Check out these next generation Drones

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All the more reason for never registering any weapon and to begin to stock pile highly explosive shells.

What if these drones were sent out against politicians?


Then the ammunition would be used to give them cover fire.

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All the more reason for never registering any weapon and to begin to stock pile highly explosive shells.

What if these drones were sent out against politicians?


Then the ammunition would be used to give them cover fire.

I went in to see the doctor. Many questions. Obviously someone else had supplied the questions. "Any firearms in the house?" "None of your business." "It's a matter of safety." Note, he didn't ask me if I rode a motorcycle without a helmet or flew small airplanes. This is all tied into my SS # and electronic record keeping. I wonder what box he checked? Defensive? Might have guns?


being paranoid doesn't mean they aren't out to get you

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Name: ____________________

Rank: Citizen

Serial/Social Security Number: ___________________

That is all the information to provide.

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Name: ____________________

Rank: Citizen

Serial/Social Security Number: ___________________

That is all the information to provide.

In the army in the 1960s you were issued a service number. Today the service number and the social are the same. You had to drill your service number into your brain. Mine was RA (Regular Army) 19821658. No member of the armed forces has ever been issued a "serial number."

If taken prisoner you were obligated to give your name, rank and service number and zip your lip. The Japanese in WWII were not expected to surrender, ever, so if any were taken prisoner they tended to be easy interrogatees.

I do not know if today a member of the armed forces is asked for his social or his service number, although they are one and the same. I hope they call it a service number, that being considerably less degrading IMHO.


I hate socialism, especially when I was in the army which was very much socialistic with a big dollop of fascism--In the 1960s a good soldier hated garrison duty and loved to go to war for that and other reasons--in war the bullshit is only shit--I sent a letter to a certain woman in Washington D.C. in mid-1966, Billie Alexander, and asked her to get me out of Ft. Bragg and into Vietnam--she did it as she did for so many other Special Forces--she handled SF assignments all over the world where SF went, which actually wasn't all over the world then as it is now--I joined the army in 1964, sluiced into service by the draft as so many millions of others were then, and was due to go to photography school at Ft. Dix, N.J.--in basic training I was recruited into SF--my brother as a Marine was ordered to go to that same army school a year or so later and became a great photographer in the competence and mentorship of Ansel Adams--ironical--after light weapons training (Ft. Ord) and jump school (Ft. Benning) I arrived at Ft. Bragg and SF Training Group--that was wild--my bunk was made up all ready for me with a cherry on top (I was a cherry jumper with only five jumps)--the bastards had short-sheeted the bed--in the AM we'd fall out for revelry then dis-assemble and re-assemble for our classes, if we had classes, if we didn't a bunch of us would form up into a phony class and march out of the company and avoid alternative duty--one of us took flying lessons at the local airstrip and the rest would go off and goof off--I had requested commo training which was like 10 weeks of learning Morse code but decided to change to medical training, temporary duty to Ft. Sam Houston, Texas and a much longer training regime--I got to help take care of General Eisenhower (Ft Gordan, Georgia, 1965)--all in all I spent almost two years training and one year in Vietnam--anyway, the Commanding Officer, a Lt. Col. Smith, was responsible for our behavior in Texas even though he was helpless in North Carolina, so someone must have chewed his ass about party-time at Ft. Sam, so all us 51 of us going to Sam were assembled in one room and this jerk comes storming in making us jerk to our feet at attention and starts bawling us out about minding our pees and quees in Texas--yak, yak, yak--when we came back, he was still there, we did party, btw, and some of us, not me, were assigned to clean his office at night where, I was told by one of them, were a rack of pipes on his desk--a perfect time and way to practice inserting a rectal thermometer without using one--don't fuck with your men--oh, yeah, why?-- superficial why (I was callow, I was young)--I went to Vietnam to fight and kill communists--communists with guns--in Cambodia, November 1966 . . .

For what it's worth, when I was 14 (1958), I fantasized about going to Cuba and fighting with Castro . . .

When I was 11 (1955) I wanted to be with the Hungarian Freedom Fighters and wondered when President Eisenhower was going to help them--that's when I really got started with this shit

And that's why I went to Vietnam to fight communists, really, I wasn't a hypocrite, just ignorant

And the beat goes on--the soldier's beat, the ignorant soldier's beat, for men--most men--are genetically programmed to do this--to fight--and to this day it is me and part of me and I can still do it as long as I can go piss a little more often and don't have to run too far

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