Corrupt Mainstream Media Versus Industry


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In other words, you think the food industry is mainly funded by tax dollars? And since there's nothing people can do about it, they might as well play along to get along?

Everywhere I see that, I see corruption, wasted crops, weird practices and so on. Take a look at what's happening with the entire corn industry in the USA.

So how do you fix it where it exists?

Hey. Here's an idea.

Let's dress products up to look like something else and fool customers into buying them.

That's your solution?

Sorry. I have another one.

How about placing some of the responsibility on the businessmen--like Eldon Roth--who go running to Washington to get advantages at each drop of the hat?

To use Rand's analogies, I think it boils down to this.

When you see Eldon Roth, you see Hank Rearden.

I see Robert Stadler.


Government interference in the food industry is rampant at every level. Of course I would like government entirely out.

Food prices are high because of government interference - and getting worse because of increasing interference.

Why would anyone want to invest in US agribusiness unless someone is fighting the socialists?

Socialists have a history of taking over agriculture then starving out their enemies by the millions. If the socialists

continue like they are we will see mass starvation in the US in my lifetime.


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Socialists have a history of taking over agriculture then starving out their enemies by the millions. If the socialists

continue like they are we will see mass starvation in the US in my lifetime.

That is part of the plan.

A recent guest on the Alex Jones show said the world is in its 7th year of a deliberate famine. (I don't know whether this is true.)

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