Various versions of the F-Word

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Battlestar Gallactica ----- Frak

Firefly Fark

Hollywood in the 60's Frig

The English a the Battle of Agincourt --- no F word . It was the P-word. Pluck Yew

Ba'al Chatzaf

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Indian never swear. If Indian swear, it is because he hear a white man swear. My grandfather never swear. Then one day my grandfather hear a white man say goddamn. So my grandfather say goddamn. Then one day my grandfather find out what goddamn means. It means the Great Spirit must burn it in hell forever. My grandfather is surprised. Why would the Great Spirit burn the rain that he makes to fall on the earth?

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Oh, fook!


Brian Cox (the physicist) say that some times. On one presentation he said (or I think he said) the universe is fookin' humongous. In that lovely Manchester accent of his, it was quite charming.

Ba'al Chatzaf

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Indian never swear. If Indian swear, it is because he hear a white man swear. My grandfather never swear. Then one day my grandfather hear a white man say goddamn. So my grandfather say goddamn. Then one day my grandfather find out what goddamn means. It means the Great Spirit must burn it in hell forever. My grandfather is surprised. Why would the Great Spirit burn the rain that he makes to fall on the earth?

There is this story. A young brave goes to the Medicine Man and asks about how the elder chooses names for the people of his tribe. The old man says, Well, when someone is born I look at the earth, the sky. If there is something unusual happening, I name that little one after the event. Such as shaking ground or rumbling thunder, or bear is running or black cloud. That is a way of remembering the events and giving a special name to the little ones. But tell me, Two Dogs Fucking, why the sudden interest in names?

Ba'al Chatzaf

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As the great philosopher Lawrence Peter "Yogi" Berra explained, when you get to a fork in the road, take it...!

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Because of this thread porno ads have started to appear. They don't want young men, they want me!



I meanwhile am getting ads for religious books and Christian dating services. Guess they know Respectability when they see it.

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