G. Edward Griffin: The Collectivist Conspiracy


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It's not a conspiracy, it's tribal hang together--exclude the other guy.

I can't remember the last time I watched a long video, even a movie.


the last time I was oin a theater was for War of the Worlds--that was fun--some years ago: the complex since closed down

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The interesting thing about Conspiracy Theories is that the less evidence for them there is, the more they are proven.

No evidence you say? That is what They want you to believe.

Ba'al Chatzaf

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He was born in 1931, so his laetrile must be working fine. (Laetrile is only amlydalin which comes from apricot seeds - also peach and almond, perhaps. It has cyanide linked to it - the smell of almonds is an old clue to cyanide poisoning. But the cyanide is only released into cancerous cells. Argue it as you wish.) I read his book The Fearful Master about the United Nations. I do not have 90 minutes for a rant that I will agree with in principle.

We know that we understand that fascism is just another kind of socialism. Mussolini's parents named him Benito after Juarez, the liberator of Mexico. They were liberals, progressives for their time. Mussolini was a socialist, but he was also himself a "man of action" who was an active duelist. In John Toland's biography of Adolph Hitler, at the signing of the Nazi-Soviet Pact ahead of the invasion of Poland, I believe that it was Ribbentropp who said to Molotov that it was too bad that a few disagreeements on details had separated them for so long.

That the collectivists of the world in their many stripes and colors - including global capitalists** - argue among themselves for which of them will rule the rest of us is no secret. It is the most open of conspiracies.

** Sir Anthony Giddens was the intellectual leader of "New Labor" and is the author of the most widely used English language textbook in sociology. He said that socialism cannot deliver the goods. For that you need capitalism. However, socialism provides the criticism that capitalist societied need to be humane. Rheinland capitalism (or Rheinland socialism) and Scandinavian capitalism (or Scandinavian Socialism) are his models. Seems nice, maybe... but innovation is unpredictable by its nature. Economic controls only run a society down by entropy because new inputs never happen. But, these world rulers think that they can create "innovation centers" by following the formula that now exists, without understanding why they happen at Silicon Valley and Stanford (or UT and Austin; Chapel Hill and Research Triangle) but not in Tallahassee or Atlanta or Topeka or a hundred other places with big schools full of smart people.

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That the collectivists of the world in their many stripes and colors argue among themselves for which of them will rule the rest of us is no secret. It is the most open of conspiracies.

Most open of conspiracies is right.

If you look through the eyes of a dictator, or across the spectrum to the most sincere 'lover of mankind', the common meme is "individual men are so unpredictable, so disobedient, and so...MESSY! Why don't they only listen to me and collect together -and their life will be so much better!"

One back - one mind - one neck.

This fellow is only pointing out what Objectivists know: the false dichotomy,

and single constant between fascism and communism - and every political paradigm.

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[This fellow is only pointing out what Objectivists know: the false dichotomy,

and single constant, between fascism and communism - and every political paradigm.

.... only to point out that G. Edward Griffin was out in front with this for decades. His book The Fearful Master came out in 1964 at the same time as None Dare Call It Treason and as Ayn Rand's admirers were forming "Students of Objectivism" and "Radicals for Capitalism" groups on college campuses. Whether or not you subscribe to his theories about cancer and Noah's Ark, he is a long time active element within the conservative right in America.

Wikipedia biography here.

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The interesting thing about Conspiracy Theories is that the less evidence for them there is, the more they are proven.

No evidence you say? That is what They want you to believe.

Ba'al Chatzaf

So what you are saying is Edward Griffin's reasoning is: there is no evidence in support of his statements; therefore they are proved.

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[This fellow is only pointing out what Objectivists know: the false dichotomy,

and single constant, between fascism and communism - and every political paradigm.

.... only to point out that G. Edward Griffin was out in front with this for decades. His book The Fearful Master came out in 1964 at the same time as None Dare Call It Treason and as Ayn Rand's admirers were forming "Students of Objectivism" and "Radicals for Capitalism" groups on college campuses. Whether or not you subscribe to his theories about cancer and Noah's Ark, he is a long time active element within the conservative right in America.

Wikipedia biography here.

Well, thanks, but rest assured I don't suffer from the "Columbus Complex".

Natch, Rand wasn't first with everything, but she often nailed it better (as here,

with Griffin and collectivism) and always completed the big picture better than most.

As for G.E.G., he may be a loony for all I know, but on this he's right.

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The term "conspiracy theory" is losing some of it's emotional load, so it's no longer an effective term to dismiss an idea.

Not even 15 years ago, when people like Alex Jones talked about the Bilderberg Group, others would laugh about tin hats, Illuminati under every doormat, secret UFO landings and so forth.

Nowadays, the Bilderberg Group advertises its meetings openly and has assumed that it is promoting a one-world government philosophy.

That's just one obvious example.

There are still many crazies running around in the conspiracy theory world, but too much has gone mainstream recently to whoop it up like before. The predominant view is becoming smoke often indicates a fire.

I say long live the conspiracy theorists. They provide balance in the culture. Just think a moment. What are the alternatives? Mainstream news reports? Government propaganda? University social science professors?


People who believe that stuff deserve what they get.

Besides, The Creature from Jekyll Island: A Second Look at the Federal Reserve by one G. Edward Griffin is considered to be one of the best books on the Federal Reserve ever written. This view is held by many, many intelligent people--even those who are not comfortable with his John Birch Society position. (Just Google it for proof.)

I haven't read it yet, but I have it. And I intend to read it.


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I learned of the Council on Foreign Relations from None Dare Call it Conspiracy by Gary Allen. Then about 2009 or so, at my university library, I found a recent series of CFR white papers all nicely bound and issued and shelved and stacked right with all the serious books.

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Besides, The Creature from Jekyll Island: A Second Look at the Federal Reserve by one G. Edward Griffin is considered to be one of the best books on the Federal Reserve ever written. This view is held by many, many intelligent people--even those who are not comfortable with his John Birch Society position. (Just Google it for proof.)

I haven't read it yet, but I have it. And I intend to read it.


Here is a video with the same title as the book. 42 minutes


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Michael, I have read it and it is delightful to read if you enjoy history. It is a long book and Griffin suggests that if you only read the first and the last page of each chapter you will get the idea. Then if you want more detail you can read the full chapters you want to know more about.

You might try that first if you are intimidated by the books length. To follow his advice only takes less than an hour but you miss the details.

I understand that the book is being widely read and recommended by those who have read it. That may explain why the idea of auditing the Fed managed to get through the House of Representatives. There is a movement now to get more U.S. Senators to co sponsor S.202. I even memorized the phone numbers of my own Senators and will call their offices.

The Creature From Jekyll Island is the kind of book that you wish everyone would read just like Atlas Shrugged.

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