Ron Paul's "Audit the Fed" bill, H.R. 459 passes unanimously


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I met someone today who has been involved in a part of the profreedom movement. He was with Bob Shultz's We The People and even protested the Treasury Bldg in D.C. years ago.

He read the Griffin book about the Creature From Jekyll Island too. He made me aware of HJR 192 which passed in 1933 and held every citizen responsible for the national debt, meaning your house, your cars, your boat, your furniture etc.

He thinks the country is doomed and the bad guys are in power and have an overwhelming advantage.

I tried to cheer him up and give him reason to be optimistic.

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I think the bill will be tabled in the Senate by Harry "douchebag' Reid, to my dismay, however the fact that it passed the House gives me hope that after November when Romney wins the Presidency, we GAIN more seats in the House, and the we tie or take the Senate, that it will have a very good chance of passing the second time around. The only problem I see is Romney having too close of connections to the banking industry. It would be like biting the hand that feeds him.

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Now that this bill has passed, will the audit actually happen?

The Senate has to pass it and the President sign it into law. Neither of these events will occur. The House vote is just an exercise in political posturing by the Republicans.

Ba'al Chatzaf

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If only we had an enlightened populace but the public school system, free compulsory type, and the liberal/progressive universities have seen to that being avoided when utter indoctrination has prevailed.

So, a couple of years ago, I had this graduate class in international enterprises. Most of the class was foreigners, some from Africa, a few Arabs, some Chinese, only three Americans. And the professor was a Marxist. Seriously. He was a good scholar. And he gave this one lecture about extractive industries. Extractive industries suck the mineral wealth from a place and leave slag heaps behind. Even I was shocked When the papers came back, it was his turn. Several people wrote about the good things that these busiensses do, building hospitals and schools, and such.

A couple of years before that, at the community college, I was walking down a stairwell after a sociology clas. Said one girl to anoither, "America sucks, America sucks, week after week its the same stuff: America sucks." She was not buying what the professor was selling.

Liberal brainwashing is evidence of conservative brainwashing. Conservatives tell each other that the reason they do not rule the world is because evil communists tell lies to fool simple people, like Obi Wan Kinobi and the Stormtroopers, or something. And tney even call the President Obiwan just to prove their point that his laryngal neuronic programming techniques hypnotize the masses.

Meanwhile... the communists complain that multinational corporations use mas advertising to trick people into buying junk they neither need nor want... and that people are brainwashed into accepting a ruling class that oppresses them contrary to their obvious best interests.

Of course, too, there was Ayn Rand who said that capitalists allow taxes on their wealth because their wives and brothers mooch off them at home and they feel too guilty about their strength and intelligence to say anything impolite to their exploiters.

Personally, I think that there is a little bit of truth in each those... but only a little... The matter is complicated because people are complicated. I just read Friedrich A. Hayek's Nobel Acceptance Speech, "The Pretence of Knowledge." It was worth the time.

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"Today was a big day for supporters of Sound Money – as Ron Paul’s Audit the Fed Bill passed the House 326-99. But, it still needs to get through a very hostile Senate, where it will likely never see the light of day. So in closing tonight, a new approach – Ending the Fed. Whether Congress Wants us to or Not!"


On the other hand, in contrast to attempts to put a stop to the Fed at the national level, a paper that William Greene presented at the Mises Institute’s “Austrian Scholars Conference” proposes an alternative approach to ending the Federal Reserve’s monopoly on money. The “Constitutional Tender Act” is a bill template that can be introduced in every State legislature in the nation. Passage would return each of them to the Constitution’s “legal tender” provisions of Article I, Section 10:

“No State Shall…make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts”

Such a tactic would achieve the desired goal of abolishing the Federal Reserve system by attacking it from the bottom up – pulling the rug out from under it by working to make its functions irrelevant at the State and local level.

Under the Constitutional Tender Act, the State would be required to use only gold and silver coins – or their equivalents, such as checks or electronic transfers – for payments of any debt owed by or to the State. This includes things like taxes, fees, contract payments, and the like.

All such payments would be required to be denominated in legal tender gold and silver U.S. coins, including Gold Eagles, Silver Eagles, and pre-1965 90% silver coins. The market would then require that all State-chartered banks – as well as any other bank acting as a depository for State funds – offer accounts denominated in those types of gold and silver coins, and to keep such accounts segregated from other types of accounts such as Federal Reserve Notes."

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