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Bilderbergers want Ron Paul dead. If by some miracle Ron Paul gets elected, he will be assassinated. Obama is bird cage liner to be thrown out and replaced by Romney or whoever the Bilderbergers decide, and then he too will become bird cage liner to be thrown out and replaced.

Elections are phony. Don't matter who you vote for. What matters is who counts the votes or who the voting machine votes for. All elections should be assumed dishonest until proved honest. There is no way to prove that elections are honest. They probably know right now who will win and the election is probably just a formality.

The Powers That Be are crookeder than a dog's hind leg and lower than a snake's belly.

Some day the people will strike back. That's what the FEMA concentration camps are for. You oppose the Powers That Be, that's where you go.

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She is a selective distorter...several of the daily Rasmussen tracking polls have Romney beating the excuse for a President.

Additionally, Rasmussen does not project the Electoral vote, but the total national percentages of the vote which are indicative of absolutely nothing in terms of electing a President.

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Since Selene second sentence contradicts his first perhaps he doesn't like TokenLibertarianGirl for some other reason. Me, I like her a lot, though I might disagree with ther on a few things here and there.

Setting aside Rasmussen and what TLG makes of his polls, there are reasons to think Ron Paul would beat Obama. Come to think of it, there are reasons to think a ham sandwich would beat Obama.

Against my better judgement I glanced briefly at the post by the monkey. This thread is not about elections or Ron Paul, it's about TLG. After watching half a dozen of her videos I think she's terrific. Here's her latest, about the recent ban on big sodas in New York City:

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I did not say I did not like her, I merely made a correction that was directed towards how people selectively distort and selectively retain information.

I think she is exuberant, effervescent and energetic in her exposition of the economic ecstasy of capitalism.

Bloomberg is an extremely dangerous statist. This is a test run and it is appalling how many people are "swallowing" this stupidity.

As to monkey see monkey do, Jerry is an intelligent man, but he is completely invested in the global conspiracies. He could be right, but then again, he could be completely insane.

I am selective with the "information" he puts out and I try to check as much as possible.


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