed them.

To put it another way, we’re not allowed to criticize the Dear Leader even when he’s wrong.

That’s not an American attitude. But in North Korea, it would be very familiar indeed.

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An American flag with President Obama's image in place of the stars flew over a Florida county's Democrat headquarters long enough to enrage local veterans who called the altered banner "a disgrace."

Lake County Democratic Party officials took down the flag, which flew just below a standard Old Glory on the flagpole outside headquarters in Tavares following complaints by local veterans. But merely taking it down wasn't enough for several local veterans, who said they fought for the flag Betsy Ross made famous, not one with a politician on it.

"It's absolutely disrespectful," Jim Bradford, a 71-year-old veteran who participated in the Bay of Pigs Invasion told "It's totally ridiculous. To put somebody's picture there, to me, it's a disgrace to do that."

Bradford, an organizer with the Veterans Memorial at Fountain Park in Leesburg, Fla., snapped photos of the flag and distributed them to fellow veterans and friends. By late afternoon, he and several other veterans delivered a copy of the federal flag code to Nancy Hurlbert, chairwoman of the Lake County Democratic Party.

"We read that to her, but she would not accept that," Bradford said. "The discussion finally got a little bit heated."

The flag, which had been flying for several months without complaint and is available online for $12.95, was later removed by Hurlbert. Bradford said Hurlbert apologized for the incident, but did not offer any promises that it wouldn't fly again.

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OK defeat them...but um, where were you thinking of driving them to? We haven't recovered from the Bush refugees yet.

Just wondering from undisclosed location

I was thinking of the Atlantic Ocean.

Kinda a Red Sea biblical splash and revenge for all the bullshit about melting ice caps and rising sea levels.

A Marine airlift into Afghanistan might be workable. If they survived the drop from fifty feet they could become foreign exchange students

Not the women of course.

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OK defeat them...but um, where were you thinking of driving them to? We haven't recovered from the Bush refugees yet.

Just wondering from undisclosed location

I was thinking of the Atlantic Ocean.

Kinda a Red Sea biblical splash and revenge for all the bullshit about melting ice caps and rising sea levels.

A Marine airlift into Afghanistan might be workable. If they survived the drop from fifty feet they could become foreign exchange students

Not the women of course.

You are right, in Afghanistan the women would certainly not be allowed to be students.

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That flag is despicable because Obama is anti-American, and anti patriotism. I remember those Che posters in all Democrat offices in 2008. It is odd how people like Ed Schultz or Matt Damon truly hate their country so they rant viciously against republicans. If it were up them, we would be in reeducation camps.

I rented “Contagion” with Matt Damon from Netflix and watched it last night. It was packed with cameo’s from Hollywood’s elite Progressives. It put me to sleep, but I could tell it was a propaganda vehicle like that Kill Koby video. Progressives are quite willing to use violence to get their way.

Peter Taylor

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  • 4 weeks later...

Apparently, the person who put up the flag is a veteran and has no intention of taking it down. Also, it appears that there is nothing in the by-laws of the association concerning the flying of the American Flag.

The mid-Atlantic might widely be seen as a pro-Obama region of the United States, but apparently there’s such a thing as going too far even there – and a sleepy neighborhood full of senior citizens has just drawn the line. After an Obama supporter brought home three flags which replaced the stars on the American flag with a giant picture of President Obama’s face, many in the community – whose residents include some military veterans – expressed anger.

However, and it is not mentioned in this report, the placement of the repulsive face of the current occupant of the White House on the American Flag, is in violation of the Federal Flag Code, Public Law 94-344 (g) which clearly states that:

(g) The flag should never have placed upon it, nor on any part of it, nor attached to it
any mark, insignia, letter, word, figure, design, picture, or drawing of any nature.

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Apparently, the person who put up the flag is a veteran and has no intention of taking it down. Also, it appears that there is nothing in the by-laws of the association concerning the flying of the American Flag.

The mid-Atlantic might widely be seen as a pro-Obama region of the United States, but apparently there’s such a thing as going too far even there – and a sleepy neighborhood full of senior citizens has just drawn the line. After an Obama supporter brought home three flags which replaced the stars on the American flag with a giant picture of President Obama’s face, many in the community – whose residents include some military veterans – expressed anger.

However, and it is not mentioned in this report, the placement of the repulsive face of the current occupant of the White House on the American Flag, is in violation of the Federal Flag Code, Public Law 94-344 (g) which clearly states that:

(g) The flag should never have placed upon it, nor on any part of it, nor attached to it
any mark, insignia, letter, word, figure, design, picture, or drawing of any nature.

"Flag code"!? Hey, how about the criminal behavior centered in the White House?


torches and pitchforks!

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