Empty Harry


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Slate has an article accusing the Romney campaign of shamefully selling out dear old Clint. Their source? The New York Times, that bastion of integrity, which in turn cites two anonymous Romney aides.


Stuart Stevens, Romney top strategist, told the Wall Street Journal the Eastwood performance "was an improv".

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PS Is there a libertarian party or candidates in BC?

Yup. In the last election they were the sixth-place finisher.

Provincial election results, by party Party Votes Liberal 707,911 NDP 646,523 Green 124,567 Conservative 32,430 Refederation 3,518 Libertarian 1,444 Reform 1,186 Nation Alliance 754 Sex 684 Communist 416 People's Front 382 Marijuana 319 Your Political Party 297 Work Less 291 Western Canada Concept 228

From the 2009 British Columbia electiion totals at the BC Libertarian Party website.

Aw William, you are always too modest, You never told us you had started all those new parties with the catchy names!

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Ain't that something? When conservatives are in power, even in Canada, they get knee deep in scandal. Thank goodness when progressives get in power, they are never involved in scandal.


My own view is that when people get in power, they get knee-deep in scandal the vast majority of the time. All ya' need to qualify is be a human being. But on a partisan level, my view has never been popular.

It's that damn drummer of Thoreau that makes me that way, i guess...


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Ain't that something? When conservatives are in power, even in Canada, they get knee deep in scandal. Thank goodness when progressives get in power, they are never involved in scandal.


My own view is that when people get in power, they get knee-deep in scandal the vast majority of the time. All ya' need to qualify is be a human being. But on a partisan level, my view has never been popular.

It's that damn drummer of Thoreau that makes me that way, i guess...


Amen. You should affiliate with the BC Your Political Party, and start the revolution!

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All British Columbia governments have scandals, and all parties of a certain stature (those with more than fifty members) are prone to scandal of one sort or another.

My notes on British Columbia politics are generally obscure for any but Canadians, and as Carol has indicated, Ontarians are not always fully informed on the details. Why should they? Ontario politics are as arcane and unpredictable.

Our current BC Premier, Christy Clark, was selected by the Liberal Party. She won a by-election (special election) for her own seat, but has not yet taken the government to the polls (BC is one of two provinces that has adopted fixed election dates).

Clark inherited a government from the former Liberal Premier Gordon Campell (now Canadian High Commissioner in Britain). The only Campbell scandal that perhaps rose above the navel of the USA was when he was nabbed drunk-driving in Hawaii. He did not resign then, nor upon his conviction, only resigning his office when his party popularity plunged below 30% (and his personal popularity below 20%).

The greatest scandals over BC political history are rather evenly distributed between right and left governments, with more destructive scandals on the NDP side (left) in the past thirty years.

In BC, premiers tend to resign when caught in scandal. Premier Vander Zalm of the Social Credit party, for example, resigned upon proof of personal corruption: he accept twenty thousand dollars in cash, in a brown paper bag, for 'facilitating' the sale of his family's Fantasy Garden World.

The NDP Premier Glenn Clark resigned after it was revealed a family 'friend' had provided free renovations valued at ten thousand dollars to a 'friend' -- who had strings pulled for a casino license approval.

The NDP Premier Mike Harcourt resigned office -- though not personally touched by scandal -- in the wake of Bingogate: this was a scandal in which an NDP member (former legislator and cabinet minister) purloined bingo funds to fund party activities. Harcourt took global responsibility for his party, though there was never a suspicion that he knew of or approved of the bingo money grab.

On balance, major and minor scandals historically are often 'political' -- in that they concern governance and finance -- not sleaze as with Vanderzalm, Bingogate or Clark's stupid bribe. For example, Christy Clark recently faced questions over credit card bills ($500,000) incurred by the office of the premier. In this case, nothing illegal was done, not anything personally-corrupt, but the optics were ugly.

So, that is the context. Scandals erupt, political fortunes rise and fall, elections sweep old parties (Social Credit) into the dustbin, and the press hounds each government unmercifully in fine old BC politics style.

I made no claim that scandals attend only rightist governments; To mention the travails of the current BC Conservative party was to highlight an internal disarray (intra-party fights in public are a 'scandal'). The Conservative party was elected in zero seats last election, their only sitting MLA 'defected' from the government benches. The issue in the Conservatives is a leadership struggle between the 'old guard' and those who smell political advantage as the Liberal support tanks. They stupidly are letting their internal disputes leak and spill and muddy their future.

On a light note, I watched the Eastwood ten minutes. It was fine political theatre, if unrehearsed, and effective to some degree: it took attention off Romney's lacklustre 'change' speech later that night.

I disregard most pundits, since they play often a zero-sum game of partisan advantage -- or appear a bit like amnesiacs, forgetting everything from the day before (to their disadvantage). A bit more like weathermen, commenting on daily rain squalls but pretending knowledge in general 'climate' matters of which they have no control but sport-fan hysteria and tribalism.

I realy don't care what Eastwood did or said in his performance, since he is not on the ballot. If the intent (of the secret 'surprise') of the convention planners was to bask in the glow of a genuine American icon, it was not completely successful in the short-term. But that is politics. In a close race, perhaps marginal but highly publicized moves make a difference at the polls.

Generally speaking pundits (here and on the main stages) act as barkers, or play-by-play colour commentators, bound up in daily minutia and point-scoring. I doubt anyone's mind was changed as to which party would garner their vote. Even among the GOP brass who commented disparagingly on their surprise speaker -- did Romney lose one single committed vote? I doubt it. Even the two who most strongly excoriated Romney (Gingrich and Santorum) have shut up criticism, wiped their personal memory banks, and adopted the line of the GOPolitburo ...

In a final lighter note, American friends will not be surprised that BC is known for its 'colourful' political culture. If you wonder what this means, look up the story of our second premier -- and only Mormon leader to date -- Amor de Cosmos ...

De Cosmos was a liberal reformer cast in the mold of John Locke and John Stuart Mill. He argued passionately for unrestricted free enterprise, public education, an end to economic and political privileges, and — above all — the institution of responsible government through an elected assembly.


Our drunk-driving former premier, in his infamous drunken mugshot. He now parties in London on the federal dime:


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Carol, the only party I am really engaged with or excited about is the gambol we will be participating in here on the Night of Nights.

As you can tell from the 2009 provincial totals, Sex outsells and out-markets Communism, if only by a relatively small margin. I know that you share a certain amusement over being corralled as 'socialists' in the political spectrum.

Regaring material on the Your Political Party of BC, here is a the link to their website. It may be active in 2013.

(My favourite party in Canada remains, of course, Parti Rhinocéros/Rhinoceros Party.

Edited by william.scherk
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You should affiliate with the BC Your Political Party, and start the revolution!


You mean save mankind?


I'll think about it.

Obviously, I'm overqualified, so no biggie there. I'm just worried if I'll get bored...



Yes, boredom might be a problem, true. Brant is considering joining the Sex party but it only has 684 members, so he is worried he will get bored in a few weeks.

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Following actor Clint Eastwood’s provocative presentation at the Republican National Convention last week, the “empty chair” metaphor has taken on a life of its own, symbolizing the Obama administration’s failure to fulfill the “hope and change” expectations of the 2008 presidential campaign.

Eastwood’s prime-time act featured a mock conversation with Obama, who was represented by an empty chair.

Perhaps one of the more humorous examples of the empty-chair meme circulating on the Internet is a photograph of Karl Marx that serves as “proof” Obama met the author of “The Communist Manifesto.”


As seen in Exhibit 1, the proof turns out to be a studio photograph of Marx with his left hand resting on the back of an empty chair.

The Hill’s “Twitter Room” noted that Obama opponents on Twitter had dubbed Sept. 3 as “National Empty Chair Day,” supported with a “National Empty Chair Day” site on Facebook, as seen in Exhibit 2.


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Following actor Clint Eastwood’s provocative presentation at the Republican National Convention last week, the “empty chair” metaphor has taken on a life of its own, symbolizing the Obama administration’s failure to fulfill the “hope and change” expectations of the 2008 presidential campaign.

Eastwood’s prime-time act featured a mock conversation with Obama, who was represented by an empty chair.

Perhaps one of the more humorous examples of the empty-chair meme circulating on the Internet is a photograph of Karl Marx that serves as “proof” Obama met the author of “The Communist Manifesto.”


As seen in Exhibit 1, the proof turns out to be a studio photograph of Marx with his left hand resting on the back of an empty chair.

The Hill’s “Twitter Room” noted that Obama opponents on Twitter had dubbed Sept. 3 as “National Empty Chair Day,” supported with a “National Empty Chair Day” site on Facebook, as seen in Exhibit 2.


In retaliation, the Chair has started its own website. It has stated, "the GOP built me".

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Ah...so essentially the left that you support unconditionally is not interested in bi-partisanship.

Got it.

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Ah...so essentially the left that you support unconditionally is not interested in bi-partisanship.

Got it.

Not at all-- any chair of any persuasion that will support me, I will support it.


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Clint himself spoke about his appearance:

Eastwood says his convention appearance was 'mission accomplished'
by Paul Miller
September 7, 2012
The Camel Pine Cone

From the article:

After a week as topic No. 1 in American politics, former Carmel Mayor Clint Eastwood said the outpouring of criticism from left-wing reporters and liberal politicians after his appearance at the Republican National Convention last Thursday night, followed by an avalanche of support on Twitter and in the blogosphere, is all the proof anybody needs that his 12-minute discourse achieved exactly what he intended it to.

“President Obama is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people,” Eastwood told The Pine Cone this week. “Romney and Ryan would do a much better job running the country, and that’s what everybody needs to know. I may have irritated a lot of the lefties, but I was aiming for people in the middle.”

. . .

Eastwood said people, including reporters, who were shocked by his remarks “are obviously on the left,” and he maintained that, while many Americans didn’t like the way he handled his convention appearance, millions more have something else on their minds.

“A lot of people are realizing they had the wool pulled over their eyes by Obama,” Eastwood said.

He ad-libbed the talk and went overtime.

I think his presence and delivery--even though it looked more like a first rehearsal run-through than a talk--has undercut the story of Hollywood being totally in the tank for Obama. (I'm talking mainstream perception, not details.) This doesn't mean much intellectually, but emotionally, it carries an undertone that you can be against Obama and still be cool.

I believe that aspect will carry some weight in the voting booth.

After all, in a recent survey I heard on the Glenn Beck radio program a couple of days ago (sorry, I don't know who did the survey), normal American people did not score well on really obvious questions about politics. If I remember correctly, only 70% or so of those surveyed knew that Joe Biden was the Vice President (they did multiple choice). Glenn was saying that Obama is courting these dumb voters.

But I believe Clint will play well with dumb voters. Everyone knows Dirty Harry. At least he will confuse them.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Eastwood was a plagiarist!

Obama on the empty chair was a clear ripoff of the Minister seated on the bucket in numerous Oor Wullie comic strips of the 1970s.,\

Somebody ought to sue,

Oor Wullie Intro


Meet Oor Wullie. When I was a young lad, I was often associated with Oor Wullie because of the antics I got up to, hence the reason why I am excited about creating this Squidoo Lens and introducing him to you, so as you browse through, I am afraid to say, aye a did da many o yon things that he is dain. And aye, Ma favrit food is ma Maw's mince an' tatties wi peas, of which is still to this day, ma first meal when a git hame! Hope you like Oor Wullie, cause he's Your Wullie!-A'Body's Wullie :-)

Hi ma name's Wullie, am fra Auchenshoogle in Scotland, am 9 years auld.

I luv ta sit on ma bucket in ma garden and think o ways me an' ma mates can play tricks on PC Murdoch.

Ma best mates are Fat Bob, Soapy Souter an' Wee Eck.

A'v got a wee pet moose called Jeemy an' a dug called Harry.

Ma favrit clathes are ma black dungarees, yal no see me warin anythin eles.

Ma favrit food is ma Maw's mince an' tatties wi peas.... magic!!

Ma hobbies ar' fitba, fishin, kartin an' ramblin in Balgeddie Wuds..

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Fair enough. But hey, I was right that Trump was originally scheduled to be shown firing Obama at the RINO convention. But they didn't show it due to weather and gave the time to Clint.

Fess up guys, aren't you a little embarrassed to have the Donald as a leading Romney pusher? Talk about your bloated capitalist....

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