The 2nd Romney-Obama Debate

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Romney won IMHO but I just simply don't like Obama. He's a big baby who went crying to mommy moderator. He can't run on his record and doesn't deserve a second chance. Simple as that.

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My impression is that Romney killed it with the public, just outright won hands-down, but all the pundits said it was a contentious debate and Obama won it by a small margin. Even the conservative pundits said this.

Talk about being out of touch...

Here is another commentator, Mark Levin, who sees this as I do, except he doesn't even care who won the debate. He thinks the pundits are all living in a little bubble that blinds them to what is happening in the country.

They prefer to run imaginary contests.

Sorry, the video doesn't embed. It's on Real Clear Politics and it runs about 15 minutes:

Mark Levin: Krauthammer, George Will Wrong About Declaring Obama Winner

It makes you wonder, what the hell is wrong with the media?

They are making themselves obsolete on broadcast news--and now even on cable. And it's not for presenting bad reporters (which it does a lot). It's for being irrelevant.

OK... there are still the ratings, but as the liberal print media has been proving slowly but surely, you just can't be irrelevant to your customers and expect to stay in business. Not over the long haul. Look at the upcoming demise of Newsweek for a great example.

I predict that, if this problem does not get addressed, broadcast news and cable news will eventually go the same route and cede their audience to the Internet as it grows and they stay the same.


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O'bama lied and people died ... and then he covered it up - even the functional moron Geraldo Rivera is calling it Benghazi-gate...out of curiosity, how many people died in Watergate?

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Kat said something I thought was interesting.

She said that Romney looks and acts like a dad and Obama looks and acts like a kid.

I think she nailed the emotional archetypes.

It's time for dad to step in and clean up the kid's mess.

I'm starting to get this feeling from the way people talk about them.


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Kat said something I thought was interesting.

She said that Romney looks and acts like a dad and Obama looks and acts like a kid.

I think she nailed the emotional archetypes.

It's time for dad to step in and clean up the kid's mess.

I'm starting to get this feeling from the way people talk about them.


Interesting. Lord of the Flies. "Hey, we were just playin'..."

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When I first heard the "Binders of women" comment I thought it reflected Romney's basic honesty; he didn't know how many resumes he looked at so he described what he had gotten: "binders full". It's a manner of speaking of people who are basically honest. Biden would have said "Millions and Billions!".

This is true to form:

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Can someone explain why "binders of women" was a gaffe because I must be missing something.

It is standard procedure in management to receive binders of prospects to choose from.

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