What a Weenie

George H. Smith

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From an June 7 article at:


The next question asked went as follows, “Governor Romney, it is true, is it not that you had four deferments from the Vietnam War… You have said before that you support war and the efforts of US military involvement overseas at all costs, yet you made sure you would never go to war yourself. What makes you think that veterans and those currently serving in the military think that you have their best interests at heart when you yourself weren’t even interested in sacrificing your time, energy, or life for your nation at a time when it seemed most crucial?”

Romney responded:

“That’s a good question, young man, and I would be happy to answer it. The Vietnam War came at a time in my life when I had other plans. I knew in my heart of hearts that I would one day serve my nation. That I would one day hold an office that would help not only our nation, but also the world. So I did what I could to make sure that I would be around to serve my nation, as well as serving God by teaching very important religious principles to a broader audience overseas. My father did not want me serving, and he convinced me that yes, I was too important to go to Vietnam. I had a greater purpose in life. I wasn’t neglecting my nation, but rather preparing myself for a future of service.”

An onlooker that seemingly was a Vietnam veteran shouted, “Fuck you, Romney! You wouldn’t know service if it bit you on your well manicured ass.” To which Romney responded, “Please don’t be testy, my friend. I did what I did for you, and I thank you for your service as well.” That same veteran responded, “You only served yourself, you jackass. You could’ve served your nation even if your draft number wasn’t called… but you didn’t… you chose to serve yourself instead. Thanks for revealing your true colors.”


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You were right. According to Snopes.com, the story and quotations are fictitious. They originated on a satirical website.

My apologies for starting this useless thread. I should have investigated the story before posting it (he said, having made a mistake for the first time in his life).


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He's welcome to them. The problem isn't deferments but the existence of the draft.


deferrments from slavery

The situation was more complicated than this. Romney was an avid supporter of the war, and he later made some vapid remarks about his deferrments, to the effect that he wished he could have "represented" his country in Vietnam. So what was stopping him?

These authentic details are easy to find on the Internet.


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After Clinton, Bush II and Obama, this won't be a campaign issue. Ryan's the bigger hypocrite with his de-Randia.


I don't think R-R will keep this country from circling the drain, but I know Obama won't, so WTF!--out with the old, bring in the new!

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Ron Paul did serve once he became a physician as a flight surgeon I believe in the Air Force for six years. As you all know he has received more donations from active duty military than all the others who sought the nomination including Obama.

I believe he has fulfilled the requirement to have sufficient support in five or more states by a plurality of delegate strength to be nominated from the floor at the RNC in Tampa which also entitles him to speak for fifteen minutes.

Ron Paul delegates number about 500 and are going to actively try to persuade Romney delegates to switch to supporting Ron Paul. The motto is Never Give Up.

I believe that Ron Paul, in a recent poll, has better favorable ratings and better unfavorable ratings than Romney or Obama and would beat Obama in the election.

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Ron Paul served as a medical officer in the USAF 1963-1968. (Wikipedia here.)

Ron Paul delegates number about 500 and are going to actively try to persuade Romney delegates to switch to supporting Ron Paul. The motto is Never Give Up.

I thought that the purpose of the hard ball negotiating was to let Ron Paul actively and publicly give his delegates to Romney, as a gracious and visible display of quid pro quo, the quo being Rand Paul's speech.

George H. Smith's pointer was to "Nsearch" which linked back to Free Wood Post, a satire site.

Free Wood Post is a news and political satire web publication, which may or may not use real names, often in semi-real or mostly fictitious ways. All news articles contained within FreeWoodPost.com are fiction, and presumably fake news.

Any resemblance to the truth is purely coincidental, except for all references to politicians and/or celebrities, in which case they are based on real people, but still based almost entirely in fiction.

FreeWoodPost.com is intended for a mature, sophisticated, and discerning audience. http://www.freewoodp...m/disclaimer/

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