Watch for a Pattern - Expected and Occurring


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I can get you the link to TheBlaze TV but it is a subscription service - the show will be available archive after 11 AM Central today. A better bet is that some AM stations play his morning radio show in the afternoon starting at 2 PM following Rush Limbaugh. I have been listening to the show stopping and pausing many times on SiriusXM - I started listening at about 8:20-8:25 AM [show starts at about 8:07 - it was a few minutes into my listening when Glenn Beck mentions and he and Pat talk about the 3 who have recently died [two I said at the start of the post] and the 3rd one I posted the link to in #21. So about 13 to maybe 20 minutes into todays show is when they talked about it.

Beck and Pat are not calling it a conspiracy but they also said they can't remember any time ever that 3 prominent 2nd amendment people turned up dead in such a short period of time. Implying also the timing is interesting given Obama's anti-gun push. Glenn and Pat also worry about copycats now.


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We don't live in the last century. And we are not dying in those trenches, but in our own homes and schools at the hands of our neighbours not the government.

Many more of our neighbors and countrymen die in automotive accidents or from bad eating habits.

Ba'al Chatzaf

So what? Everybody dies of something. They are not killed accidentally or deliberately by weapons designed only to kill, except by guns.

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Sportsman Channel TV host killed in Montana murder-suicide

Another 2nd Amendment related death.

Overseas Chinese hit:

Back in the day it was assumed the many statistically impossible Clinton deaths were at the hands of the Chinese Army

in exchange for defense information.


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Dennis May is right to be suspicious.

One advantage extra-judicial government corruption has over your garden-variety murder is that it is a Big Truth, so big it's literally unbelievable unless you spend considerable time researching it - more time than most people want to spend.

The jeering tactics of Daunce Lynam and friends are about their own laziness, not what thugs are or are not doing in the real world.

Plenty of articles about gangsterism in government can be found at:
Past and On-going Government Corruption

In particular I draw your attention to a research tool I created:
The Willcutts Report: the Navy's investigation into James Forrestal's death

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When watching for patterns you must analyze what is going on in a statistical manner. About 1 1/2 years into Clintons first term there were some 54 associates of the Clintons from Arkansas who had turned up dead under unusual circumstances. It is possible to explain these deaths rationally one at a time as bad luck of one kind or another. Insurance actuaries looked into the deaths surrounding the Clintons and found the chances of bad luck being the source of the problem was in the 50 million to one odds range and this was before Vince Foster, dead female interns, and Ron Brown.

Like in the days before the rise of the Nazi's when hundreds of politically active people in Germany were assassinated socialism taking power generally involves a great deal of death and/or destroyed lives behind the scenes.

This is something to watch for and keep in mind. Individually the stories might not seem suspicious and some will be coincidence - as the pattern fills in the picture becomes clear what is really going on.


Some 25 people that I knew fairly well died of heart failure in the past 3 years. Am I some sort of bane or curse? Am I an albatross.

Ba'al Chatzaf

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Can Dennis May's opponents be as stupid as they appear? Given an allegation of a murder they needn't bother considering its merits, they just counter with a random list of deaths, any old deaths will do.

Vince Foster murdered? Hey, my cousin twice removed killed himself last week, don't talk to me of murder.

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