An impending Daunce-Selene transposition

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I am deeply concerned about the growing congruence of Adam and Carol. :unsure: An unreconstructed hardline Objectivist iconoclast's opinions merging with subversively alluring Fabian-Canadian Socialism. :o The signs are everywhere: will Carol become a Randian (previously only allowed in Winnipeg)? :rolleyes: Or will Adam become a Fabian Objectivist and join his Governor in taking down Rand Paul? :tongue:

I came upon these insights while using cleaning fluid on my computer printer head... :wacko:

Anyway, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Adam "Selene!"

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Oh Jerry, but it was another Objectivist iconoclast who was my secret target...Adam and I are just friends...that computer head is still really dirty. I think it needs more fluid..

Daunce: re your secret target, you would have never liked Illinois anyway.

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I will seize on your mention of Winnipeg to air my one and only beef against Barbara Branden whom I entirely admire. She described her home city as a place without culture, when even at the time she was living there, was demonstrably not so, in fact Winnipeg was historically first in installing many cultural institutions. Maybe she was just thinking of Canada in general, I have not compared, but to cities of comparable size in the 1950s, Winnipeg ranked or led in museums, theatre, symphony etc. I only looked at Wikipedia for this, and I have never been to Winterpeg as the rest of Canada fondly calls it.

Just saying.

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My hometown did not have any culture at all, I think I have described elsewhere here the joy of hearing a visiting Madrigal choir, also my parents took me to some summer stock plays in Maine.

Fredericton is the home of the Beaverbrook Museum which contains a fake Dali and has a colourful recent history.

My son and I hope soon fiancée are going there tomorrow and I will meetup with them in the hometown later in the week, this has no relevance to the thread at all but |I am just feeling irrationally happy.

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Oh Jerry, but it was another Objectivist iconoclast who was my secret target...Adam and I are just friends...that computer head is still really dirty. I think it needs more fluid..


On the improvisational uses of "correction fluid," I think you may be right. I just read the thread, "KASS KASSED," and was puzzled. What are they talking about? - And do I really want to know the details? What intellectually stimulating exchanges are going on over on Solo-Passion?

So, I dutifully followed the links to see what the natives are restless about..... I tried to read it. I really did. One thing was for certain: either they were already on correction fluid, or it's equivalent,...or maybe it was I who needed some mind-altering help me make some sort of sense out of the posts over there..

If I was one of those Kantian-collectivist- academics, or even worse, a journalist,...and I wanted to entertain my ad hominem-loving audience, by regaling them with yet another example of post-Randian craziness ...Solo-Passion would be exhibit A.

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lol, nobody could make sense of the action on the ground over there. That is why analysists such as I are valuable, to give you the play-by-play, deep background, and Official Version, and save you the torments of having to read Solo.

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Thanks Jerry.

Maybe Linz should worry about his own country New Zealand which is in the final stages of passing:

Controversial new legislation allowing the Government Communications Security Bureau to spy on New Zealanders has passed its final vote in Parliament tonight.

The GCSB amendment Bill passed its third and final reading by 61 votes to 59 following another heated debate between MPs.

However, since his 2007 outburst he should probably heading for his Castro like life i the mountains...

In its stated intent to persevere with the iniquitous Electoral Finance Bill, the Clark-Cullen government has lost all claim to legitimacy and may now be overthrown with impunity.

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