The Attack Of The "Food NAZIs". Essen macht frei


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The food Nazis are ever busy.


Ba'al Chatzaf

Alex Jones covered that a long time ago and it's worse than the article says. In some places, kids are not allowed to eat lunches from home; the teacher throws the lunches out. Often the lunches from home are better than the crap the school serves.

This food Nazi-ism is part of a bigger plan, to control food. He who controls food controls the world. Codex Alimentarius is part of the plan. Codex Alimentarius is being implemented first in Europe but is intended to eventually be implemented all over the world as part of a world totalitarian government. There is also a plan to cause mass starvation. Starvation (they say 'food') is used as a weapon.

Never allow anyone else to make decisions for you. They will make decisions for you to their benefit, not yours.

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The food Nazis are ever busy.


Ba'al Chatzaf

Alex Jones covered that a long time ago and it's worse than the article says. In some places, kids are not allowed to eat lunches from home; the teacher throws the lunches out. Often the lunches from home are better than the crap the school serves.

This food Nazi-ism is part of a bigger plan, to control food. He who controls food controls the world. Codex Alimentarius is part of the plan. Codex Alimentarius is being implemented first in Europe but is intended to eventually be implemented all over the world as part of a world totalitarian government. There is also a plan to cause mass starvation. Starvation (they say 'food') is used as a weapon.

Never allow anyone else to make decisions for you. They will make decisions for you to their benefit, not yours.

jts: if I held your various views, including your apparently firm belief that A Brave New World is just around the corner, I would be prying myself from Google and You Tube and purchasing some land in an obscure place, probably in rural Canada, or possibly Idaho. In fact, I would be working 2-3 jobs to make sure I could afford the camoflage netting to string over my hand-built log cabin, stocked with, inter alia, wood stoves, bear traps, the Ayn Rand Library, and lots of ammunition. I might also take a martial art of some kind, so as to fend off as many UN marauders as possible--that is, after the ammo runs out. Finally, I would never use the Internet again, so as to leave as few footprints regarding my plans as possible.

Are you doing any of these things? [Don't answer unless you want "them" to know]. How about something short of that?

I have a friend who complains mightily about Payday loan companies, for all of the usual reasons. He is fairly wealthy, and could afford to set up a reasonably sized Payday loan company to cater--at lower interest rates than those he complains about--to the needs of the poor. One day I asked why he failed to do so. To his credit, he paused, grinned, and simply said "because I am afraid to put my money where my mouth is." I told him we were in agreement on that point.

You sir, seem to think that the world is coming to an end, and soon. Why don't you start acting like it?

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Payday loans have saved my life more than once. If you can payback within 48 hours of borrowing there is no interest, you are just borrowing from yourself. Also my son's best friend and his girlfriend used to work there.

I do love the TV Ad, "O give me a loan, where you don't leave your home/ where there's no line and no one to see' where the clerk in the store/don't see you no more/ and you don't need no photo ID"

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jts: if I held your various views, including your apparently firm belief that A Brave New World is just around the corner, I would be prying myself from Google and You Tube and purchasing some land in an obscure place, probably in rural Canada, or possibly Idaho. In fact, I would be working 2-3 jobs to make sure I could afford the camoflage netting to string over my hand-built log cabin, stocked with, inter alia, wood stoves, bear traps, the Ayn Rand Library, and lots of ammunition. I might also take a martial art of some kind, so as to fend off as many UN marauders as possible--that is, after the ammo runs out. Finally, I would never use the Internet again, so as to leave as few footprints regarding my plans as possible.

Are you doing any of these things? [Don't answer unless you want "them" to know]. How about something short of that?

I have a friend who complains mightily about Payday loan companies, for all of the usual reasons. He is fairly wealthy, and could afford to set up a reasonably sized Payday loan company to cater--at lower interest rates than those he complains about--to the needs of the poor. One day I asked why he failed to do so. To his credit, he paused, grinned, and simply said "because I am afraid to put my money where my mouth is." I told him we were in agreement on that point.

You sir, seem to think that the world is coming to an end, and soon. Why don't you start acting like it?

Several points:

1. When did I specify a time frame? It seems that the plans of the Globalists always take longer than they intend. 1984 is not here yet, even in 2012. The success of their plans depends on secrecy but there are always guys like Alex Jones putting the spotlight on these cockroaches. When their plans are exposed, they say "$#@!%^&" and then they revise their plans.

2. I have a much more positive view of life than you seem to have. I believe it is possible to beat the Powers That Be. In Ayn Rand terminology, I have a more benevolent universe premise. We can do something about it. The Globalists are terrified of us, that we might find them out. I think there is a chance that 3% of the population will wake up and completely beat the Powers That Be. 3% will be enough, according to history. I don't think in terms of how to run away and escape; I think in terms of how to win. Perhaps we will have a black night of terror just before the dawn of a new day.

3. I don't plan to be around when (and if) the worst comes. When I was diagnosed with a terminal disease in 2000 I didn't expect to be alive in 2012. I am in no physical condition to do much and it doesn't matter anyway.

4. I live in Canada, which is probably as good a place as any.

5. I do avoid the glutamate and the aspartame and the fluoride and the GE foods and all meds.

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jts: if I held your various views, including your apparently firm belief that A Brave New World is just around the corner, I would be prying myself from Google and You Tube and purchasing some land in an obscure place, probably in rural Canada, or possibly Idaho. In fact, I would be working 2-3 jobs to make sure I could afford the camoflage netting to string over my hand-built log cabin, stocked with, inter alia, wood stoves, bear traps, the Ayn Rand Library, and lots of ammunition. I might also take a martial art of some kind, so as to fend off as many UN marauders as possible--that is, after the ammo runs out. Finally, I would never use the Internet again, so as to leave as few footprints regarding my plans as possible.

Are you doing any of these things? [Don't answer unless you want "them" to know]. How about something short of that?

I have a friend who complains mightily about Payday loan companies, for all of the usual reasons. He is fairly wealthy, and could afford to set up a reasonably sized Payday loan company to cater--at lower interest rates than those he complains about--to the needs of the poor. One day I asked why he failed to do so. To his credit, he paused, grinned, and simply said "because I am afraid to put my money where my mouth is." I told him we were in agreement on that point.

You sir, seem to think that the world is coming to an end, and soon. Why don't you start acting like it?

Several points:

1. When did I specify a time frame? It seems that the plans of the Globalists always take longer than they intend. 1984 is not here yet, even in 2012. The success of their plans depends on secrecy but there are always guys like Alex Jones putting the spotlight on these cockroaches. When their plans are exposed, they say "$#@!%^&" and then they revise their plans.

2. I have a much more positive view of life than you seem to have. I believe it is possible to beat the Powers That Be. In Ayn Rand terminology, I have a more benevolent universe premise. We can do something about it. The Globalists are terrified of us, that we might find them out. I think there is a chance that 3% of the population will wake up and completely beat the Powers That Be. 3% will be enough, according to history. I don't think in terms of how to run away and escape; I think in terms of how to win. Perhaps we will have a black night of terror just before the dawn of a new day.

3. I don't plan to be around when (and if) the worst comes. When I was diagnosed with a terminal disease in 2000 I didn't expect to be alive in 2012. I am in no physical condition to do much and it doesn't matter anyway.

4. I live in Canada, which is probably as good a place as any.

5. I do avoid the glutamate and the aspartame and the fluoride and the GE foods and all meds.

Thanks for your response.

1. That's the same argument as the Rapture people. Could happen any day, could happen in 1,000 years. An odd way to go through life.

2. I think you are 100% off the mark here. It is your focus on supposed cockroaches that brought about my first reply, and that belies your expressed sense of purported optimism about how things might come out. NIce try on the benevolent universe reference, however. I would be interested in discussing this particular point further. Who holds more tightly to the benevolent universe premise: those spend their days worried about Ellsworth Toohey and his machinations, or those who don't notice him much, or take him very seriously when they do? [i don't claim to have The Answer on this, by the way].

3. "It doesn't matter much anyway" is something of a giveaway on whether you are truly standing behind your point #2.

4. I agree Canada is a nice place.

5. Fair enough. This sounds like the only specific examples of your putting your values into action--other than posting various you-tube vidoes...

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