Ron Paul's "Audit the Fed" bill, H.R. 459 passes unanimously


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This from site, predicted to pass in the House of Representatives


Reason’s Brian Doherty outlines some important provision details in Ron Paul’s Audit the Fed bill which passed House committee last week:

This morning, the U.S. House of Representatives Oversight and Government Reform Committee unanimously passed Ron Paul’s latest “Audit the Fed” bill, H.R. 459.

The bill would eliminate certain restrictions that now exist on any audits done on the Federal Reservefrom 31 U.S.C. 714, such as:

Audits of the Board and Federal reserve banks may not include—

(1) transactions for or with a foreign central bank, government of a foreign country, or nonprivate international financing organization;

(2) deliberations, decisions, or actions on monetary policy matters, including discount window operations, reserves of member banks, securities credit, interest on deposits, and open market operations;

(3) transactions made under the direction of the Federal Open Market Committee; or

(4) a part of a discussion or communication among or between members of the Board and officers and employees of the Federal Reserve System related to clauses (1)–(3) of this subsection.

Again, the above are the existing restrictions that H.R. 459, if it eventually passes the full House and then becomes law in unaltered or unamended form, will eliminate from Fed audits.">>>

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A good first step.

Will it pass the House?

If it does, it will die in the Senate with it's current composition.


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Won't happen. Hell will freeze over before they audit the fed in any proper way.

What ought to happen is everyone in the fed should get the death penalty for making phony money. But that won't happen.

Go to sleep. Give in to world totalitarianism.

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Won't happen. Hell will freeze over before they audit the fed in any proper way.

What ought to happen is everyone in the fed should get the death penalty for making phony money. But that won't happen.

Go to sleep. Give in to world totalitarianism.


We got it.

We know you are a cynical nihilist.

Repetition merely becomes boring.


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Why would it die in the Senate? Are you suggesting that there are Senators who have benefitted from campaign contributions from owners of the federal reserve banks? Or might they have a stake in the banks themselves?

As if you didn't know, that is why I think the main stream media has given Ron Paul virtually no print media attention. The owners of the MSM also rub elbows with the owners of the federal banking cartel.

I am not sure of the quote but a banker named Rothchild once said, and I paraphrase: give me control of a nation's currency and I care not who makes its laws.

No wonder the private owners of the Federal Reserve Banking system are profiting from the interest payments on the hundreds of billions if not trillions they have produced our of thin air and loaned to our government since 1913.

No wonder the Fed was so eager to take advantage of every opportunity to buy Treasury Bonds paid for with their thin air funds.

I think one main reason Ron Paul didn't get enough delegates was because many of his supporters were not registered Republican and couldn't vote for delegates at those special meetings at which delegates were nominated and elected.

How I wish he had.

I wonder how much attention Ron Paul will get at his rally in Tampa before the convention?

He means business and his supporters are energetic and motivated. Witness the growth of the students for liberty worldwide. This movement will just keep growing until it wins.

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Won't happen. Hell will freeze over before they audit the fed in any proper way.

What ought to happen is everyone in the fed should get the death penalty for making phony money. But that won't happen.

Go to sleep. Give in to world totalitarianism.

And all the people who have benefited from the phony money--and that's what it is--death?


the die off has begun--listen to the starving children starve

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Paragraph 19 of the Coinage Act of 1792 calls for the death penalty for anyone debasing the dollar. Google it. I think it referred to those working in the mint and actually making the coins, 371.25 grains of silver per dollar, virtually identical to the circulating Spanish milled dollars being used by the Colonists at the time.

I just finished reading John Galvin's The Minute Men which is the most detailed historical account of the battle of Lexington and Concord and the background of the rise of the militia and the minute men among the "provincials." Inspiring!

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The Constitution should be enforced with the death penalty.

I will not waive consecutive translation of this one!

What the fuck does that sentence even attempt to mean?

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The Constitution should be enforced with the death penalty.

I will not waive consecutive translation of this one!

What the fuck does that sentence even attempt to mean?

The Constitution is the highest law. Laws must be enforced. What good is a law that is not enforced? But there is no chance that the Constitution will ever be enforced. So the prez can ignore it whenever he feels like it.

If men were real men, with gravel in their gut and spit in their eye and fire in their blood, they would march into Washington and take the prez and some others out by force. Like they did to Milosevic in Yugoslavia.

From the Declaration of Independence:

We hold these truths to be
, that
all men are created equal
, that they are endowed by their
with certain
unalienable Rights
that among these are
Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness
. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the
consent of the governed
, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the
Right of the People to alter or to abolish it
, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.
But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute
, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.

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Nice quote...

Beautifully written and one of the greatest documents know to man...

I must have missed the death penalty part and the Constitution part because this is the Declaration of Independence which by reference is one of our founding documents.

So where is the Constitution and the death penalty that you started with?

Again bluster and banter is a poor excuse for a cogent logic.


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JTS, Jerry Story, talking chimp, what have you ... is there some reason you in Canada are so passionate about Death and the Constitution of the USA? Do you have the same feeling about the Constitution of Canada (or even the Bill of Rights)? Are you perhaps an American errant, a USA citizen trapped behind enemy lines, longing to go home? Maybe in thrall to the phony Alberta 'health care' system that is slowly destroying you with aspartame, taxes and poison drugs? Or what?

Because although you often sound crackers, this one sounds like you urgently need to turn a knob up on your oxygen tank, brother chimp.

Nuts does not do it justice, what you said.

And Milosevic was not taken by force from office. He resigned under enormous popular pressure after attempting to cling to power. Later he was extradited to face war crimes charges in the Hague, where he died in his cell during his trial.

Back to your abnormal programming, Jerry. Bzzzzzz. Click, Whirr. Clink. Dribble.

Do you ever check for the looks on people's faces when you say these things out on the patio at the group home, by the way?

Edited by william.scherk
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Nice quote...

Beautifully written and one of the greatest documents know to man...

I must have missed the death penalty part and the Constitution part because this is the Declaration of Independence which by reference is one of our founding documents.

So where is the Constitution and the death penalty that you started with?

Again bluster and banter is a poor excuse for a cogent logic.


I explained but you did not listen. Laws must be enforced. One of the defects in the Constitution is that it doesn't say how it is to be enforced.

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JTS, Jerry Story, talking chimp, what have you ... is there some reason you in Canada are so passionate about Death and the Constitution of the USA?

It's about the world. If the USA goes under, what chance does the rest of the world have? The country I live in makes no difference.

Why are you so squeamish about death? The USA is the biggest war monging country in the world, killing innocent people in countries that don't threaten the USA, while the biggest enemy of freedom in the USA is the USA government.

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"The Constitution should be enforced with the death penalty. Right now there is no enforcement of the Constitution."

Jerry, the above is your statement that I challenged.

You threw the Declaration of Independence smokescreen on the discussion/debate/argumentation floor which had nothing to do with the statement I challenged.

Second, the only death penalty in the Constitution is for treason and you need, I believe, two witnesses. Not quite the Sharia standard of 291 men with perfect vision that saw the rape...but a pretty significant level of proof for only one crime punishable by death in the entire document..

So, essentially, you did not "explain" anything regarding the statement that I challenged.

It is no defect of the Constitution, which is clear as to where laws are generated from, and, what parameters they are to be held to. It is a document of limited and enumerated powers.

There is the Constitutional concept of comity which assigns the law making powers to the different levels of the United States.

Federal law, State law and local law. There was also the concept in the civil society of common law.

Your ability to throw the concept "law" on the Constitutional wall and see if it will stick failed miserably.


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It's about the world. If the USA goes under, what chance does the rest of the world have? The country I live in makes no difference.

Why are you so squeamish about death?

Um, my point was that it is Crazy Talk to say "the constitution should be enforced with the death penalty," Jerry. You are Canadian. Canada has a Constitution. Should that constitution be enforced with the death penalty, too?

I am not squeamish about death. I am squeamish about the death penalty being imposed by talking chimps from Edmonton. What gives that you never talk about your last visit to America, huh? Wasn't it you ranting mysteriously that there is no border between the two nations, in some other deranged entry in another thread?

Your whole schtick mystifies me, man. I imagine you are in a state facility, somehow. Maybe visting a relative on a locked ward, maybe peeing in a cup. Seriously, do you talk like this to civilians? Do you get a conversation going with cronies at Tim Horton's when you try out the old Death and the Salesman Constitution rant? Yikes. I just want to know if you only wear the kookiepants when posting here ...

More seriously, do you have anything intelligent to say about your faceoff with State Medicine, or generalized life in the Socialist Hellhole? From what I know about you and your travails in the matter of health, you are taken care of in Canada, whereas you in the US of A would be shit out of luck.

What on earth makes you, with your circumstances, want to join the thirty million uninsured south of the border? Will that help you or your children survive?

Edited by william.scherk
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Canada has a Constitution. Should that constitution be enforced with the death penalty, too?

Yes. There would of course be a trial and all that. There could be a range of penalties up to the death penalty. Extreme and deliberate violation of the Constitution could be considered treason. Even a head of state can be guilty of treason. A more common penalty might be being banned from all political offices for life.

I see nothing wrong with the death penalty for the likes of Hitler and Stalin, before they gain so much power that you can't do it. Much bloodshed might have been prevented.

More seriously, do you have anything intelligent to say about your faceoff with State Medicine, or generalized life in the Socialist Hellhole?

Elsewhere I stated what I think of doctors in a free market vs doctors in an unfree market.

As bad as Canada is, according to wiki the money spent on "health care" per capita is much more in the USA than in Canada. And it's going to get much worse with Obamacare. I'm not saying the system in Canada is good. As for my "faceoff" with doctors, even with a health problem that is supposed to kill me, I avoid them and look upon them as enemies and consider them worse than useless.

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We are a little off track here... Two years ago, in Ann Arbor, I worked the LP booth at the annual Art Fair. We split the double space with Ron Paul people and their "Audit the Fed" petitions drew strong favorable response. The Occupiers also want this. Whether it passes the House or Senate, it is a viable issue. Myself, it is not an issue for me, but I do note that objectively, it is an issue for many others, left and right.

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  • 3 weeks later...

If only Ron Paul, who sponsored the Audit The Fed Bill HR 459, had the passion when he spoke of Dennis Kucinich:

The vote in the House will be held tomorrow July 25th. Contact your Congressman to urge him to vote Yea!

Congressional Switchboard Number: (202) 224-3121

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It only passed in the House and is considered unlikely to pass in the Democrat controlled Senate which is under Harry Reid who is a tough nut to crack. I don't know what motivates him although he seems determined to defeat anything the Republican's are in favor of. I wonder if he is aware of the fact that the Fed enables the Dems to spend more than they raise in taxes and from borrowing. There will evidently be an attempt to deal with him by Senator Rand Paul but I doubt that reason will be able to nudge the mindless statist that he is.

Even if it were by some miracle to pass the Senate it would have to be signed by Obama himself. I doubt he has any understanding of the reality of the enormity of the motivation of the Fed, the evil it has done in its nearly one hundred years of existence. He probably does appreciate the benefit he gleans from the printing press fiat currency it spills forth ad nauseum.

If only we had an enlightened populace but the public school system, free compulsory type, and the liberal/progressive universities have seen to that being avoided when utter indoctrination has prevailed.

We are involved in an ideological struggle and are in the bottom of the ninth. Romney is trying to hit a grand slam but lacks the skill to do so. Ron Paul thinks the Earth is 6000 years old, that Evolution is just a theory, that microscopic fertilized ova are persons, and although his economics is correct, he lacks the passion or the delivery necessary to keep anyone awake to listen to him.

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This must be the fantasy section of OL.

I don't know what motivates him although he seems determined to defeat anything the Republican's are in favor of. I wonder if he is aware of the fact that the Fed enables the Dems to spend more than they raise in taxes and from borrowing.

What part of the corrupted marxist statist's motivation do you find hard to understand?

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Now that this bill has passed, will the audit actually happen?

It is not a law, and it is not likely to be come a law. The Senate will not pass it. The Senate consists of mostly pinko stinko commie loving liberals and even the Republicans are suspect. The House has done it as a Motherhood exercise. BFD.

Ba'al Chatzaf

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