Canada's Dumbest Hoaxers


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Recently a letter was sent out , purportedly from an Ontario school, with a security advisory for students. It contained tips like , "Avoid eye contact with African-Americans" , as they are more likely to become enraged than other people. This missive did not attract much attention as it was obviously phoney. For one thing, there are few if any African-Americans in Etobicoke schools. There are black students, African-Canadian in schoolspeak, just Canadians in ordinary parlance. "African-American" here evokes Obama and Oprah, not Oxie Oxley from Jamaica, stuck in Grade 9 at age 16 and not happy about it.

My guess is this was a student prank, somebody trying to be satirical or smartass. I hope I am right, and it was not someone with an agenda I would not like to look in the eye.

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Canada's dumbest hoaxers always were and are to be found within the government.

Mr. Saumur had been arrested 103 times for distribution of Witness literature before he decided to challenge the legality of his arrests. The case reached the Supreme Court in 1953. In Saumur v. The City of Quebec, the Supreme Court of Canada held that only the federal government could enforce criminal matters related to "speech" or "religion". The Quebec City law, according to the majority of justices, created an effect where the chief of police would have to act in the role of a censor, deciding whether the literature was objectionable. The result, they observed, would be that unpopular groups such as the Jehovah's Witnesses would be censored.


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