He's from Missouri


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“First of all, from what I understand from doctors [pregnancy from rape] is really rare,” Missouri Senate hopeful Todd Akin said in an interview Sunday, explaining why his ideal abortion ban wouldn’t include an exception for rape. “If it’s a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down,” he added.

I assume that he will be retracting and apologizing for this incredibly ignorant statement...

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This just in. Akin refused to quit the Senate race, so the national GOP told him they will not fund his campaign.

I saw on a blog that even if he wanted to quit, his wife would not let him, "She makes Todd look like the reasonable one in the family."

tAnd that he doesn't help other local Reps with fundraising, so they are unlikely to help him now. Looks like he will have no legs left to run on.

Too bad in a way. That is one race I would watch with interest.

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"That is one race I wouldd watch with interest."

Why? Because this bad apple verifies all of your fears about the character and intelligence of conservatives or the right in general? A strong criticism of the left is they focus on personalities to avoid talking about principles or issues. A bad apple is simply that, a bad apple. You toss it out of the basket.

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Probabilities are that he'll by out by the end of the week. Word in the conservative commentariat is that McCaskill will be the big loser if this happens. I just listened to NR's Three Martini Lunch (Changing Their Tune), and they pointed out that she's the most vulnerable incumbent this year; her only hope was to draw a weak challenger, and she did. This clip said that she even bought ads for him in the primary. Given their tactical ineptitude this year, the Democrats will probably continue to talk about the incident long after Akin is forgotten.

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Sarah Steelman (born May 3, 1958) is an American politician from Missouri affiliated with the Republican Party, serving as State Treasurer from 2005 to 2009. She did not run for re-election as State Treasurer in 2008, having run for Governor, and was succeeded in office by Democrat Clint Zweifel on January 12, 2009. She was listed in a 2008 article in the New York Times as among seventeen women who may someday run for President of the United States.[1] On November 29, 2010, Steelman announced she would run for the U.S. Senate in 2012.[2] She was defeated in the Republican primary, however, by U.S. Representative Todd Akin.[3]


Was endorsed by Sarah Palin and garnered 29.02 % of the vote to 29.98 % for Bruner and 36.05 % for Akin.

Unfortunately, and unlike most states primary rules, Missouri allows a plurality to determine the primary. There is no tun off whereby a single candidate has to garner 50.01% or more.

Now, all the folks who are loading up their slings with the stones to bury this person, shall we agree that all candidates who make a foundationally stupid and ignorant remark, Democrat, Republican etc. shall immediately be forced to resign:




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Sarah Steelman (born May 3, 1958) is an American politician from Missouri affiliated with the Republican Party, serving as State Treasurer from 2005 to 2009. She did not run for re-election as State Treasurer in 2008, having run for Governor, and was succeeded in office by Democrat Clint Zweifel on January 12, 2009. She was listed in a 2008 article in the New York Times as among seventeen women who may someday run for President of the United States.[1] On November 29, 2010, Steelman announced she would run for the U.S. Senate in 2012.[2] She was defeated in the Republican primary, however, by U.S. Representative Todd Akin.[3]


Was endorsed by Sarah Palin and garnered 29.02 % of the vote to 29.98 % for Bruner and 36.05 % for Akin.

Unfortunately, and unlike most states primary rules, Missouri allows a plurality to determine the primary. There is no tun off whereby a single candidate has to garner 50.01% or more.

Now, all the folks who are loading up their slings with the stones to bury this person, shall we agree that all candidates who make a foundationally stupid and ignorant remark, Democrat, Republican etc. shall immediately be forced to resign:




Since foundationally stupid can be politically lethal, of course they should.

Steelman looks like a pretty good repl;acement.

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Sarah Steelman (born May 3, 1958) is an American politician from Missouri affiliated with the Republican Party, serving as State Treasurer from 2005 to 2009. She did not run for re-election as State Treasurer in 2008, having run for Governor, and was succeeded in office by Democrat Clint Zweifel on January 12, 2009. She was listed in a 2008 article in the New York Times as among seventeen women who may someday run for President of the United States.[1] On November 29, 2010, Steelman announced she would run for the U.S. Senate in 2012.[2] She was defeated in the Republican primary, however, by U.S. Representative Todd Akin.[3]


Was endorsed by Sarah Palin and garnered 29.02 % of the vote to 29.98 % for Bruner and 36.05 % for Akin.

Unfortunately, and unlike most states primary rules, Missouri allows a plurality to determine the primary. There is no tun off whereby a single candidate has to garner 50.01% or more.

Now, all the folks who are loading up their slings with the stones to bury this person, shall we agree that all candidates who make a foundationally stupid and ignorant remark, Democrat, Republican etc. shall immediately be forced to resign:




Since foundationally stupid can be politically lethal, of course they should.

Steelman looks like a pretty good repl;acement.

Yes she sure does.

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"Curiously, Democrats ferociously supported Akin in the GOP primary. McCaskill’s supporters spent $2 million to make Akin her opponent and also crossed over to vote for Akin in the Republican primary – and that’s been admitted in The New York Times."

-Ann Coulter

Gee, I wonder if McCain got any "crossover" votes in the 2008 primaries? Liberals know how to win "by hook or by crook", they just don't know how to govern when they get there. Oh, it's all about power??

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I went to an all boys Catholic high school, and endured 4 years of religion class. I can vividly remember being taught this in Junior year, the teacher was a priest, I can still see his face in my mind’s eye. Women can’t get pregnant from rape, therefore if they do get pregnant, it wasn’t a rape. This was part of the anti-abortion indoctrination. One wouldn’t dare to protest, are you going to risk your GPA over an easy ‘A’ like religion class?

But one time a student tried to nail down this teacher on whether it was ok to engage in mutual masturbation with a girl friend, premaritally of course. That silly ass virgin turned red as a beet.

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Even while Republicans are condemning Akin, the GOP Platform Committee has again included a draft anti-abortion amendment in the official party policy.

Conservatives don't care what Akin said. A lot of them agree with him. They are just trying to guarantee a Senate majority, so they can enact their policies. Akin still stands a good chance of winning if he gets to run.

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I went to an all boys Catholic high school, and endured 4 years of religion class. I can vividly remember being taught this in Junior year, the teacher was a priest, I can still see his face in my mind’s eye. Women can’t get pregnant from rape, therefore if they do get pregnant, it wasn’t a rape. This was part of the anti-abortion indoctrination. One wouldn’t dare to protest, are you going to risk your GPA over an easy ‘A’ like religion class?

But one time a student tried to nail down this teacher on whether it was ok to engage in mutual masturbation with a girl friend, premaritally of course. That silly ass virgin turned red as a beet.

The devil is in the details.


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He didn't quit! I am starting to like this guy, as a character.

He never compromises his convictions, however stupid and dangerous they are, and he never listens to anybody but God, except maybe his wife.

Maybe God Staffer Paul (the saint, not The Ron) told him to stay the course and finish the race.

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He may be the Republicans' answer to Ralph Nader. Nader singlehandedly kept Gore out of the presidency, while Akin may singlehandedly keep the Republicans from controlling the Senate.

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He may be the Republicans' answer to Ralph Nader. Nader singlehandedly kept Gore out of the presidency, while Akin may singlehandedly keep the Republicans from controlling the Senate.

You may well be right. i can see this campaign going down in history, due to the Rev's potency as a symbol of the left-right gap, as aa'the War of Akin's mouth".

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"That is one race I wouldd watch with interest."

Why? Because this bad apple verifies all of your fears about the character and intelligence of conservatives or the right in general? A strong criticism of the left is they focus on personalities to avoid talking about principles or issues. A bad apple is simply that, a bad apple. You toss it out of the basket.

He refuses to be tossed so far, and there are plenty more like him in the basket.

Do you really want to be in that number, when the saints go marching in?

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FYI Folks:

Moments ago on Gretta Van Sustren, Sarah Palin, a strong backer of Sarah Steelman in the Missouri Republican Senate Primary, announced that Sarah Steelman should run, with her complete support, third party in the General Election.

Steelman, a Constitutional Conservative, limited government, anti-crony capitalism reformer and pro-life woman would have an excellent chance to be elected. http://www.sarahsteelman.com/ <<<< her website and she is quite hot!

Here is her Contract with Missouri:

Sarah's Contract with Missouri

As a Washington outsider with real experience, Sarah believes you can't change the direction of the country until you change Congress. She has written a "Contract with Missouri", her pledge to Missourians about her priorities as a U.S. Senator. Sarah commits to sponsoring or cosponsoring bills that will do the following:


Repeal Obamacare and its massive job killing taxes


Vote against raising the national debt limit


Oppose all and any new job killing taxes

steelman_check_mark.pngEnact a moratorium on any new federal regulations; require a comprehensive review of all existing regulations and work to repeal unnecessary and burdensome regulations


Reform the tax code through a flat tax to create fairer taxes


Guarantee 2nd Amendment Rights to law abiding citizens


Protect the life of the unborn and end abortion

steelman_check_mark.pngAmend the Constitution requiring Congress to pass a real balanced budget, and cap on the size of government


Eliminate taxpayer-funded Congressional pensions and perks


Suspend salaries of members of Congress until they pass a budget

steelman_check_mark.pngAmend the Constitution enacting term limits on Congress and unelected federal judges

steelman_check_mark.pngVote for legislation banning all earmarks and fight any attempts to repeal or reinstitute earmarks

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