Question regarding comic books and schticks expressed therein

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The software on OL has become atrocious. It's gone beyond changing things that don't need to be changed to things that are wrong, difficult and buggy. I suspect the next iteration will mean you can't even read it much less make a simple post.


one necessary should have been unnecessary edit

It's not just OL. OO just updated their software, and it's actually worse than OL's! This morning I typed up a post over there, hit the "More Reply Options" button to view its preview, and it gave me something barely recognizable. It's apparently implanting invisible things like paragraph returns or forced non-returns and removing quoting distinctions. I dumped my text into Adobe Illustrator to strip it of whatever implants or bugs I'm not understanding, recopied it, and it was fine.

Pain in the ass, though.


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Jonathan, you need to cite your sources. You are only interpreting post modernism. I cited Paul Feyerabend.

I've never heard of him. Is there some reason that I should take his views as representing all or most postmodernist philosophers and what they believe?

If you do not know Paul Feyerabend and if you have not at least googled him then you do not know enough to warrant a discussion. You think you know something and you make your own beliefs the defintion of the thing.

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With reference to the software, the Geek Gods, in their zeal to keep spammers out and keep people from stealing whole chunks of the forum on the server-side, came up with the idea of doing real-time encryption.

This means that what you type is not really what you type. It is totally another thing that has been tranlated into an encrypted form, then it is retranslated and displayed on your screen so you can read it, copy/paste from the forum, etc. It only looks like what you typed.

If that sounds confusing, well... it is.

This system has been doing its security job well enough, but I don't like the constant inconveniences every time there is an update.

Patience, folks.

Better things will be coming in due time.


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I do not understand anything about these update troubles, but in seemingly related news, if you ask for a oicture of God using Apple Siri., you will see Daniel Alfredsson, captain of the Ottawa Senators. What with the Pope resigning and alll, I am starting to feel nervous and trying not to draw conclusions.

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This means that what you type is not really what you type. It is totally another thing that has been tranlated into an encrypted form, then it is retranslated and ...

If that sounds confusing, well... it is.

Bull lonely. Take the Caesar Cipher: A=B, B=C, C=D and so on, so that

MICHAEL STUART KELLY entered on the keyboard becomes NJKDIBFM TUVBSU LFMMZ when transmitted. Teh receiving system has the algorithm to reverse that. That is a CIPHER, a mathematical transpostion. Other methods are available, such as a CODE where the symbols are assigned by mapping. You get a copy of Atlas Shrugged and note page numbers, line numbers, word and letter numbers. 265-26-11 is a... but so is 505-1-11.

Anyway, this is not rocket science, it is crosswords.

But don't take my word for it. Trust an expert:

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