Ted Butler on CTFC investigation of silver manipulation


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Here is an excerpt from Ted Butler's article at www.goldsilver.com:

<<<" I had a different motive in mind when I urged readers to write to the CFTC about the now-infamous Bank Participation Report of August 2008. That was the report that showed that one or two US banks held an obscenely large and concentrated short position in COMEX silver futures that amounted to 20% of world production and 30% of the entire COMEX silver market. No major market had ever been that concentrated. I knew that this short position was so concentrated that, in and of itself, it proved silver was manipulated because the price would be radically higher in its absence. That is always the litmus test for manipulation, namely, what would the price most likely be if a concentrated position did not exist?">>>

<<<"This has nothing to do with law, or justice, or doing what is right; it is simply a case that the crooks at JPMorgan (and the CME) can bully anyone they chose, including the US Government. The most plausible alternative explanation, of course, is that the Treasury Dept ordered the CFTC to keep its hands off JPMorgan. Either way, it stinks.">>>

<<<" the CFTC started their third silver investigation four years ago as a way of avoiding having to explain how JPMorgan could be allowed to hold a clearly manipulative concentrated short position and then ignored the two greatest manipulative price events in commodity market history while the phony silver investigation was under way. Think of how devious and dishonest the CFTC has been; it announces a formal silver investigation to avoid having to answer bedrock regulatory questions, then ignores the two most manipulative prices events in history claiming it can’t comment on them because there is an active investigation under way.">>>

Ted Butler is a silver analyst for over 25 or 35 years has been trying to get the CFTC to investigate the evident enormous naked short silver futures position held by unnamed institution(s). He comments as well in this article on the fact that the MSM appears to be oblivious to the silver story. My own impression is that the MSM give this story no space for the same reason they gave no space to the Ron Paul campaign. It is all the work of the owners of the Federal Reserve System which is a private banking cartel to suppress awareness of the unconstitutional existence of the Fed which controls the money supply for their gain.

Keeping the value of gold and silver artificially down serves the purpose of helping to keep the populace in the dark regarding the destruction of the dollar. Since the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 the purchasing power of the dollar has been eroded over 95% because of the printing by the Fed. The best book on the subject is G.Edward Griffin's The Creature From Jekyll Island.

The best source is my favorite one : www.bookfinder.com

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