Is this a mosquito?


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Why does this link work before I post it but not after I post it?

Does OL censor stuff from rense?

I can edit a post, but how can I delete a post when it doesn't work?

Be on the look out for Black Helicopters too.

Ba'al Chatzaf

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[1]Why does this link work before I post it but not after I post it?

[2] Does OL censor stuff from rense?

[3]I can edit a post, but how can I delete a post when it doesn't work?

1. Because of 'hot-linking'.

2. No.

Rense's 404 notice (unavailable web content) is probably due to 'hotlinking.' This is when we simply paste the URL of an image into content at OL. Web servers can be configured to notice image-only requests. When a (Rense) site server script notices that someone is wanting to see only a picture without looking at the page full of survivalist advertisements, it redirects the request to 404. Rense is the culprit here, not the reptilian OL censors.

For situations like this, or if you think an image might soon be disappearing, Jerry, you can use online product Pixlr at This lets you save a copy of any image and allows hotlinking.

Rense's site front page does not source this image at first glance (beyond, resideny mash-up artiste), but I sense this is what you wanted to get all cross-eyed about? Have you looked for other instances or the actual first source?

3). You will need Michael's assistance.


I have so far not been able to source it past the underlying image. I expect it is a lovely little sculpture.

But while you are in the mood, Jerry, here's an official video on micro-machines of war. It's from the US Air Force and has scary music ...

Edited by william.scherk
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The unwary travelor to this website for the first time would be justified in wondering why all these crackpot posts populate a website ostensibly devoted to Objectivist Living.

Jts: you ask, "how can I delete a post when it doesn't work?" I wish you knew how. Oh, how I wish you knew how.

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Yeabut PDS, remember the glory days of yore? We had gawd himself posting here for a while. We do not want to censor Jerry, just help him use reason's tools to hack back the cognitive overgrowth that so haunts him.

Editorially, how can a reasonably free and open Objectivish site deal with Jerry's hauntings, with Alex Jones, Jesse Ventura, the NWO-reptilians etc?


I don't know how I would treat him any other way than has Michael. But I do feel the crank-pool expand here from time to time.

Edited by william.scherk
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Yeabut PDS, remember the glory days of yore? We had gawd himself posting here for a while. We do not want to censor Jerry, just help him use reason's tools to hack back the cognitive overgrowth that so haunts him.

Editorially, how can a reasonably free and open Objectivish site deal with Jerry's hauntings, with Alex Jones, Jesse Ventura, the NWO-reptilians etc?


I don't know how I would treat him any other way than has Michael. But I do feel the crank-pool expand here from time to time.

I would not presume to suggest censorship of any kind, except self-censorship, brought on by the gentle proddings of reason and decorum.

We are guests in MSK's cyber-home, after all, and each are liable to leave the toilet lid up every so often...

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