Big Idea - Need Help!

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As I was lying in bed sleepless last night, an idea came to me. I'm not one for hype, but over the next couple of hours thinking it over more critically, I realized it was a potentially million-dollar idea for a web-based service for which there is a HUGE need right now. It's a simple overall concept, but I know there would be lots of smaller details, and its the type of thing I know lots of companies and everyday people would frequently use. My pessimistic side immediately took over ("it has to have been done already") and I searched the web to see if there were already such services out there competing for users - I found nothing (UPDATE: after a more in-depth search, I found some vaguely similar concepts - but very poorly and incompletely implemented).

I don't want to provide too many details here, but I'll say that it involves legally connecting talented people who need things done on a short time scale.

Here are some immediate problems - I'm more computer savvy than most, but I realize that, right now, at least, I don't have the computer programming skills to fully implement the concept. But I still want to get moving on it right away.

I'm not sure how to proceed, and I'm hesitant to share the idea with anyone without some sort of formal arrangement in place.

I'm hoping that someone here with web experience, programming experience, or experience starting their own company might have some practical advice.

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Can't help you with the programming; it sounds as if you need a partner.

Are you ready to work on this enough to make it work?

You seem to need the service you want to provide. Think about what happens to that service once the hook-ups happen. Will it still be needed?

You are trying to broker brains.

It needs to work out of the box or if the idea is any good it will be stolen.

I don't understand "legally connected"? Is this to be a legal service? Lawyers needed?

Good luck!


don't reply to this for I can't add anything and you might say too much

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On the most basic level, what I'm looking to create is a website that securely allows users to:

- create accounts

- message each other

- upload documents

- pay each other

- rate/review each other

I don't think this should be too difficult for a web designer/computer programmer, but I'm not sure I can do it myself. Should I hire somebody to do it for me, or is there an easier way? Advice is welcome.

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