Good News! YouTube Moves To Shut Down Alex Jones!


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Freedom of speech should not be abused. Youtube is right to shut down Alex Jones.

This is off the chart crazy,YouTube robots keep saying I don't own my voice and the they are putting false copyright clams on my videos. Then when I try nicely to get it fixed 8 times they put a strike on our big free speech channel the Alex jones channel. We must stand together for free speech or we will lose it. Also to ad insult to outrage, YouTube also says I am a scammer in the strike notice to talk about their robots false takeover of videos but they have now removed the robot copyright flag, proving I was in the right!

Let's stand together for YouTube against Alex Jones and shut him down completely and permanently.

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Freedom of speech should not be abused. Youtube is right to shut down Alex Jones.

This is off the chart crazy,YouTube robots keep saying I don't own my voice and the they are putting false copyright clams on my videos. Then when I try nicely to get it fixed 8 times they put a strike on our big free speech channel the Alex jones channel. We must stand together for free speech or we will lose it. Also to ad insult to outrage, YouTube also says I am a scammer in the strike notice to talk about their robots false takeover of videos but they have now removed the robot copyright flag, proving I was in the right!

Let's stand together for YouTube against Alex Jones and shut him down completely and permanently.

Why? Who's Alex Jones? Most bad people are self-refuting and should be let be to be doing that refuting.


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Why? Who's Alex Jones? Most bad people are self-refuting and should be let be to be doing that refuting.


Alex Jones is the biggest trouble maker in the world. He exposes the Globalists and wakes up the people. If not for Alex Jones, the Globalists would be able to carry out their plan without opposition.

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If the "globalists" are as powerful and as hell bent to take over as some have posited, what would prevent them from taking Jones out?

Accidents happen, contrary to the Blondie song...

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I've seen these kinds of disputes before.

Here is what is going on from what I can see. Google just made a HUGE change to its search engine algorithm because it is suffering a great deal of pressure from governments the world over about copyright violations. Google receives about one million complaints a week. You read that right. Over one million. A week.

Many of them concern YouTube.

But, in order to provide the service they do, they HAVE to use robots. There is no way on earth they can do what they do manually.

The problem with robots is that they sometimes come with unintended consequences, they glitch, and it is possible to game them. I think Google does a heroic job of keeping on top of all this.

A figure like Alex Jones has a lot of enemies and he will constantly be a target for those enemies who know how to game the system. Also, he is prolific, so he will undoubtedly have more chances to suffer from glitches and unintended consequences.

While I believe he is right to sound a warning bell (after all, the squeaky wheel gets the oil), I have no doubt whatsoever that his problems with YouTube will get resolved. I've seen it happen too many times with celebrities and even spamming Internet marketers.

The problem with making constant headlines that the sky is falling is that people will start calling you Chicken Little. After you get that reputation, when the sky really is falling and you send out the warning, nobody listens. They think instead about Colonel Sanders...


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If the "globalists" are as powerful and as hell bent to take over as some have posited, what would prevent them from taking Jones out?

Accidents happen, contrary to the Blondie song...

The Globalists are not that powerful. They are weak. But they trick us into thinking they are strong. Alex Jones calls them names, cockroaches, maggots, and worse. They are terrified that we might find out how weak they are and how powerful we are. Alex Jones is frequently on the theme that we are powerful but we must rise up against them. The ants outnumber the grasshoppers a hundred to one and if they ever figure that out, there goes the grasshoppers' way of life.

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If the "globalists" are as powerful and as hell bent to take over as some have posited, what would prevent them from taking Jones out?

Accidents happen, contrary to the Blondie song...

The Globalists are not that powerful. They are weak. But they trick us into thinking they are strong. Alex Jones calls them names, cockroaches, maggots, and worse. They are terrified that we might find out how weak they are and how powerful we are. Alex Jones is frequently on the theme that we are powerful but we must rise up against them. The ants outnumber the grasshoppers a hundred to one and if they ever figure that out, there goes the grasshoppers' way of life.

Jerry, help me out here...

Essentially, you believe that a "weak," but highly organized shadowy group that knows it is weak, is in the process of establishing a world wide control which will reach down to every individual, controlling their thoughts, what they eat and drink, their information and all other aspects of their lives?

Is that a fair statement of your position?


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The illuminati?


Are they the dudes that lit the candle for the lesbian wife of FDR and still cursed the darkness with a hysterical laughter?

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If the "globalists" are as powerful and as hell bent to take over as some have posited, what would prevent them from taking Jones out?

Accidents happen, contrary to the Blondie song...

The Globalists are not that powerful. They are weak. But they trick us into thinking they are strong. Alex Jones calls them names, cockroaches, maggots, and worse. They are terrified that we might find out how weak they are and how powerful we are. Alex Jones is frequently on the theme that we are powerful but we must rise up against them. The ants outnumber the grasshoppers a hundred to one and if they ever figure that out, there goes the grasshoppers' way of life.

Jerry, help me out here...

Essentially, you believe that a "weak," but highly organized shadowy group that knows it is weak, is in the process of establishing a world wide control which will reach down to every individual, controlling their thoughts, what they eat and drink, their information and all other aspects of their lives?

Is that a fair statement of your position?


Seems so. They are terrified shitless that we might find out how powerful we are. They are weak but smart. They have mind control technology and psychology. In time, if we let them, they will take our guns and plant chips in us and will have more physical power.

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