Voice in the Night

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Does anybody else listen to AM radio? Mine is usually set on Hockey Central on the sports station, near the bottom of the dial and atop it are a couple news/talk stations. Anyway, the other night \I tuned up to one of those to get the latest Ford farces and the weather report, and into the room came this slow, low, insinuating voice, emphasizing numbers and Prince William and more numbers and then the |Middle Ages and all in the same sloooow relentless tone. I was stupefied - it seemed to be about the Illuminati and how everything in the world means something if you just add or subtract or select the right numbers. It was like being locked in a room with a delusional paranoid in full, earnest, irrefutable endless explanation.

I was stunned by the senselessness of the content, what \I could grasp of it at all. I thought it was some sort of radio hacking - surely no news station would carry anything so weird - the guy never identified himself or anything,, especially here in good grey Canada! However the show has recurred whatever it is ... anybody ever encounter it?

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Maybe ... but if the ruthless despotic Obama government is communicating with its fifth columnists in Canada, surely I would understand the message lol!


President Emeritus, Ladies Auxiliary

Fraternal Otrder of the |Sacred Igloo Local 13

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Creeping marxist incrementalism...


just keep listening while the conspiracy theorists erode your ability to rationally evaluate the facts...


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Does anybody else listen to AM radio? Mine is usually set on Hockey Central on the sports station, near the bottom of the dial and atop it are a couple news/talk stations. Anyway, the other night \I tuned up to one of those to get the latest Ford farces and the weather report, and into the room came this slow, low, insinuating voice, emphasizing numbers and Prince William and more numbers and then the |Middle Ages and all in the same sloooow relentless tone. I was stupefied - it seemed to be about the Illuminati and how everything in the world means something if you just add or subtract or select the right numbers. It was like being locked in a room with a delusional paranoid in full, earnest, irrefutable endless explanation.

I was stunned by the senselessness of the content, what \I could grasp of it at all. I thought it was some sort of radio hacking - surely no news station would carry anything so weird - the guy never identified himself or anything,, especially here in good grey Canada! However the show has recurred whatever it is ... anybody ever encounter it?

Not to worry, Daunce. You just unintentionally intercepted jts's night-time radio feed.


Let me know if you ever encounter a fellow who goes by the name "Archangel". He fell off the grid a few years ago, and I haven't heard from him since. He may communicate via encrypted radio broadcast (just speculation on my part).

I had no idea encrypted messages were broadcast on unlisted radio frequencies (though I don't know why I never suspected this...).

Must...resist...urge...to buy...radio receiver.... 15 2 1 13 1 7 18 1 14 20 19 20 18 5 14 7 20 8

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Very weird. What are the broadcasters up to?

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