We Are About To Have A Media-Gasm...


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The party of inclusion is about to conclude their convention with an acceptance speech by an incompetent.

They put forth a man who abused women. Who was found in civil contempt for lying under oath.

They supported that with a man who lied under oath at Congressional hearings. Who called folks like Brant "baby killers" and is a plagiarist.

They are about to re-nominate an incompetent who promised to:

1) Close Gitmo;

2) Reduce the deficit by 50%;

3) End the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan;

4) Lower the sea levels;

5) Change the influence of lobbyists influence on Washington; and

your can add the commitments that you remember below...





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Ah Michele is proud of her country for the second time in her life....

I am sooo choked up ....but it is because I am gagging...



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Ah that typical white lady that was a bigot - despicable individual - lying through his teeth

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"the Great Recession!" you despicable person

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All they have to offer ...last thirty years ...Clinton included!

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« Obama vs. Romney: The College Years

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Obama’s 2012 campaign slogan “Forward” echoes Communist propaganda posters

Posted 30 Apr 2012 in 2012 election, Barack Obama, class warfare, communism, Democrats, liberals, politics, propaganda, socialism


Today, the Obama administration released a seven-minute campaign video making their case for the President’s reelection, glossing over the ongoing malaise of the Obama economy and overlooking the tyranny emanating from the Obama White House.

This isn’t exactly progress, as measured by most Americans. Not. Better. Off.

MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough claims that the administration’s new campaign slogan “Forward” was taken from MSNBC’s slogan, “Lean Forward.”


Scarborough’s claim is ludicrous.

Both MSNBC and President Obama are simply borrowing a tried-and-true buzzword from Communist propaganda posters.


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Ah that little emotional catch in his voice when he finishes a sentence ... so engaging, such a wonderful sensitive person,,,

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Ah the breathy voice, "...right beneath our feet..." so plaintive, so engaging...

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Gut education!!

Teachers must inspire!

Principals must lead!

Help me recruit 100, 000 teachers!

Help me cut the cost of tuition in half in the next ten (10) years! Ah like the deficit!

Here comes the warrior bullshit!

In case you haven't heard ...Osama Bin Laden is dead!

We love the military...however, we will not let you vote...

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I am no longer the candidate...I am the incompetent that you trusted and I have failed!

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I have held in my arms! Please.

Here we go it is PERORATION TIME!!!!!!



Just trust me!

Believe in me!

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I cannot express how much I detest this man...

If the prime voter re-elects this piece of utopian scum - we deserve everything we get!!

Heavy lilt in the voice!


Mediagasm in progress

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Republicans did not have any plans!

Red white and blue snow storm

accepting the adulation

Sam Donelson's statement is incredibly effete and, frankly, makes you want to go to the bathroom and wash your mind...

The use of "you" vs. "I," go to the O'bama website and see the change to the other pronoun...

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e-mail at 11:07

President Obama is right.

That is why we must win in November. The next 24 hours are critical. All eyes are on Democrats' fund raising totals this week.

House Majority PAC will help give President Obama the Democratic Majority he needs to succeed, but we can't do it without your help.

Contribute now. http://action.thehousemajoritypac.com/democrat

Thank you,

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Adam, why do you torment yourself watching Obama? I am worried about your blood pressure.I know you need to keep track of what he is saying but you could just read the texts and save yourself aggro. I did that with Brian Mulroney for years.

On the great Whose Line (the original Brit one) there was a song improv challenge where the comics had to sing a given title in different styles. "What is it with These Instructions?" for a befuddled DIYer was sung in "60s protest song" style

{cue wimpy kumbaya type music)


This thing needs fixin'

And we hate Richard Nixon...

what is it , with these instructions?*

Ooooh, oooh...."

So, for you....

"I need a hammer

And we all hate Obammer...

Ooooh, oooh...."

*the performer was Mike McSomeone, American, hilarious

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Incidentally, the media do not seem to be gasming all that much.

From the few bits I watched, I liked Jill Biden's speech qua speech the best, maybe because it was the shortest and she does not say "literally" all the time like her clueless husband.

She must actually love him because she spends her professional life teaching English learners things like the difference between "literally" and "figuratively".

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I am worried about your blood pressure.I know you need to keep track of what he is saying but you could just read the texts and save yourself aggro." .


Thanks for your concern. My blood pressure is 115 over 75. Repressing the emotions is a sure way to elevate blood pressure. If you resist, it persists.

Branden makes note of this constantly. Blocking emotions creates dis-ease.


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I am worried about your blood pressure.I know you need to keep track of what he is saying but you could just read the texts and save yourself aggro." .


Thanks for your concern. My blood pressure is 115 over 75. Repressing the emotions is a sure way to elevate blood pressure. If you resist, it persists.

Branden makes note of this constantly. Blocking emotions creates dis-ease.


I am glad you are ok. I was just thinking, that to continually provoke emotions, can also have ill effects.

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I am worried about your blood pressure.I know you need to keep track of what he is saying but you could just read the texts and save yourself aggro." .


Thanks for your concern. My blood pressure is 115 over 75. Repressing the emotions is a sure way to elevate blood pressure. If you resist, it persists.

Branden makes note of this constantly. Blocking emotions creates dis-ease.


I am glad you are ok. I was just thinking, that to continually provoke emotions, can also have ill effects.

Well as a "hot blooded" Italian, it works quite well for me...

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