Federal Court hits Pres.Obama with 3 charges of abuse of office!


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" U.S. Federal Court hits President Barack Hussein Obama with three charges of abuse of office"

Submitted by galtgulch on Sun, 02/17/2013 - 20:23

Link to article at Before ITs News:


<<<" U.S. Federal Court hits President Barack Hussein Obama with three charges of abuse of office. The charges presented are detailed and damning. The indictments assert that President Obama “acted as a dictator” to exceed his powers of office to appoint officials behind the back of Congress during a recess period.">>>

<<<"In a staggering announcement an Associated Press report declared: “President Barack Obama violated the Constitution when he bypassed the Senate last year to appoint three members of the National Labor Relations Board, a federal appeals court ruled Friday.”

Mr. Lyndon Larouche, a well-connected journalist and political activist characterized the court’s assessment as “probably the greatest indictment ever seen on a standing president throughout history.”

White House press secretary Jay Carney reacted strongly against the charges declaring, “we believe that the president’s recess appointments are constitutionally sound.” However, the federal court seems to disagree having put in place ” a list of charges presented as conclusions” according to Larouche. The court appears to take the view that no such recess was in place. As such, the president was in violation of Section 5 of Article 1 of the Constitution that stipulates that a president cannot make appointments without the consent of the Senate.

The failed Obama gambit had hoped to apply the section of the Constitution that reads: “The President shall have Power to fill up all Vacancies that may happen during the Recess of the Senate, by granting Commissions which shall expire at the End of their next Session.”

The Washington Post reports on the seriousness of this abuse of office, “is more than an unconstitutional attempt to circumvent the Senate’s advise-and-consent role. It is a breathtaking violation of the separation of powers and the duty of comity that the executive owes to Congress.”

Crucially, no other president in history has ever tried to force through such alleged “ recess appointments” while Congress is still in session. The offenses occurred last year when President Obama opted to bypass Congress and unilaterally appoint three people to seats on the National Labor Relations Board . He also made Richard Cordray (pictured with Obama) head of the new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (after the Senate blocked action on his nomination). Cordray’s appointment, made on the same date, has been challenged in a separate court case.

Lyndon Larouche has characterized the events as probably the worst violation by any sitting president trying to use a “procedural loophole.” Jubilant Republicans are already looking to set in motion impeachment proceedings. Larouche, who studied the court indictments, believes Obama’s offenses are “far graver” than those that led to the impeachment and removal from office of disgraced Republican president, Richard Nixon, after the Watergate scandal.">>>

I could not find any sign of this allegation on Associated Press website so it may be completely bogus and possibly wishful thinking!

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(Before It's News)

By: enerchi - Website: www.ascensionwithearth.com

January 25th, 2013 , Mr. Lyndon Larouche, a well respected journalist
and political activist recieved word from his sources within the United
States government that President Barack Hussein Obama has been indicted
by a Federal Court. Details of the indictment has been ommited by
Larouche but he characterized them as probably the greatest indictment
he has ever seen placed upon a standing president throughout history.
Watch the first 5 minutes of the video to hear this explosive news. WOW!

This is long. 70 minutes. But it might be worth listening to. Judge after about 5 minutes.


I would like to see Obama's ass kicked so hard that he has to clear his throat to fart. But it ain't gonna happen.

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Lyndon Larouche has characterized the events as probably the worst violation by any sitting president trying to use a “procedural loophole.” Jubilant Republicans are already looking to set in motion impeachment proceedings. Larouche, who studied the court indictments, believes Obama’s offenses are “far graver” than those that led to the impeachment and removal from office of disgraced Republican president, Richard Nixon, after the Watergate scandal.">>>

I could not find any sign of this allegation on Associated Press website so it may be completely bogus and possibly wishful thinking!

Gulch, are you aware the Larouche is both a crackpot and a felon?

Ba'al Chatzaf

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Here's the AP story:


Politically LaRouche is best characterized as an FDR-type populist.

The feds went after him for exposing government corruption. You can read about it in Defrauding America by Rodney Stich. It was a case of "political crime" not real crime. In an unfree society some of the best people end up as convicted felons.

Robert Kolker aka Ba'al is a trash-minded ignoramus, if you didn't know that already.

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I thought LaRouche was a Dixiecrat, KKK-style.

And I never thought Baal was a trash-minded ignoramus. I know he is not. He is many things but those are not two of them. We do not actually get a lot of trash minded ignorami on here, so when one shows up, we notice.

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Check the wiki article on Laraouche.

Among other things he claimed Queen Elizabeth was the head of an international dope smuggling operation and that the Oklahoma City bombing in 1995 was a operation of the British government. Part of a plan to take over the U.S. again.

The man is daft.

Ba'al Chatzaf

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I share your take on LaRouche.

I just wonder if there is anything to the contention that there is a potential serious charge against O for his unconstitutional appointments when the Senate was not in session which might be impeachable offenses?

The definition of "High Crimes and Misdemeanors" is a political notion and completely in the hands of Congress. Given that the House is majority Democrat there is not a chance in Hell for a bill of impeachment to be passed in the House. And impeachment is not all it is reputed to be. That last time it was tried was against a president who copped a blow job in his office. Is that a High Crime and Misdemeanor?

Ba'al Chatzaf

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I share your take on LaRouche.

I just wonder if there is anything to the contention that there is a potential serious charge against O for his unconstitutional appointments when the Senate was not in session which might be impeachable offenses?

As I see it, it is procedurally forbidden and so it isn't like they are valid to begin with, if this be the case. I'm not sure how I can properly put it into words.

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The House of Representatives is majority Republican at this point...

That, of course does not mean that:

1) these unconstitutional appointments would reach the level of "high crimes," which would be a stretch in my understanding of that section of the Constitution; and/or

2) these "unconstitutional acts" would even fit the "misdemeanors" section.


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I googled "list unconstitutional acts of obama" and there are over 5,000,000 links.

This country is so utterly off the rails it isn't funny.

I am particularly appalled by the fact that the public schools see to it that children are not taught to be critical thinkers and to make matters worse are kept in profound ignorance.

Fortunately there are efforts to enlighten...


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I googled "list unconstitutional acts of obama" and there are over 5,000,000 links.

This country is so utterly off the rails it isn't funny.

I am particularly appalled by the fact that the public schools see to it that children are not taught to be critical thinkers and to make matters worse are kept in profound ignorance.

Fortunately there are efforts to enlighten...


Unconstitutionality is not decided by popular votes. It is decided by the courts.

Ba'al Chatzaf

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Unconstitutionality is not decided by popular votes. It is decided by the courts.

Ba'al Chatzaf

Basically correct. However, Constitutional law is decided by Federal Judges who are nominated by a President who is indirectly elected by the electoral college, which represents a popular vote to a degree and approved by the Senate which is directly elected through the states.

Therefore, the is a nexus between popular votes and the judicial decisions in the Federal Courts.


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Unconstitutionality is not decided by popular votes. It is decided by the courts.

Ba'al Chatzaf

Basically correct. However, Constitutional law is decided by Federal Judges who are nominated by a President who is indirectly elected by the electoral college, which represents a popular vote to a degree and approved by the Senate which is directly elected through the states.

Therefore, the is a nexus between popular votes and the judicial decisions in the Federal Courts.


Agreed. The distinction between unconstitutionality and constitutionality, however, becomes blurry when interpretations of centuries old lingo come into play. The incorporation of the Bill of Rights is an example of one such interpretation, and it is one that I am grateful for and one that I believe to be proper. I have a rewritten version of the United States Constitution intended to be way more explicit somewhere in my thousands upon thousands of files that are scattered amongst Dropbox and my family's iMac. Did you know that one of the proposed versions of the First Amendment applied to the states?
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I believe there were somewhere between twelve (12) and eighteen (18) versions of amendments that were submitted to the Congress.


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Et al,

I think it is crucially important that the populace come to grips with the Constitution themselves and have an informed opinion about it, especially the idea that only certain powers were granted by the Founders to the Congress as listed in Article 1Section 8 and that all other powers are retained by the States or the people as enshrined in the Tenth Amendment.

It would be a fatal mistake for all citizens to fail to assume their responsibility in this matter. It is a shame that most of our elected Congressmen and women abdicate that responsibility and pass it on to the Supreme Court altogether.

If only enough citizens made this an issue when they elect representatives and elect those who will pay attention to this matter when voting for or against bills which seek powers not granted.

Ron Paul has awakened a generation to this issue. The younger generation realizes that they will be taxed to pay for the unfunded liabilities promised to those reaching retirement age.

After all there is no mention of retirement or health or charity or disability among the granted powers and it is those so called entitlements which have bankrupted this country.

The government has to borrow and go deeper into debt in order to spend. This is acknowledged to be unsustainable.

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