Today is William Scherk's birthday

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Today is William Scherk's birthday

Happy birthday William, from Kat and me.

I almost didn't post this because I see you are younger than I am.


But it's a pleasure to know you.

In fact, because of you, I now believe Progressives are human. (I should say "can be.")


Much, much happiness and many more birthdays to you...

Michael (& Kat)

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Certainly! William adds much to the board with his interesting and provocative posts. It is pretty easy to get noticed, but it is harder to be noticed for the right reasons. Agree with him or not on this point or that, I make the time to share his opinions and insights.

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Knowing something of your past career I did a YouTube search for "Punk rock birthday", and this came up. Seems more like "gay birthday" to me, but I suppose that's ok too.

But with Ron Jeremy? Isn't he like, a turnoff whatever your orientation?

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Today is William Scherk's birthday

Happy birthday William, from Kat and me.

I almost didn't post this because I see you are younger than I am.


But it's a pleasure to know you.

In fact, because of you, I now believe Progressives are human. (I should say "can be.")


Much, much happiness and many more birthdays to you...

Michael (& Kat)


I am afraid that I will have to qualify Michael and Kat's observation that Progressives are human (which they qualified with "can be"). The question really is, are they the right kind of human. Probably, if they are from Canada (o.k., definitely!), with their rich British traditions.

But I digress!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to a "renaissance man!"



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But it's a pleasure to know you.

In fact, because of you, I now believe Progressives are human. (I should say "can be.")


Schweet, appreciate the sentiments! I am older than I thought I would be when I died, and younger at heart than I have any right to be. My progressivism is persistent, chronic even, but itself is not progressive. I am actually less progressive now than I was at my socialist high point. That was in high school, grade nine Social Studies. It's kind of like a horrible non-fatal tropical disease. Hideous onslaught, and permanent damage, but generally nothing more awful now than occasional feverish episodes and deliria. I would not have wanted to be infected with the mirror of progressivism in grade nine. Because that would mean I would now talk like a Socred, and dress like Grace McCarthy.

And a kiss on the cheek for Kat, our empress.


Keep up the good work, youngin!

Will do, sir, as best I can. [Full disclosure: I occasionally whine, whinge and fret backstage with Stephen. His corrections are like vaccinations, they make you think that one day we might end the long reign of Polio Unreason.]

Un joyeux cinquante-cinq ans, Guillaume! ... (and if you are not quite up to rocking Vancouver tonight, at least shiver her a little.)

Vancouver is essentially bland, which is why it is a tourist paradise. Bland bland bland. Hockey Riot. Bland. Multilingual as hell. Bland. A shiver is in order as we are having unreasonable weather: fog in winter. I will probably rock next with the Mud Bay Blues Band at Pat's Pub.

Certainly! William adds much to the board with his interesting and provocative posts. It is pretty easy to get noticed, but it is harder to be noticed for the right reasons. Agree with him or not on this point or that, I make the time to share his opinions and insights.

I have learned not to be snide or condescending to you when I think your claim or argument merit a correction. It's nice to hear a friendly from you, thanks. I wish I had a head of hair like yours.

Knowing something of your past career I did a YouTube search for "Punk rock birthday", and this came up. Seems more like "gay birthday" to me, but I suppose that's ok too. [ . . . ] But with Ron Jeremy? Isn't he like, a turnoff whatever your orientation?

He apparently was a nice guy, a tractable donkey who loved sex and could endure discomfort and boredom better than most. His personality and his dong put him on screen too ... a Kojakish handsomeness, an ugly lovable dog.

Yes, it would sicken me if he came after me. Like a star-nosed mole. Deeply.

Funny thing was Los Popularos in the day was anything but a Punk band -- we were fused to the scene in town, but occupied our own weird disco country-tanged artpop niche.

Bill, I am afraid that I will have to qualify Michael and Kat's observation that Progressives are human (which they qualified with "can be").

I know. And I knew you would bring it up.

The question really is, are they the right kind of human. Probably, if they are from Canada (o.k., definitely!), with their rich British traditions.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to a "renaissance man!"

Schweet! I pose as a near-normal most of the time. Here on OL I can range freely and once in a while bash out a long structured piece of prose that pleases me.

I really don't give a dang for labels. They can be destructive and constructive and everything in between. The only thing I ask from my labels is that they be accurate. It often helps to ask the stuff inside the jar what it is.

Regards back atcha Jerry and see you in Vegas!

Edited by william.scherk
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My deepest wishes for you to have an exquisitely happy birthday!


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Happy belated birthday. And sorry for its belatedness. I was in Communicado, TX, and therefore wasn't able to post on your birthday.

Also, just so you know, I haven't forgotten about our mutual intellectual heir medallions project. I'll have some time soon to do some sketching on it. I'm also thinking about maybe coming up with some jewelry for Objectivists who want to show the rank of their ever-changing associations with others. Maybe something like a couple of bracelets with removable charms. Objectivists would exchange "blank check" charms with each other, and then place them on one of two bracelets. The first would represent potential heirs and their ranking/line of succession, and the second would represent "false friends," enemies and other excommunicated rabble. It would be kind of like a moral version of a medical alert bracelet -- were someone to find a dead Objectivist, his bracelets would indicate his up-to-date rankings of friends and enemies.


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It would be kind of like a moral version of a medical alert bracelet -- were someone to find a dead Objectivist, his bracelets would indicate his up-to-date rankings of friends and enemies.

I detect a problem here. If you wear a bracelet bearing the names of unmentionables, you're extending to them great metaphysical significance, thus contradicting the doctrine of the impotence of evil.

OTOH, this calls to mind what some Satanists reportedly do/did. They get tattoos of crucifixes on the bottom of their feet, so they can always be stepping on the image of Christ. An image on the sole of the shoe is almost as good. Even better is to swipe transubstantiated communion wafers and do unspeakable things to them. One of the characters in Eco's The Prague Cemetery goes around to different churches every Sunday and manages to palm a wafer each time, then sells them to the Satanists.

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But with Ron Jeremy? Isn't he like, a turnoff whatever your orientation?

He apparently was a nice guy, a tractable donkey who loved sex and could endure discomfort and boredom better than most. His personality and his dong put him on screen too ... a Kojakish handsomeness, an ugly lovable dog.

Yes, it would sicken me if he came after me. Like a star-nosed mole. Deeply.

Scuttlebutt says he was checking out OL yesterday and was stung, STUNG by your comments. Stung to the heart.

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He apparently was a nice guy, a tractable donkey who loved sex and could endure discomfort and boredom better than most. His personality and his dong put him on screen too ... a Kojakish handsomeness, an ugly lovable dog.

Yes, it would sicken me if he came after me. Like a star-nosed mole. Deeply.

Scuttlebutt says he was checking out OL yesterday and was stung, STUNG by your comments. Stung to the heart.

What can I say but oops, serendipity, not so schweet for Ron.

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