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Quite a while ago I quit my feeble posting on Solopassion because of the KASS poster "Doug Bandler", a war-mongering crypto-racist, crypto-Objectivist--"crypto" is me being generous--so beloved by LP. I couldn't stand him and decided the entire site was worthless. Every week or so I go back and poke around a little. Lo and behold, the great "Doug" turned out to be a fraud and run off. Not his name. A wimp. Great seducer of 17-25yo women, if you believe him. Ordinarily I wouldn't bother with this, but "Doug" shit over so much those interested can read this thread and enjoy the silly, jejune, somewhat instructive drama:



start with the Comments

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-appointed monitor of Solo to save you the trouble, I have already chronicled this story. However for you and those who;did not suffer through the chronicle here is a brief timeline:

2007 Bandler , a highly frustrated often rejected heterosexual; who is attracted only to young beautiful girls, becomes an \\\\objectivist.

2009 He discovers a method of picking up girls for sex.. hires a trainer, practices assiduously and gains great success. His life improves.

2010, joins Solo, where he becomes popular with everybody except Olivia

2013 Exits Solo, declaring he is no longer an Objectivist. Raises important issues of the perils of fearless advocates of truth and liberty who are in such constant danger, that if their real identities were known, they would be instantly lynched and lose all their Frequent Flyer points.

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You're late with the news, Brant. :smile:


I think there's much interesting psychological stuff which has come up on the several related threads:




It's a long slug through all the posts, but interleaved amongst them is material with wider relevance to issues of Objectivism and sexual relationships and Objectivism and moralism.


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Oh lookout - the good character of Rosie is now being trashed by Moeller, he has evidence that she has been mendacious I think. I am going to swoon. Neither Lindsay nor Doug nor Richard indeed has yet stepped forth to defend her honour but it is early days.

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Could it be, this Intrinsi-Objectivist becomes (naturally) a Skepti-Objectivist - and so: an ex-Objectivist?

Don't know this fellow's saga, and soap operas are hellish boring, but the plot is familiar.

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You are right that some inferior, badly written and produced soap operas can be boring. Moeller has just reintroduced PARC than which nothing on earth nor the oceans under the earth nor the heavens above the earth could be more boring.

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Today's cliffhanger: Moeller has asked Linz if the now-evil Rosie is "a different person face-to-face".

Will Linz reply? Will he recall his less-than-flattering depiction of her demeanour as his dinner guest in the past? Will he take the high road and dish to MM in secret? Watch this space.

NZ seems a pretty small place. Many regulars on Solo are personal friends or acquaintances of LP and each other, which is regrettably less common amongst OLers. Though more convenient I am sure, when having to bristle over territory in the best café in Auckland, once the friendship ends.

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Ellen, |I think you are right that Rosie and Richard are married, \mm recently said that "Goode had rubbed off on her.\\\\\'

RG does not post anymore so |I hope Doug has not rubbed off on her except cyberly!

Richard might have been banned again. The "again" is because he was banned at least once briefly, but then was un-banned. That was before Darren was banned, if I recall right. I've only sporadically looked at SOLO since Darren got the boot. Darren did raise topics I found interesting, plus I was curious to see if I could figure out if he really believed some of the views he propounded. (I couldn't.)


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Doug's pre-Darwinian racialism was something that interested me. Sowell is as smart in the here and now as Limbaugh afterall. Surely if he had truly studied Rand these tiny genetic differences among the human race would not have been an issue for him,

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As I never tire of repeating myself (sorry):

On the improvisational uses of "correction fluid," I think you may be right. I just read the thread, "KASS KASSED," and was puzzled. What are they talking about? - And do I really want to know the details? What intellectually stimulating exchanges are going on over on Solo-Passion?

So, I dutifully followed the links to see what the natives are restless about..... I tried to read it. I really did. One thing was for certain: either they were already on correction fluid, or it's equivalent,...or maybe it was I who needed some mind-altering substance.to help me make some sort of sense out of the posts over there..

If I was one of those Kantian-collectivist- academics, or even worse, a journalist,...and I wanted to entertain my ad hominem-loving audience, by regaling them with yet another example of post-Randian craziness ...Solo-Passion would be exhibit A.

They seem to be terribly impressed with themselves, but to anyone else, they just sound like ranting lunatics. Obviously, they thrive on being noticed. Deprive them of the attention that they so desperately want, and maybe they'll go sit in a corner and talk to themselves.

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Since absolutely nothing has happened on Solo now for two whole days (Rosie and Doug were prolific content providers and will be missed) I am obliged to provide filler in the form of my scantily -informed overview of the career of Lindsay Perigo Esq. as a figure in the Objectivist Movement.

As a strong voice in the early days he was a definite asset. He had cred as a broadcaster and political activist own his home territory, and he could write. Recently he recalled discussing an official position at then-TOC with David Kelley (maybe the very position Ed Hudgins holds now?) but it did not work out.

Splitting with ||RoR he created his own platform on Solo. He remained friendly with the TOC/TAS and welcomed Barbara Branden, until she dissed and dumped him on his own site. Why he published "Drooling Beast" I will never, ever understand, but he did, fortuitously discovered and championed PARC, and developed a rapprochement with the ARI via Dr Mrs Dr Diana. She dumped him too, and PARC


It became obvious that his unique stances and charismatic personality should cause a splinter movement to coalesce, to rival both TAS and ARI and ultimately defeat them, but there were difficulties in even organizing a Solo conference, as many Linzers cannot afford to go to New Zealand and he has difficulties in entering the US.

Barring a sealed train speeding him towards the chaos of Armageddon, he is still tinkering with the Perfect Formula of Of Randianism to save the world and crying in perfect tune in a vastening wilderness.

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btw, I admire Neil Parille's scholarship, but I am with Linz in concluding that Frank O'Connor did not drink nearly enough , and if I hear one more word soon about Anne Heller on this subject, I will be driven berserk and go out and rob a liquor store.

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