Empty Harry


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Don't you think Donald Trump would have been a better choice to talk to the empty chair than Clint Eastwood. DT could have made good (scripted) points about Obama's performance and then fired him. (There were rumours that he was originally scheduled to fire an Obama impersonator)rHe would have stayed on message and been very funny.

Not that I am sorry the Combover King lost a great gig, mind you.

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Naked Harry: I don't understand why some of the Brits are so upset with photos of a beautiful and naked young man who is also their prince. He was just doing a common beautiful young man social thing. Since they consider the Royals public property, don't his future possible subjects have the right to examine the merchandise? (I hope he got laid too. All his possible subjects should want a happy prince and assurance that when the time comes he'll be able to breed, so even shots of him erected or copulating are very much okay [if not demanded]--at least by me, a modern man--there aren't many of us, yet.)


stays in Las Vegas?--Ha!, that's the end of that!--nothing stays any where any longer

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I don't understand why some of the Brits are so upset with photos of a beautiful and naked young man who is also their prince. He was just doing a common beautiful young man social thing. Since they consider the Royals public property, don't his future possible subjects have the right to examine the merchandise? (I hope he got laid too. All his possible subjects should want a happy prince and assurance that when the time comes he'll be able to breed so even shots of him erected or copulating are okay--at least by me, a modern man--there aren't many of us, yet.)


stays in Los Vegas? Ha! That's the end of that!--nothing stays any where any longer

I'm with you, Brant. Actually the Brits are not that upset.

And maybe the Prince should have been the surprise Dirty Harry at the convention.

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I enjoyed Clint's appearance. He seemed rather nervous, like he's not used to public speaking, and maybe didn't have his script down pat. That added a sense of authenticity to it, it seemed under-rehearsed, unlike so much else that went on.

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It is interesting how all politics is perception.

Except for the broken halting diction, the piece was extraordinary in its creativity and honesty.

The "empty chair" has been a political tactic that has been used for generations. We used it in certain campaigns. It plays on the image of the "empty suit" which clearly applies to O'bama.

Additionally, it allowed him to play off the emptiness with the answers to the empty chair's statements. Very Bob Newhart. Very Jimmy Stewart "Harvey" approach.

Moreover, it was unscripted and the crowd loved it. It was great comic relief.

The line about attorneys was excellent. The "you just have to let him go." worked really well.

Maybe it was a guy thing.

http://www.nytimes.c...dit_th_20120831 <<<<this is a nice job from today's NY Times - it is an interactive section with all the speeches.

The Condi Rice speech was absolutely brilliant. Again clearly a Republican trick and proves how racist and anti-women they are.

Beautifully delivered and such a stalworth statement of broad United States policy, both foreign and domestic. Now we might disagree with sections of it, however, it was clear and concise.

Her section on education and the K-12 crisis in American education was brilliant. Particularly the section on self esteem wherein she explains that self esteem comes from achievement.

And, "But today, today, when I can look at your zip code and I can tell whether you are going to get a good education, can I honestly say it doesn't matter where you came from, it matters where you're going. The crisis in k-12 education is a threat to the very fabric of who we are."

A sentence or two (2) later, she explains that, "We have to have high standards for our kids, because self esteem comes from achievement, not from lax standards and false praise."

Her, "You might not be able to control your circumstances, but you can control your response to your circumstances." is completely Randian and, frankly, just good old fashioned common sense.

I do not want to steel her thunderous analysis and she concludes this section with the peroration that "This is the civil rights issue of our day!"

The overall peroration of her speech made me weep because her story, like my people's story, is precisely, and exactly, what is completely unique about my country. What is so perfect about my country. Why it is the last great hope of mankind.


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The line about attorneys was excellent.


I didn't think it was so hot.

-Mitt Romney


Harvard Law grad

Yes Carol we all know that. However, his point was "practicing" attorneys as you well know. It capitalized on the resentment that most folks have, justified or not, of the fact that approximately 70 + % of the occupants of legislatures, Congress included, are attorneys. O'bama "practiced" as an attorney in marxist causes.

The perception is that attorneys that are legislators have an innate tendency to write unnecessarily complex and complicated language into laws in order to make sure you will need to employ attorneys to figure the law out.

So that was what that comment was all about. All of us "Mericans" got it loud and clear.

Brevity is the soul of wit.


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Man, what a kerfuffle online.

The Left is not amused.

Neither is Obama.

Limbaugh: Clint got under Obama's skin

By Stephen Dinan

The Washington Times

August 31, 2012

From the article:

Hollywood may be bashing Clint Eastwood's performance at the GOP convention, but Rush Limbaugh said Friday the reason is that he touched a nerve with leftist celebrities — and with the president himself.

Pointing to the photo the Obama camp tweeted after midnight showing the back of the president's head above the office chair in the Oval Office, Mr. Limbaugh said that proves the White House was worried. And he wondered whether it was Mr. Obama himself.

"It must have gotten to him because he tweeted at 12:30," Mr. Limbaugh said Friday on his radio program.

My favorite moment was when everyone said in unison at the end, "Make my day."

And, of course, they meant vote Obama out of office.

(I'm kind of a sap for the obvious at times.)


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I thought that Eastwood's bit was the best talk of the convention. True, the empty chair bit didn't come across quite as well as it might have, and Eastwood could have been more smooth in his delivery, but his talk was a refreshing change of pace from the prefabricated and intellectually vacuous speeches of most of the other speakers. The fact that he made implicit references to Obama saying "Go fuck yourself," and an explicit reference to how politicians go begging for votes, exhibited his libertarian beliefs.

An old friend of mine lives in Carmel and sees Eastwood around town occasionally. Years ago he said to Eastwood, "People say you are a libertarian." Eastwood replied, "So that's what people say, is it?"


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I still think Trump was the original choice to deliver that speech. The "politicians are employees of ours" line convinces me.

But I guess that little ol convention wasn't big enough for the both of them.

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I have seen a report that Clint and the 500 pound load named Michael Moore were at an award ceremony where they were both being honored and the load approached Clint and allegedly, upon information and belief, and Clint explained to the load that:

"if you ever come to my front door with a camera, .............................................





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I have seen a report that Clint and the 500 pound load named Michael Moore were at an award ceremony where they were both being honored and the load approached Clint and allegedly, upon information and belief, and Clint explained to the load that:

"if you ever come to my front door with a camera, .............................................





I have seen a report that Clint and the 500 pound load named Michael Moore were at an award ceremony where they were both being honored and the load approached Clint and allegedly, upon information and belief, and Clint explained to the load that:

"if you ever come to my front door with a camera, .............................................





Just trying to squeeze through the door frame would probably kill him.

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Slate has an article accusing the Romney campaign of shamefully selling out dear old Clint. Their source? The New York Times, that bastion of integrity, which in turn cites two anonymous Romney aides.


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Slate has an article accusing the Romney campaign of shamefully selling out dear old Clint. Their source? The New York Times, that bastion of integrity, which in turn cites two anonymous Romney aides.


Slate has an article accusing the Romney campaign of shamefully selling out dear old Clint. Their source? The New York Times, that bastion of integrity, which in turn cites two anonymous Romney aides.


The article got one thing right though. Romney should have said he liked the spot and appreciated Clint's support.

The convention audience enjoyed it and regular TV watchers did too. That is all that should be expected of entertainment performers at political events.

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I don't understand why some of the Brits are so upset with photos of a beautiful and naked young man who is also their prince. He was just doing a common beautiful young man social thing. Since they consider the Royals public property, don't his future possible subjects have the right to examine the merchandise? (I hope he got laid too. All his possible subjects should want a happy prince and assurance that when the time comes he'll be able to breed so even shots of him erected or copulating are okay--at least by me, a modern man--there aren't many of us, yet.)


stays in Los Vegas? Ha! That's the end of that!--nothing stays any where any longer

I'm with you, Brant. Actually the Brits are not that upset.

And maybe the Prince should have been the surprise Dirty Harry at the convention.



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He said "Libertarian" with a capital-L.

And -- so -- they are just going to come around and beg for votes every few years. It is the same

old deal. But I just think it is important that you realize , that you’re the best in the world.

Whether you are a Democrat or Republican or whether you’re libertarian or whatever, you are the

best. And we should not ever forget that. And when somebody does not do the job, we got to let

them go.

The Washington Post transcribed it with a lowercase L, but in the context, it must represent the name of a political party, or else the R and D would be generally little, also.

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Carol, sorry to break in with Canadian political news. Did you know that our BC Premier Christy Clark is about to lose a few more cabinet ministers? And that the BC Conservatives are knee-deep in scandal?

It looks like the Liberal party is heading for a crushing defeat (US readers, BC Liberals are 'conservative' and the 'Conservatives' are the formerly traditional traditional party of higher incomes. The party that is likely to win next year's BC election are the New Democrats).

That's right. While America gets its sole final chance to throw off incipient communism, despair, collapse, horror and the final days (under a second Obama term), the west coast numbskulls in Canada bring back the party of Dave Barrett (BC's first Jewish Premier and the one who led a three year socialist experiment 1972-1975).

Across British Columbia, 49 per cent of decided voters and leaners (+4 since early July) would support the NDP candidate in their constituency in the next provincial election.

The BC Liberals are second with 22 per cent (-1), followed by the BC Conservatives with 19 per cent (-3) and the BC Greens with nine per cent (+1)..

And in less objective terms, from the Globe and Mail:

More than anything, Ms. Clark has been unable to change the political conversation in B.C., which for months now has centred around the seeming inevitability of a major smackdown of her party in next May’s election.

With all that going for them, you’d think the Conservatives would be flying high. Instead, they are battling negative headlines of their own. Despite taking the party from the depths of oblivion to the possibility of a forming the Official Opposition after the next election, Leader John Cummins appears to be facing some sort of mutiny.

This leaves that cross-eyed socialist windbag Adrian Dix as the most trusted and most popular politician in British Columbia.

Edited by william.scherk
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Carol, sorry to break in with Canadian political news. Did you know that our BC Premier Christy Clark is about to lose a few more cabinet ministers? And that the BC Conservatives are knee-deep in scandal?

It looks like the Liberal party is heading for a crushing defeat (US readers, BC Liberals are 'conservative' and the 'Conservatives' are the formerly traditional traditional party of higher incomes. The party that is likely to win next year's BC election are the New Democrats).

That's right. While America gets its sole final chance to throw off incipient communism, despair, collapse, horror and the final days (under a second Obama term), the west coast numbskulls in Canada bring back the party of Dave Barrett (BC's first Jewish Premier and the one who led a three year socialist experiment 1972-1975).

Across British Columbia, 49 per cent of decided voters and leaners (+4 since early July) would support the NDP candidate in their constituency in the next provincial election.

The BC Liberals are second with 22 per cent (-1), followed by the BC Conservatives with 19 per cent (-3) and the BC Greens with nine per cent (+1)..

And in less objective terms, from the Globe and Mail:

More than anything, Ms. Clark has been unable to change the political conversation in B.C., which for months now has centred around the seeming inevitability of a major smackdown of her party in next May’s election.

With all that going for them, you’d think the Conservatives would be flying high. Instead, they are battling negative headlines of their own. Despite taking the party from the depths of oblivion to the possibility of a forming the Official Opposition after the next election, Leader John Cummins appears to be facing some sort of mutiny.

This leaves that cross-eyed socialist windbag Adrian Dix as the most trusted and most popular politician in British Columbia.

Holy holistics!

I had not been paying attention, in true Canadian fashion, finding American sources more entertaining, Chris Christie v Christy Clark, no contest.

The Left Coast is at it again. I hope the North Korean campaign money does not just get wasted on phony meth this time..

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PS Is there a libertarian party or candidates in BC?

Yup. In the last election they were the sixth-place finisher.
Provincial election results, by party
Party Votes
Liberal 707,911
NDP 646,523
Green 124,567
Conservative 32,430
Refederation 3,518
Libertarian 1,444
Reform 1,186
Nation Alliance 754
Sex 684
Communist 416
People's Front 382
Marijuana 319
Your Political Party 297
Work Less 291
Western Canada Concept 228

From the 2009 British Columbia electiion totals at the BC Libertarian Party website.
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This showed up in my email:


Americans for a Free Republic - Nelson Hultberg nelshultberg@aol.com via afr.ccsend.com

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AFR Viewpoints

September 1, 2012

Clint Eastwood and Disrespect

Nelson Hultberg

The political left in America is outraged at Clint Eastwood's recent presentation at the GOP convention. The shock and disbelief of Rachel Maddow at MSNBC and the Blitzer gang at CNN is heavy with condemnation of this inimitable American icon.

The establishment media response has basically come down as follows: "Weirdest thing I've ever seen." "What was he thinking?" "Have the Republicans gone daft?" "The Democrats must have sent Clint to the GOP so as to sabotage their convention." "This was inexcusably disrespectful."

Yes, indeed, it was disrespectful. But what kind of humans allow themselves to be enslaved by a Marxist mandarin and his bureaucratic henchmen with a smile on their face and kind words about their enslavers? Craven humans, that's who! Obedient victims who, as Ayn Rand told us, "sanction their enslavement." And unfortunately that is what the American people have become, obedient sanctioners who are willing to give up their freedom with a smile on their face and kind words for the usurpers in Washington who are so zealously destroying the freedom and sanity of our lives.

Did Thomas Jefferson, Samuel Adams, and Patrick Henry play nice-nice with King George? Did they remain respectful to the tyrants who were ruining their lives? They most certainly did not. They declared the English tyrant to be a corrupt and criminal despot. They rallied their countrymen to spring up in rebellion. They stood up for their fundamental rights, as all courageous men and women do when faced with despotic bullies. They did what the valiant Chinese student did in Tiananmen Square when he stood in front of those monstrous approaching tanks.

If Jefferson, Adams, and Henry were alive today, they would have been cheering Clint on with vigorous enthusiasm. But what do we see from today's mealy-mouth media? We see a rush to defend the tyrant mandarins in Washington and smear the rebel Eastwood. We see squawking and crying and yelps of protest. But what we really see is what lurks in the subconscious of the establishment media - fear that their Emperor is as buck naked as Dirty Harry portrayed him. This is why the vacuities at CNN and MSNBC are so outraged. Eastwood pierced deeply. He showed Mr. Obama and the empty suit Biden up for precisely what they are.

This is what disrespect is, and why it is so important when a people are confronting tyrants. Those who obey their masters and play nice-nice with tyrannical regimes live miserable lives as doormats. Those recalcitrant rebels who boldly proclaim theirdisrespect for the despots of history have a chance to live in freedom. They might still get squashed; the tanks might still roll over them. But they at least know that they stood up for freedom and honor in their time. They know that they did the right thing, the manly thing, not the craven, accommodative thing. When bullies are breaking the cardinal laws of life and exploiting their fellow man (which is what the statists in Washington have been doing for over 80 years now), then there is only one course of action for honorable men - disrespect - courageous, colorful disrespect.

This is what Clint Eastwood did on August 30, 2012 in Tampa. He did the honorable thing - the manly thing. He heaped contempt on the statist mandarins in Washington. He did not lay down and play nice-nice with them. He did not try to compromise with them. He did not pacify them so as to be popular. He excoriated them with his words and his attitude.

In his advice to America's young men, the twentieth century poet E. Merrill Root wrote, "I would ask you again to dream and dare, and thus to ride again the stallion of manhood whose back is known only by those who with a brave heart grasp the mane of life and ride bareback and shouting even in God's thunderstorm."

Reality demands this from man, but the collectivists are at war with it. Thus their feminizing of our men today. This is not by accident. The collectivists want a neutered man; it makes their drive for world domination all the easier. What is horrifying is that large numbers of obedient men now welcome this travesty. To be forceful, unflinching, and self-reliant in face of life's vicissitudes no longer appeals. Modern psychology tells us that the virile Clark Gable / Clint Eastwood persona is unhealthy for society. Dustin Hoffman is to be preferred. Softness is correct; toughness is detrimental. But this is decadence masquerading as progress.

The crucible of life demands that men strive to fulfill their natures, that they stand heroically in face of adversity, that they defend the female and family with gallantry in face of the subtleties of evil. The real man welcomes this and refuses to apologize for his toughness and masculinity, his stoic steel will. For him egalitarianism and collectivism are living death. Early in life he knows instinctively that he hates the amoeba-like image of man with which Marxian-Freudian collectivism is trying to poison his soul. He loathes what the professors in college teach him. The real man senses early on that, in the words of General MacArthur, "there is a constant conspiracy against the brave" in this world. The herd mentalities of humanity wish to neuter manliness, for it stands in their way of collectivizing the world. Thus it must be purged from our lessons to the young. The real man resolves to fight this. He chooses to be in life what in essence he must be - a warrior for truth, a rock of granite, a seeker, a builder, a hero.

Clint Eastwood has exemplified such traits all his life. The weasels dislike him, and the naked emperors try to smear him with sociobabble. But there is a strain of man out there that knows his kind are the Atlases who hold up the world, that America was exceptional because she unleashed such men to climb as tall as they could dream. What we need so desperately today is for these kind of men to rise up and show massive disrespect toward the despots of Washington. Hoorah for Clint Eastwood.


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And your point it posting the above is ....?

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