The Story Wars of Hot Political Issues

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While I am waiting for Michael Nehls's book to come out, I have been looking all over the place for videos and articles by him. To my chagrin, almost everything is in German.

Then, guess what?

Surprise, surprise, surprise.

Mel K interviewed him and he speaks English.


And to make it better, this is a brilliant interview.


Follow Michael Nehls, MD, PhD Michael Nehls’ Book: The Indoctrinated Brain We The People must stand strong, stay…



I did not explain it well above, although the gist was OK.

I did not understand that the hippocampus is the main region in the brain where neurogenesis happens, and it happens throughout all stages of life, including old age. Neurogenesis means new brain cells are created. 

Excessive fear and lack of meaning in life, and excessive spike proteins, interrupt this creation of new neurons. This is when Alzheimer's, depressions, and a whole series of mental problems start happening.

Fortunately, the hippocampus is resilient and there are measures we can do to counteract this and bring the hippocampus to health.

And this is the importance of Michael Nehls's book. Both Naomi Wolf and Mel K have said "The Indoctrinated Brain" is the most important book to come out this century. From listening to Dr. Nehls speak, I concur.

I can't wait to devour this sucker.


btw - Following links to Mel K's video, I came across the video interview with Dr. Nehls and Naomi Wolf.


Dr. Michael Nehls, distinguished author of The Indoctrinated Brain, describes his research and findings on the effects of mRNA on cognitive function, including damage to autobiographical memory. More



Also, here is how to follow him:

(He has tweeted regardless of that notice.)



All books, DVDs and info from Dr. Michael Nehls - author, physician and molecular geneticist - Bestseller: The Indoctrinated Brain


And there are some articles in English at his Substack.


Full archive of all the posts from Michael’s Substack.


To repeat, I think The Indoctrinated Brain is one of mankind's most important books, but I am not going to do the hard sell. Time will do that for me. Everyone will know of this before long. :) 

But if you want to stay ahead of everyone else, dig in to these links. And stay tuned to this space. I am super-excited by this guy and I expect I will post a lot about him.

It is gratifying for me to see the concept of story wars go through this thread and get to such a resounding, scientific and positive destination.


As the saying goes, there is hope. We can regenerate and rejuvenate our brains with new neurons (index neurons) if we want to. At least to some extent.

And we can be sure the bad guys will not be able to use the power of this stuff exclusively for their nefarious ends like they have been doing up to now. Each one of us has the power to use it once we understand it. And that, in itself, removes most of the persuasion power of the Predator Class.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Here is how NOT to do a story war.

The video site, Rumble, has been under a DDOS attack all day long so far.

You can't get it to open.

No doubt AI has something to do with sustaining this attack for so long.

However, story-wise, this creates nothing but a sense of censorship. The insiders are afraid, very afraid... That is the impression. Nobody is fooled that this is only a technical glitch. 

These Deep State or CCP idiots think being perceived as censors is going to persuade people.

If any persuasion effect comes from this, it will be the Streisand effect.

People are going to become more curious.





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btw - Rumble just went back up for me.

Let's see if it stays up.

These censorship dorks don't realize they need to control the tech with laws (backed up by guns) in order to censor it. Attacking tech with tech to censor is not a political problem, it is an engineering problem. And engineers always solve their problems.


It's almost lame to say it, but engineers solving an engineering problem is not a story war. But it does create a story about the lame-ass attackers that goes into the mainstream.



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As an addendum, I know. I had been trying all day to get on Rumble without success. I looked it up and there are people all over the world who were having the same issue.

Here is a screenshot from Downdetector that shows the outages. This is not the only source, but it is the clearest one I found that echoes what I experienced.


I tried to get a date timestamp, but I could not find one, not even in the comments. The link is here, but I believe it will go to current pages in the future, not this page from today.


At any rate, a DDOS attack is a piss-poor attempt at a story.

The bad guys gotta do better than that if they want to win over hearts and minds.



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At this very moment a new DDOS attack is going on against Rumble.

I was just trying to see a video and it all stopped working.

The Down Detectors in gaging Rumble all went through the roof.


The reason?




Jack Smith's fuckup as his March date to try Trump went buh-bye...

It's a bad day for the bad guys and a DDOS Hail Mary pass is all they've got left to slow things down. After all, Rumble is one of the few places you can get accurate up-to-date news from the actual players about these things. 



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  • 1 month later...

The following is not a form of story per se. It is a way to challenge and neutralize the effect of stories when something feels off, especially cultural and political stories.

Nowadays, I think in this manner. The teacher walks the student through how to look at reality to verify his propositions.

I still catch myself making unwarranted statements due to enthusiasm and going along with the crowd, which is how the student started.


btw - In O-Land, it is common for people to imagine they are above covert influence. Those who imagine they never go along with the crowd are merely replacing one cognitive bias (bandwagon effect) with another (bias blind spot or any number of egocentric biases). All humans have cognitive biases by default.

I call the way I figured it out "cognitive before normative."


When I first saw the video above, I was surprised that so many people on X are gushing about it. But then, I remembered how enchanted I felt when I first started challenging my assumptions with a purposeful seeking of examples based on an effort to be objective and not to cherry-pick. 

Also, the teacher showed a perfect example of the Socratic method of analyzing by questioning.


Do not confuse this with the Marxist form of critical thinking (often called dialectical form). That form does not seek conceptual referents in reality. It seeks to undermine accepted norms and propositions by any means necessary. 

In the above teacher's form of critical thinking, reality is the standard. This is why consistency is characteristic.

In the Marxist form, causing doubt is the standard. This is why convoluted arguments that are not consistent are part of the technique.

Both forms persuade and can be applied to core societal stories. So choose your drink, reality or poison...



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10 minutes ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

When I first saw the video above, I was surprised that so many people on X are gushing about it.

Here is a typical gush.

There are many.

This shows there is a widespread hunger for using reality again as a foundation for thinking after all that goddam propaganda over the last few decades.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Mike Benz is a national treasure about the misbehavior and influence techniques of the intelligence community.

The gist is the USA intelligence agencies ran a dirty tricks department to interfere in the first Italian election after WWII--the guy who would replace Mussolini. Back then, they were afraid of the communist candidate and feared that if he won, there would be no more elections in Italy as a new Mussolini arose. 

So they did one dirty trick after another, even to the point of getting in bed with the Sicilian mob, which had been persecuted under Mussolini. (Add this to Whitney Webb's stuff on the mob and the US government... Hmmmm... :) )

In this form of story war, the frame has to be that if XXX wins, there will be no more elections because XXX is a dictator. And this gives us the right to use dirty tricks to stop XXX from being elected.

This frame was enshrined in CIA documents in 1948.


Now the intelligence community and others are using this same process, item per item, against President Trump in the 2024 election.

I am not interested in Trump in this discussion so much as the story war being used against him. This effort will fail, but that is another discussion. I have a different point here. Just look at the nature of the dirty tricks technique employed.

This shows that history not only repeats itself, it does so by design and the will of certain individuals in strategic places in society. The story wars help them do it.


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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I'll be honest. I never heard of a "narrative scaffold" before this post. 

So I looked it up. It just means a template. For example, for story: setup --> complication --> increasing complications --> resolution --> aftermath.

That is a narrative scaffold. There are lots of different ones out there, but almost all have beginning, middle and end as their main divisions.

I like the world "scaffold" for the following way fake news and indoctrinated people use story, though. A narrative scaffold is where the target goes to get hanged along with rationality.



Here's the way this particular narrative scaffold works in terms of story wars. I did not get this from anywhere. I figured it out on my own.

1. The setup: A preordained conclusion, then an activity. In this case:

Orange Man bad.
Bad Orange Man makes a speech.

2. Complication.

Orange Man says bad thing.
Bad thing said has different meanings.

3. Payoff.

Bad thing said proves Orange Man bad.
Other meanings that indicate different don't count, even if they are more rational.
Because Orange Man bad.

4. Conclusion

Orange Man bad.
This is one more proof.



Notice that this narrative scaffold is not limited to Trump. It works for Jews, white people, blacks, gays, for any target. Just replace "Orange Man" with target and keep the rest the same.

Even a man as intelligent as Jonathan Haidt falls for this form of story manipulation with its circular logic. The narrative scaffold replaces reality in his mind.

Notice that once the narrative scaffold is in place, it becomes a premise. Logic still exists, but logic is no longer used to identify and evaluate reality. It is used only to prove the story is true regardless of whether it is or not.


This case with Jonathan Haidt is fantastic because of how clear the "narrative scaffold" is exposed.

When Joe Rogan showed him the video and the context of automobile factories before the term "bloodbath." Jonathan basically said, "Orange Man bad. He calls for violent civil war because muh bloodbath and asides mumble mumble mumble."

Then an assistant said the video had been altered to cut out the automobile factories context following the term "bloodbath." And he has a full video showing the part left out. He showed the video.

Jonathan basically said, "Nope. Orange Man bad. He made an aside. That's all. An aside. He calls for violent civil war because muh bloodbath and asides mumble mumble mumble."


That's how a narrative scaffold locks in a mental frame that replaces reality.

Even in super-intelligent people like this poor soul.


As an aside, a true aside :) , do you know why people who talk about the automobile industry (or any market for that matter) use the word "bloodbath" when they refer to a financial disaster? Because of all the red ink in the accounting books. Blood is red. The ink is red.

Helloooo... :) 

This metaphor has been used for centuries.


But not for those who have been brainwashed by a narrative scaffold based on a conclusion in the place of reality and infected with circular logic.

How's that for a story war?


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  • 1 month later...

Here's a main truth about selling evil with story wars.

Not even the biggest storyteller in the world can get away with it forever.

The following article hits the main points of this thread if you look in between the lines.


My hope is that Bob Iger sincerely believes Disney’s descent into pure evil has nothing to do with this $4 billion loss. I don’t want Disney to right its ship. I want Disney to die. | Entertainment The Disney Grooming Syndicate has already lost $4 billion — with a “B” — on Disney+, according to disgraced CEO Bob Iger.


Disney will likely be sold off over time.

The lesson? 

For long-term success, stories in the culture have to be based on human nature, not on arbitrary political agendas. Oh, you can use money and power to make splashes, but a pile of bullshit turns into dirt over time.

Or, to say it another way, for story wars to have political impact and change society (regardless of which side of politics are involved), you have to have stories that push human nature hard and only nudge political agendas.

Disney did the contrary and insisted on it. What's worse, Disney went after children through storytelling to try to change their nature with politics. Now it is paying the price. 


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1 hour ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

Here's a main truth about selling evil with story wars.

Not even the biggest storyteller in the world can get away with it forever.

The following article hits the main points of this thread if you look in between the lines.


My hope is that Bob Iger sincerely believes Disney’s descent into pure evil has nothing to do with this $4 billion loss. I don’t want Disney to right its ship. I want Disney to die. | Entertainment The Disney Grooming Syndicate has already lost $4 billion — with a “B” — on Disney+, according to disgraced CEO Bob Iger.


Disney will likely be sold off over time.

The lesson? 

For long-term success, stories in the culture have to be based on human nature, not on arbitrary political agendas. Oh, you can use money and power to make splashes, but a pile of bullshit turns into dirt over time.

Or, to say it another way, for story wars to have political impact and change society (regardless of which side of politics are involved), you have to have stories that push human nature hard and only nudge political agendas.

Disney did the contrary and insisted on it. What's worse, Disney went after children through storytelling to try to change their nature with politics. Now it is paying the price. 


Corporate governance is a "shambles" at best and a perverted corruption at worst, particularly when a corporation is publicly owned. 

Separation of ownership and "operation" in theory would be workable but only if the directors and executive officers operating the company do so ENTIRELY in the interests of the owners (in accordance with laws of course), not for any sort of unjust self-enrichment or for the furtherance of their own selfish causes and activism at the expense of the owners. They owe a fiduciary duty to shareholders which CLEARLY is being hijacked somewhere between those owners and the activists/CEOs.

We need reform, harsher scrutiny, better laws, and punishment for corporate corruption.

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btw - I'm not trying to be harsh. I thought this was funny.

I spent a while putting these facts together looking for how to wed them to the thread's story wars them--and wed them so solid it would not go off into thread drift.

And the first comment was pure thread drift.


Ah me... The best laid plans of mice and men...


On a serious note, the story aspect is actually the deal here. Without a widely accepted story that justifies the situation you described, the situation would not exist and be called capitalism.


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On 5/17/2024 at 1:28 PM, Michael Stuart Kelly said:


And here I thought Disney was going down because they are telling and selling crummy lame-ass stories to promote a political agenda and nobody wants to see them--in addition to promoting child abuse.



That is absolutely why they are going down.  

The problem is that they know it, and they care more about activism than their fiduciary duty. They are taking down the shareholders with the company as faux self-sacrifice ("other people's money" is a context which is such a good predictor of how things will unfold).

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50 minutes ago, Strictlylogical said:

As for story wars.. are you hinting that authoritarians on the left are...



We have to distinguish between at least two kinds of people when talking about a mass movement, not just one kind of person.

It starts with two (more, actually). There are insiders who know what they are doing (or kinda do). And there are the masses who go from true believers all the way to go along to get along and even those who are checked out.

The story wars do not exist to argue an idea initially. They exist to pacify the masses so the insiders can get on with their power things.

A good story war pacifies the masses while justifying the insiders on the same team--and the ideas the insiders follow. A bad story war turns off the masses and becomes irrelevant. 

And why would a company as big as Disney fail so miserably at this?

Because they started reversing cause and effect. They believed they could tell stories and change human nature rather than what they should have been doing, which is tell stories that reflect human nature.

Why did they do this?

I think they have been telling so much bullshit as propaganda, they started believing their own bullshit, not to mention the ones at Disney who wanted to become insiders and didn't know how to do that in reality.

Persuading people is not a binary fight, meaning idea versus story. It's a combination of both story and idea, and it includes a few other factors like human nature, culture and so on.

When it goes binary (only story or only idea), the persuasion doesn't happen.

A good example of how this works is Ayn Rand. She would not have had the impact she is having without her novels. But just her novels would not have been enough. The ideas needed to be there, too, for persuasion to happen.

Lots of other people have said the ideas she said (defended reason) at different times and they did not move the needle anywhere near what she did. And there have been magnificent novels written that did not impact anything other than give people a good time.

You need both.

It's a mistake to shortchange the story wars.


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To add to the last, the insider lefties could be doing as you said, but not most of them. 

The sad part about human nature is that the vast majority of people prefer to be led than to lead.

Ask any marketer. Or any cult leader. Or any dictator.


It's biological, too. Or at least there is a biological component. Groups of mammals normally have an alpha male leader, or contenders for that spot. The rest follow whoever is on top.


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  • 2 months later...

This is about right.

It is a covert way to fight the story wars.

Pay attention when you see a movie or TV series and see your own mileage.


Every recent movie on Netflix:
-- White man is the villain
-- Black man is the the hero
-- Gay guy is the voice of reason
-- Woman has the balls
-- Dad is an idiot
-- Mom is the breadwinner
-- Children are sexualized



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I am trying to decide whether to open a new thread on 5G Warfare here in the Persuasion section, or whether to talk about 5G Warfare here in the Story Wars thread.

She loves me... she loves me not. 
She loves me... she loves me not... 

Decisions, decisions...


As I wrote elsewhere on OL:

On 7/16/2024 at 2:02 PM, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

Incidentally, my General Mike Flynn books just arrived. They are co-authored by Boone Cutler.

. . .

All three belong to the same series: The Citizen's Guide to Fifth Generation Warfare

Instead of volumes, they are called Sessions 1, 2 and 3.

Introduction to 5GW
How to Fight Artificial Intelligence
The Role of The Church

I am starting to read the first book and two quotes already jumped out at me.

From the first chapter of the book, Introduction to 5GW:

"Free your mind... and your ass will follow."
                                               -- Funkadelic


You know I would have to like that one. Hell, I'm me. :) 


A second quote from the same first chapter hits Story Wars right in the kisser:

"Fifth Generation Warfare (5GW) is best defined as a war of narratives."

Man, that sums it all up in one short sentence--the very thing I was sensing when I started this thread on Story Wars in politics all those years ago.

What makes that statement different is that I made this Story Wars thread with me being a persuasion nobody, just a dude seeking around and trying to examine what I saw and figure out the cognitive dissonance I was experiencing, but the quote itself was written by high-level military psyops officers who use this stuff as weapons.



I will probably make a new thread for 5GW, but I am going to keep this Story Wars thread going, too.

Both are important.



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Here is an extremely interesting post and video by Scott Adams on brainwashing styles.


Connect with Scott Adams and other members of Coffee With Scott Adams community

Scott does these micro-lessons for paid subscribers (which I am not), but he released this one to the general public.

It's not long.


In essence, Democrats suffer from weapons-grade brainwashing, and Republicans get a more hit-and-miss commercial brainwashing.

btw - I am learning weapons-grade brainwashing techniques from Boone Cutler and General Mike Flynn who wrote some fantastic books on 5G Warfare, AI and other forms of non-traditional persuasion.


I think the concept of brainwashing per se deserves an in-depth discussion, but for right here in this post, the important thing is to note that weapons-grade brainwashing exists and it is used in elections in America. 

The other kind is so close to normal persuasion and marketing, maybe religion, it cannot be considered brainwashing in the weapons-grade sense.


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