Irvine, California

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Cripes, what a - er - diverse place! I just read that a Saudi princess who owns mucho property there, has been arrested for keeping slaves. Does Neighbour Peikoff have anything to say about this?enquiring minds want to know,

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Most of the remaining chattel slavery in the world is done by Arabs. There is nothing in Sunni Islam that makes slavery a sin.

Ba'al Chatzaf

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These are our "allies," you know. Let's just forget about their wholesale (if barely disguised) support of Islamic terrorism, their brutal subjugation of women, their near total suppression of free speech, their theocratic tyranny, etc.

So, they have a few slaves for their "royalty" here in the what is the problem?

P.S. I rather doubt that Leonard or other ARIans would be invited to dinner by the Saudi Princess. What they (the Saudis, not the ARIans) would do to a native Saudi openly advocating Objectivism or libertarianism (or ANY type of democracy, for that matter) would be indescribable.

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