A New Religion

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This is not in Glenn's bonnet. I actually don't know what Glenn says about it. I highly recommend you use the epistemological system of checking (otherwise known as observation) rather than using your prejudices if you are going to make public judgments of fact.

You often err about what Glenn says or thinks. How come it's always in the same direction? Hmmmmm?...


The writer on TheBlaze is another story, or can be. Except he isn't in this case. But as I am sure you did not bother to read the article before imparting your wisdom, go on and take a look. Billy Hallowell is almost ambivalent. See here:


That article is not even on the front page feed anymore, nor is there any follow-up article about this topic.

btw - TheBlaze is not where I heard about it.

So the bee is not buzzing around Glenn. It's in my bonnet.

As odd as it might seem to you, I am capable of making a conclusion on my own without any help from Glenn.



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I apologize unreservedly, Michael. I have been set off enough by stories and ideas from different sources, that I should know better than to lazily post as I did. Forgive? (I could use a little of that right now)

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You are a matter of the heart first, then the head. That will never change for me.

There's nothing to forgive.

As penance, though (never let a good guilt trip go to waste :) ), you must watch this commentary by Glenn. :smile:

He waxes on a bit religious in a couple of places, and his radical move of getting rid of all computer games in his own house is a bit unrealistic for others in today's world and markets, but, setting that aside (and a couple of rhetorical excesses), see if you disagree with his underlying message. My guess is you will basically agree with what he says.

I got this video looking for another one where he talked about the common ground between liberals and conservatives (the good ones). He puts his line in the sand at intruding in the lives of other people and making them act like programmed automatons (the Progressive dream). Glenn knows that not all liberals are Progressive and many conservatives are Progressive.

He fully understands liberals who do not want to bully others, even as he may disagree with them on some issues.

Ditto for me. I put you in that category.

As Glenn said, we are not that different, you and I.


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Penance served, with a couple rounds of the Rosary thrown in.

You are right, I do substantially agree. And Glenn is very engaging and persuasive when he stays calm.

Indeed we are not so very different you and I. And what difference there is, Vive!

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A New Religion

By posting this, it might seem I am just doing anti-Obama snark. But my concern is a lot deeper.

Where did this kid get the idea to do what he did?

I say it's in the reverence with which Obama is discussed in his surroundings. Adults worship him indirectly in their attitudes.

That is how religions get the masses to sign up, even new religions. It's all in getting the young indoctrinated.

Enjoy the one-minute show, if it doesn't turn your stomach.



Nothing new under the sun. "God has gave [sic] you special power", the politically indocrinated kid faithfully recites.

For ages, political leaders have been claiming the power of a god helping them.

Which raises the question: "Do there exist any rational arguments to give religion a voice in politics?"

Imo, no.

But maybe 'rationaliity' for a politician means to suck up to powerful religious groups in the electorate? After all, his goal is to profit, i. e. to come out the winner.

In other words: can any President of the USA afford to ignore the power which religious groups have in this country?

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Nothing new under the sun. "God has gave [sic] you special power", the politically indocrinated kid faithfully recites.

For ages, political leaders have been claiming the power of a god helping them.


So very true, except the USA is supposed to be a place where church and state are formally separated.

If the Enlightened Prophet is also the Fearless Leader, you can get a Big Kahuna from Hawaii wannabe like Obama and it gets funky.

Kids start praying to him.



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