Watch for a Pattern - Expected and Occurring


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When watching for patterns you must analyze what is going on in a statistical manner. About 1 1/2 years into Clintons first term there were some 54 associates of the Clintons from Arkansas who had turned up dead under unusual circumstances. It is possible to explain these deaths rationally one at a time as bad luck of one kind or another. Insurance actuaries looked into the deaths surrounding the Clintons and found the chances of bad luck being the source of the problem was in the 50 million to one odds range and this was before Vince Foster, dead female interns, and Ron Brown.

Like in the days before the rise of the Nazi's when hundreds of politically active people in Germany were assassinated socialism taking power generally involves a great deal of death and/or destroyed lives behind the scenes.

This is something to watch for and keep in mind. Individually the stories might not seem suspicious and some will be coincidence - as the pattern fills in the picture becomes clear what is really going on.


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A little over 20 years ago a co-worker was telling us about his dad - he worked for a branch of the Secret Service that you don't hear about - they investigate disappearances and suspicioius deaths of wealthy individuals and/or politically connected people. This was right after Clinton was elected. A year later the co-worker and his dad died in a light plane wreck - exactly the kind of thing he used to investigate and something that turned up several times later on in relation to Clinton.

I did meet a former Clinton fundraiser from Arkansas in the mid-90's. He was telling my bosses about how he still feared for his life and cut all ties to the Clinton's once he realized what all they were into. I have heard that is a common story among people who knew the Clintons in Arkansas.


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When watching for patterns you must analyze what is going on in a statistical manner. About 1 1/2 years into Clintons first term there were some 54 associates of the Clintons from Arkansas who had turned up dead under unusual circumstances. It is possible to explain these deaths rationally one at a time as bad luck of one kind or another. Insurance actuaries looked into the deaths surrounding the Clintons and found the chances of bad luck being the source of the problem was in the 50 million to one odds range and this was before Vince Foster, dead female interns, and Ron Brown.

Like in the days before the rise of the Nazi's when hundreds of politically active people in Germany were assassinated socialism taking power generally involves a great deal of death and/or destroyed lives behind the scenes.

This is something to watch for and keep in mind. Individually the stories might not seem suspicious and some will be coincidence - as the pattern fills in the picture becomes clear what is really going on.


54 of my hometown associates have also turned up dead in the last 30 years, and so have yours.

I have never run for political office, I don't know about you.

Get a grip, Dennis May.

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When watching for patterns you must analyze what is going on in a statistical manner. About 1 1/2 years into Clintons first term there were some 54 associates of the Clintons from Arkansas who had turned up dead under unusual circumstances. It is possible to explain these deaths rationally one at a time as bad luck of one kind or another. Insurance actuaries looked into the deaths surrounding the Clintons and found the chances of bad luck being the source of the problem was in the 50 million to one odds range and this was before Vince Foster, dead female interns, and Ron Brown.

Like in the days before the rise of the Nazi's when hundreds of politically active people in Germany were assassinated socialism taking power generally involves a great deal of death and/or destroyed lives behind the scenes.

This is something to watch for and keep in mind. Individually the stories might not seem suspicious and some will be coincidence - as the pattern fills in the picture becomes clear what is really going on.


54 of my hometown associates have also turned up dead in the last 30 years, and so have yours.

I have never run for political office, I don't know about you.

Get a grip, Dennis May.

How many were to testify against you in criminal proceedings? How many were you involved with in illegal drug dealings? How many helped you obtain prostitutes? I am not talking about people dying of old age and disease. I am talking about people shot in broad daylight in downtown Little Rock at a stoplight, dying in light airplane crashes, being shot in the back with rifles from a distance, being killed in "robberies" where nothing was taken, turning up dead in the trunk of a car, etc. If you were an associate of the Clintons in Arkansas and things went sour your chances of turning up dead went through the roof. If you were in the White House and you were to testify against them suicide, plane wreck, or robbery gone wrong were your options.

Every authoritarian socialist regime that has come to power leaves a litter of bodies behind. The Clintons like Obama are authoritarian socialist wanna-bes. Why do you think anything would be different in America than the pattern repeated dozens of times around the world. It is the norm proven historically time and again and to be expected.


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When watching for patterns you must analyze what is going on in a statistical manner. About 1 1/2 years into Clintons first term there were some 54 associates of the Clintons from Arkansas who had turned up dead under unusual circumstances. It is possible to explain these deaths rationally one at a time as bad luck of one kind or another. Insurance actuaries looked into the deaths surrounding the Clintons and found the chances of bad luck being the source of the problem was in the 50 million to one odds range and this was before Vince Foster, dead female interns, and Ron Brown.

Like in the days before the rise of the Nazi's when hundreds of politically active people in Germany were assassinated socialism taking power generally involves a great deal of death and/or destroyed lives behind the scenes.

This is something to watch for and keep in mind. Individually the stories might not seem suspicious and some will be coincidence - as the pattern fills in the picture becomes clear what is really going on.


54 of my hometown associates have also turned up dead in the last 30 years, and so have yours.

I have never run for political office, I don't know about you.

Get a grip, Dennis May.

How many were to testify against you in criminal proceedings? How many were you involved with in illegal drug dealings? How many helped you obtain prostitutes? I am not talking about people dying of old age and disease. I am talking about people shot in broad daylight in downtown Little Rock at a stoplight, dying in light airplane crashes, being shot in the back with rifles from a distance, being killed in "robberies" where nothing was taken, turning up dead in the trunk of a car, etc. If you were an associate of the Clintons in Arkansas and things went sour your chances of turning up dead went through the roof. If you were in the White House and you were to testify against them suicide, plane wreck, or robbery gone wrong were your options.

Every authoritarian socialist regime that has come to power leaves a litter of bodies behind. The Clintons like Obama are authoritarian socialist wanna-bes. Why do you think anything would be different in America than the pattern repeated dozens of times around the world. It is the norm proven historically time and again and to be expected.


If you live anyplace where guns are in every household, your likelihood of being killed by them rises exponentially. Just another reason i have always not wanted to visit Arkansas. I have more.

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Coming soon to a Walmart near you.

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If you live anyplace where guns are in every household, your likelihood of being killed by them rises exponentially. Just another reason i have always not wanted to visit Arkansas. I have more.

Not true at all - the best way to get yourself killed by a gun is to be disarmed then allow authoritarians to rule. Then like millions in the last century you can get yours in the back of the head or lined up along a trench for the mass grave treatment.


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We don't live in the last century. And we are not dying in those trenches, but in our own homes and schools at the hands of our neighbours not the government.

Many more of our neighbors and countrymen die in automotive accidents or from bad eating habits.

Ba'al Chatzaf

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We don't live in the last century. And we are not dying in those trenches, but in our own homes and schools at the hands of our neighbours not the government.

When I was in high school in Nebraska nearly every pickup truck had a gun rack with at least one deer rifle and a .22 rifle for small game - and everyone had a pickup truck. We worked on guns in shop class occasionally. I took an antique rifle to show and tell. Gun violence was never an issue. The only shooting I recall in 4 years of high school was a father and son killing 3 armed burglers who had already hit some 30 farms in the area. If only the father or the son had been home they would have wanted a 30 round magazine to combat 3 armed intruders at once. Luckily they were 2 non-victims and they had pump shotguns. The burglers had handguns.

We will be dying in the trenches just like every other authoritarian socialist experiment if guns are taken away from the USA. Canada and the rest of the West will fall once the US is not there to defend it all.


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You are still talking of the last century and deriving predictions from selected elements of if. Not very scientific.

Nothing about the nature of authoritarian socialism has changed - nor is there any reason to

believe it will change.

You can be lined up in front of a trench and shot with a 7.62 X 54R Mosin-Nagant, or a

7.92x57mm Mauser in a K98, or a 7.62x25mm in a type 54 pistol - Russian, German, or

Chinese trenches all look the same once they put lime on you and cover it over.

Starvation as a political tool goes right along with ending up in a trench.

Millions have died in my lifetime at the hands of authoritarian socialists, many tens of

millions more in the generations of my father, grandfather, and great-grandfather.

People who had been disarmed - victims because they were disarmed.

Genocide continues in Africa with authoritarian socialists [islamo-Fascists] taking

control of more and more. Mass starvation continues in the people's authoritarian

socialist paradise of North Korea. Do you think history suddenly stopped when

you starting posting a reply to this subject?


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Dennis, Sometimes, I'm alarmed by your 'alarmism' - Carol, I'm alarmed by your 'denialism'.

At least I know that Dennis has historical fact on his side. Innocents, and not so innocents are dying by truck-loads for the lack of a truthful ideology. As long as the perception remains that to arrest Fascism at all costs, we have to move further left, nothing will be learned from the last century.

The eventual back-lash to Socialism will likely be Fascism, again. The largest false

alternative ever perpetrated.

Times and places change, but good and bad principles never.

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Dennis, Sometimes, I'm alarmed by your 'alarmism' - Carol, I'm alarmed by your 'denialism'.

At least I know that Dennis has historical fact on his side. Innocents, and not so innocents are dying by truck-loads for the lack of a truthful ideology. As long as the perception remains that to arrest Fascism at all costs, we have to move further left, nothing will be learned from the last century.

The eventual back-lash to Socialism will likely be Fascism, again. The largest false

alternative ever perpetrated.

Times and places change, but good and bad principles never.

Fascism is just one road leading to Socialism - see Hayek "The Couner-Revolution of Science". It is worse than just a false alternative - it is part of the plan to achieve socialism when starting from a private ownership industrial society. That is the reason why socialists and European fascists embrace Islamo-Fascism when fighting the West - all such roads lead to eventual authoritarian socialism. The Chinese aren't worried about state run capitalism leading to freedom. It is still authoritarian state and after the US falls all roads lead to socialism once again. The US is the last place left where the citizens are armed and free [the Swiss being land-locked and not militarily competitive].


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[the Swiss being land-locked and not militarily competitive].


The Swiss have a militia to defend Switzerland. They are not fighting the Forever War and they are not trying to play Robocop to the entire world.

And even our boys would have a tough time beating the Swiss in in Switzerland. The only way our army could prevail there is to nuke Switzerland until it glowed at night.

Ba'all Chatzaf

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[the Swiss being land-locked and not militarily competitive].


The Swiss have a militia to defend Switzerland. They are not fighting the Forever War and they are not trying to play Robocop to the entire world.

And even our boys would have a tough time beating the Swiss in in Switzerland. The only way our army could prevail there is to nuke Switzerland until it glowed at night.

Ba'all Chatzaf

That is the fantasy view of what it would take to conquer Switzerland. I have heard one week of bombing from the air and cutting their trade routes and they are done. No need for a land invasion. The mountains that keep them safe also starves them out if they have no resupply. As you say they have home defense - but for one particular military model which can be entirely avoided.


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Let's conquer the Swiss and get their coo coo clocks!


and their coo coo clock factories!

Their entire population is 8 million - new citizens are carefully selected. They import temporary labor as needed. A fine tiny niche they have carved out for themselves. There are many interesting things to be said about their society but if authoritarian socialism sweeps the world they will only survive with permission [corruption] as they have in the past as those in power seek to hide their gains outside of their own system.


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Glenn Beck mentioned 3rd death of prominent 2nd Amendment person [on his radio show].

Here is the story - link found on Google.

Something to keep an eye on to see when the pattern emerges. Authoritarian socialists

will begin their assassination campaign at some point it is only a matter of when - not if.

Some will be coincidence, some copycats, some fellow travelers of authoritarian socialism,

some foreign authoritarian socialists with their own agendas, and some planned internally.

Statistical inference will likely the only evidence we will have until they come out in the open

after they have won.


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Let's conquer the Swiss and get their coo coo clocks!


and their coo coo clock factories!

Their entire population is 8 million - new citizens are carefully selected. They import temporary labor as needed. A fine tiny niche they have carved out for themselves. There are many interesting things to be said about their society but if authoritarian socialism sweeps the world they will only survive with permission [corruption] as they have in the past as those in power seek to hide their gains outside of their own system.


All socialism is authoritarian. The only question is what kind of authoritarian.


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The link in #21 isn't from Beck and doesn't even mention him. If you can't get your facts straight, at least get your crackpot allegations straight.

Beck mentioned the name of the guy on his radio program then I did a Google search to find the story. I will change #21 to say "mentioned" instead of "mentions" and clarify things.


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