Children Baptized into Earth First Death Cult


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You think Ayn Rand was kidding when she said the bad guys worship death? Nope, they are brainwashing children into killing themselves. Nope, I'm not making this up.

How are they going to reduce the planet's population to half a billion? Count the ways. GE foods cause sterility in animals by the third generation, probably works on humans too. Food is poisoned. Water is poisoned. Soil is poisoned by aluminum oxide. Cancer virus in the vaccines. Death of bees reducing the food production. Not allowed to grow a garden. The war on nutrition. Enforcing drugs (poisons). Agriculture will be taken over by government (Agenda 21, worse than Stalin). Etc. Now it seems maybe all that is not necessary. Teach kids that they are bad and need to kill themselves.

It's cartoonish. But it's real.


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I watched it all, Jerry. All twenty one and a half minutes. I even took notes. A lot like a cooking show where no one does any cooking, just a lot of scarey banging of pots:

Infowars Nightly News by Alex Jones.

Earth First Death Cult. Some bearded (Rob Dew**) guy says "basically we have these upper-crust level ... who think humans are bad. Their mission is 'off yourself.'

They don't come out and say "you need to die.' Blazers with elbow pads. Equations. Time Magazine "How to Die."

Hate yourself. Hate life. Clip of Al Gore. Talking to the kids to become good little Green Police. Our generation told our parents that it was wrong to have segregation. Equate fake Climate Change with racism. Tell your parents. Change your lightbulbs. It slowly creeps through. There was a TV network. Professor Schpinkee's Greenhouse Calculator. Find out when you should die. How big of a Greenhouse Pig are you?


Indoctrinate the kids. UC Professor Richard Cardullo WHO all this other stuff. Skipped the first part. Into Science, Physics, Harvard. His job is now to go around telling kids the Earth is overpopulated. Stop having children. Hell, maybe get sterilized.

Going to analyze each one. Tarpley. Malthus. Population versus food supply. Famine, disease, war.

Control population by having people starve. Quotes from Malthus. Make streets narrower. Court the return of the plague. Real smart man. Charles Darwin, grandfathers of the Eugenics Movement. Children must perish. Don't impede the operations of morality.

Malthus. Blah blah blah. Blah.

When I have ants in my yard I use hotwater or boric acid.

Paul Ehrlich quotes. Entire planet is vastly overpopulated. Enough room in Texas for an acre for everyone. Ehrlich doesn't care. Engineered catastrophes by NGO famines, genocides.

Development of a long-term sterilization capsules. Eco Science. Tarpley Eco-science. Science Czar. Peas in a pod.

Shift to cutting out of the cancer. Brutal and heartless decisions. Population bomb.

After-birth abortion. Brainwashing our children. Recycling was the start. Now electric cars. I am all for solar. Killing brown people in Afghanistan. Dumb people down. Cull the population.

We need to combat this mind control. More unvaccinated kids is what we need to make a better earth. More people will make it better.

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** Rob Dew is the News Director for and the Infowars Nightly News. In 2010 he co-directed with Alex Jones Police State 4 The Rise of Fema, a hard hitting documentary which covers the Fema Internment Camp Plan, The Pittsburgh G20 protest where the police and military used sound cannons on the American people for the first time, and covers the false flag terror attack known as the Underwear Bomber which was the pretext to put radiation spewing naked body scanners in our airports and has evolved into the TSA putting their hands in our pants. Rob is a graduate of West Virginia University with a BFA in Theatre.

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You think Ayn Rand was kidding when she said the bad guys worship death? Nope, they are brainwashing children into killing themselves. Nope, I'm not making this up.

How are they going to reduce the planet's population to half a billion? Count the ways. GE foods cause sterility in animals by the third generation, probably works on humans too. Food is poisoned. Water is poisoned. Soil is poisoned by aluminum oxide. Cancer virus in the vaccines. Death of bees reducing the food production. Not allowed to grow a garden. The war on nutrition. Enforcing drugs (poisons). Agriculture will be taken over by government (Agenda 21, worse than Stalin). Etc. Now it seems maybe all that is not necessary. Teach kids that they are bad and need to kill themselves.

It's cartoonish. But it's real.


I would highly recommend that this fellow get a haircut.

That is all.

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I've never been able to watch (or listen) to an entire Alex Jones show.

Earth First! became notorious for its promotion of tree-spiking. Not what I would call good PR for the broader environmental movement.

Whether they go so far as to advocate the extinction of Homo sapiens, I don't know.

If they're that deep-ecological, then it's fair to call them a death cult.

Robert Campbell

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My high point in environmentalism was imagining radio-control flying a WWII B-17 or B-29 bomber loaded with explosivers into the hated Glenn Canyon dam in northern Arizona to crack it open to the destruction of water flowing over the cracked breach. The only problem was I couldn't figure out how to do it without killing hikers and boaters in the Grand Canyon downstream. (So I never bought the bomber.)

My brother was a friend of Edward Abbey. He took an iconic photo over 40 years ago showing a Native American buck with a carbine in uplifted hand with a gigantic coal-mining shovel in the background on the Navajo reservation that may have influenced Abbey to write The Monkey Wrench Gang. Dunno. I enjoyed the novel. The shovel operator then tried to take them both down by swinging his shovel's bucket over to clobber them.

I always thought tree spiking was very dirty, very destructive, pool.

When a local well-known anthropologist-environmentalist of sorts here in Tucson, Julian Hayden, died in 1998, I went to his wake. One of his sons told me, assuming I was naturally simpatico, how gratifying it was that dams were being de-constructed in Washington state, where he lived.

It's not that Earth First is a death cult. They live, you die. It's a human genocidal cult. There's a reason they are so quiet today. They don't care for the "terrorist" appellation. They might go to jail.


Godzilla is coming

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