Play Nice Party Plans 1: Tea and Crumpets

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Now that everyone has committed to the election night Play Nice Party, like always it is left to the Few to do the actual work, so I expect the input of Everyone to be less feeble than usual as the Few have sketched out a few ideas.

Theme, a Feast of Reason. In the spirit of Agape Carol and Ellen (maybe Angela, we don't know how she feels about shoes) will appear in classical Greek dress barefoot, bearing Cornucopiae contents to be determined.

Menu: tea, beer and cucumber sandwiches as expected at any civilised gathering. Doritos for the Beck fans. We might hire a Michelle Obama impersonator to playfully snatch these from selected guests.

Applicants for the special appearance of Bacchus are being considered. (Soloists not welcome, sorry)

Transportation - who else but the Ninth Doctor? If anyone can persuade the occupants of an intergalactic vehicle to cooperate in getting it out of a ditch, it must surely be he. And to persuade the occupants into the vehicle in the first place, he will need assistance - we suggest he check out Emmerdale Farm.

There might be a surprise guest!

More updates to follow as your creative input comes bounding in!

--no, Adam, that 2009 Welcome Wagon inventory you have been trying to unload for 3 years is not "creative input", though your description of it is.

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