Sarkozy Sucks The Big One!! Proving Once Again How Good The French Are At Losing!!


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Definitely not sure that this is a website that can be trusted, but here it is...

Hollande Beats Sarkozy in French Election


Michel Euler/Associated Press

President Nicolas Sarkozy addressed supporters in Paris.


Published: May 6, 2012

<p class="shareTools shareToolsThemeClassic articleShareToolsTop shareToolsInstance" data-description="A closely watched presidential election between the incumbent Nicolas Sarkozy and the Socialist candidate François Hollande is expected to have significant impact on Europe and the euro." data-shares="facebook,twitter,google,email,showall|Share,print,singlepage,reprints,ad" data-title="Hollande Beats Sarkozy in French Election" data-url="">

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PARIS — François Hollande swept to victory on Sunday, becoming the first Socialist to become president of France since François Mitterrand left office in 1995.


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Mr. Hollande campaigned on a kinder, gentler, more inclusive France, but his victory over President Nicolas Sarkozy will also be seen as a challenge to the German-dominated policy of economic austerity in the euro zone, which is suffering from recession and record unemployment.

French voters may not like belt-tightening, but both Mr. Hollande and Mr. Sarkozy had promised to balance the budget in the next five years. The vote was viewed domestically as a rejection of the unpopular Mr. Sarkozy himself and his relentless effort to appeal to the voters of the far right National Front. Mr. Sarkozy is the first incumbent president to lose since 1981.

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You don't trust the AP to report an election result?

The Associated Progressives? Well until Jerry confirms that it is a trusted site, I won't believe anything!

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Absolutely amazing. What can it be but the French resting on their cultural

laurels,and becoming complacent about their renowned rationality and Liberty?

To now descend to the most irrational principles - a "Hobson's Choice" between

racism and Socialism? Only Germany remains with integrity intact.

Is Europe imploding?

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Cozying up to the LePen family is thoroughly disgusting. (Although no one seems to care about Hollande cozying up to the remnant Communist party in France.)

Even worse, a book recently published in France implicates Sarkozy and several of his lieutenants in helping certain wealthy persons evade taxes.

So if there'd been more popular support for Sarkozy, it would have been along the lines of "Votez l'escroc, pas le socialo."

Robert Campbell

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The French parliamentary elections of June 17 will determine how nutty things get in the short term. Long term, all these elections are irrelevant as the euro continues its march to oblivion followed by the EU. Then it's our turn as the paper-money world retreats in so far as it can into hard assets as unpayable debts are inflated away and the value of bonds goes south. If you pretend it's early 1930 again you can see the future, only it's going to be even worse.


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Sarkozy was lousy.

Hollande gives every indication of being much worse.

Amazing how dysfunctional the French can be.

Robert Campbell

"Brother, you asked for it" AR

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I'm looking on the bright side. The French election will send a lot of human and financial capital to the US. If the Euro goes down the toilet France will be affordable as a tourist destination.

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If a civil war broke out in France how would we explain both sides surrendering and to whom?

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The bogeyman of "austerity measures" is sure sorting out the lambs from the sheep.

Has there been a solitary Socialist in Greece or France who has bravely stood up

and decried:- "Brothers, all you are doing is making others - our own unborn

children, and our hard-working German comrades - suffer and carry the debt-load. This is counter to our altruist convictions. The sacrifice must be our own."

Haven't heard of one.

It's doubtful any Socialist can ever again claim with a straight face that Socialism unselfishly cares for humanity.

(200 years of progress, French-style:

Marie Antoinette (- 1816) "The peasants have no bread? Then let them eat cake!" [apocryphal]

Democratic France: (2012) "We demand to eat our cake, and still have it!" )


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