Kerrriiist! Framing a Bloody Dictator?

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Kerrriiist! Framing a Bloody Dictator?

Isn't Syrian dictator Bashar Assad bad enough? Does he really need to be framed?

And by the USA government-media complex in cahoots with the military-industrial complex to boot?

All you read in the media is that Assad gassed his own people. That's stated as fact over and over and over. Everybody's an expert. Yet when you look for evidence that Assad is the one who did it, you get hiccups and changing the subject and pictures of dead children.

Here are some things to look at and ponder from a different angle. This is not partisan stuff except for Rush Limbaugh. But he explains it so well, I'm including it. (Also, that video hit Real Clear Politics, see here.) None of this is proven, but it's so plausible it needs to be considered.

I'm on a story wars kick right now and this is a classic story war. The real war with Syria, and possibly WWIII, will start or not depending on who wins this story war, not who really used poison gas on civilians. The facts are practically irrelevant to what the deciders will do.

Did the White House Help Plan the Syrian Chemical Attack?
By Yossef Bodansky
Global Research
September 01, 2013

From the article:

There is a growing volume of new evidence from numerous sources in the Middle East — mostly affiliated with the Syrian opposition and its sponsors and supporters — which makes a very strong case, based on solid circumstantial evidence, that the August 21, 2013, chemical strike in the Damascus suburbs was indeed a pre-meditated provocation by the Syrian opposition.

The extent of US foreknowledge of this provocation needs further investigation because available data puts the “horror” of the Barack Obama White House in a different and disturbing light.

As Rush said, the "horror" Bodanaksy means is the phrase the Obama administration hammers to characterize Assad's gassing actions. But if it were the rebels gassing their own people, and the USA government was (and is) aware of it, this "horror" takes on an entirely different meaning.

Who is Yossef Bondanksy? He's not a right-wing conspiracy theorist, that's for sure. He's a top political scientist advising the world's elites in military affairs. See Wikipedia here: Yossef Bodansky.

What is Global Research? See Wikipedia here: Centre for Research on Globalization. According to Wikipedia, it is close to the Russia Today network, so use that in your evaluation. We're in propaganda-land, so it is reasonable to expect distortions on that site.

Here's commentary on Bodansky's article from PJ Media:

Yossef Bodansky: 'Did the White House Help Plan the Syrian Chemical Attack'
by Bryan Preston
September 3, 2013
PJ Media - PJ Tatler

From the article:

Assad is always likely to kill people indiscriminately. He has done it for years. How about al Qaeda?

Yeah. Killing people in large numbers is what they do.

So it’s worth pursuing whether the August 21 chemical attack might have been an al Qaeda operation designed to bring America into the war to harm or even topple Assad. It was worth the risk. If it succeeds, al Qaeda gets at least temporary help from the world’s most powerful military. If it fails, well, al Qaeda is already America’s enemy. What’s one more attack? If the attack succeeds, it would put Obama exactly where he has been in Libya and Egypt — against the stable dictator, and with chaos.

That’s what Bodansky is doing, asking questions and providing evidence. Well, that and implicating the Obama administration itself in orchestrating the attack.

I’m not going there. Bodansky himself pulls back to White House “foreknowledge,” not planning. They’re two very different things. He says the White House’s “foreknowledge” of a rebel chemical attack led to preparations to strike Syria. That obviously puts Obama’s current drive for strikes in a new light.

Here’s what’s not in dispute. Obama declared a “red line,” the use of chemical weapons, in August 2012. Chemical weapons, sarin, were used at least once in Syria, on August 21. Sarin may have been used by the rebels back in May. That’s unconfirmed. Sarin is not the greatest strategic weapon of mass destruction. But sarin is not terribly difficult to manufacture or obtain. Non-state actors have done it. Japanese terrorists Aum Shinrikyo manufactured sarin and used it to attack the Tokyo subway system in 1995, killing 13 and earning death sentences for the cult’s leaders. Both sides in Syria’s civil war are suspected, broadly speaking, to possess that specific chemical weapon. Assad is known to have stockpiles of it, and al Qaeda could either steal from his stores or make it themselves (or obtain it from elsewhere). Both sides are quite capable of perpetrating mass murder on civilians. The question is, which side stood to benefit more from the use of this specific type of mass murder one year to the day after Obama’s “red line” comments sent waves around the world?

I like how Preston tries to cancel the propaganda out and leave the stuff worth thinking about.

In my view, the Obama administration is pushing the dead children story format too hard and not the facts. Like I said, classic story war.

I would like to see more facts and less gross pictures and pointing the finger of shame coming from them.

What galls me is I suspect this is only about American elective politics at root. Keeping the Democrats in power in the upcoming election. A deadly morph of Watergate and nothing more.

If they are framing a bloody dictator to achieve that end, that's about the lowest of the low in both credibility and competence. Is it really rocket science to present a bloody dictator as a monster based on what he has actually done? I mean, it's not as if there is lack of material to work from. Can't Obama's spin-meisters make good stories from that for their story wars?


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Here we go again. This is the same story we heard from fringey conservatives about Pearl Harbor and, more recently, from different quarters, about 9-11. Do tinfoil hats protect against poison gas?

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../the same story we heard from fringey conservatives about Pearl Harbor...

Lot of assumptive labeling in that phrase my friend...

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I have posted about Bashar al-Assad on the "Galt's Gulch Online" website. The Muslim Brotherhood declared a civil war against the Assad regime -- in 1980. In response, the government killed tens of thousands -- in 1980.

Bashar al-Assad holds a medical degree and was a practicing opthamologist in London before his elder brother killed himself in a high speed car crash and Bashar al-Assad was called home to rule.

In the midst of al-Qaeda, Hamas, Hezbollah, and others, do you actually want to take sides in this?

Do you presume to be able to sort it out?

Laissez faire and mind your own business.

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I have posted about Bashar al-Assad on the "Galt's Gulch Online" website. The Muslim Brotherhood declared a civil war against the Assad regime -- in 1980. In response, the government killed tens of thousands -- in 1980.

Bashar al-Assad holds a medical degree and was a practicing opthamologist in London before his elder brother killed himself in a high speed car crash and Bashar al-Assad was called home to rule.

In the midst of al-Qaeda, Hamas, Hezbollah, and others, do you actually want to take sides in this?

Do you presume to be able to sort it out?

Laissez faire and mind your own business.


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Agreed. Getting into this mess isn't in America's interest. No ally and friend involved in the conflict, nothing but standing for a principle: contra chemical warfare. Sufficient bullets and bombs are also WMD's, ultimately. (One tenth of a million dead, before chemical gas.) I'm unsure whether this is rationalistic, symbolic, macho, or possibly altruistic - on Obama's behalf. (But mix them up, you got quite a cocktail.)

If intervention could bring about resolution to the war with certainty, I might think differently. Instead the US is going to be just a bit player among some genuine - scum.

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September 4, 2013
Ann Coulter's website

Oh, how I long for the days when liberals wailed that "the rest of the world" hated America, rather than now, when the rest of the world laughs at us.

Ann has been in the doghouse with me for a few things like backing Christie, supporting drone strikes on Americans, and so on, but she is still one hell of a wordsmith.


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September 4, 2013

Ann Coulter's website

Oh, how I long for the days when liberals wailed that "the rest of the world" hated America, rather than now, when the rest of the world laughs at us.

Ann has been in the doghouse with me for a few things like backing Christie, supporting drone strikes on Americans, and so on, but she is still one hell of a wordsmith.


THe only people who support Christie are those who can bench press 450 lbs.

Ba'al Chatzaf

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Ann has been in the doghouse with me for a few things like backing Christie, supporting drone strikes on Americans, and so on, but she is still one hell of a wordsmith.

Coulter has never been very good at political prognostication, especially in the area of identifying which republican politicians are really going to walk the walk and which will merely talk the talk to get elected, or which will be afraid to even talk the talk for fear of upsetting moderate voters. She has a tough time recognizing obvious wimps and traitors. But she is awesome at analyzing politicians' past actions, and at being a viciously funny smart ass in pointing out their hypocrisies. It's too bad that the republican party doesn't have her guts.

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Bashar "no more Mr Nice Guy" Assad has become a Hitler analog, willing to murder every non-Alawite Syrian until he conquers or dies. No après le deluge. The Islamists are his Communists and the West would be grateful to him for eliminating them - the rest are various quarrelling Muslim sects - not our business - not in our interest - just endless future corpses of individual children and women and men, collateral damage of history.

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Carol, Do you know the "good side" to support? I don't. Who knows? The so-called rebels are completely capable of gassing their own people to play on the West's sympathy. (For instance) Or, perhaps both sides have equally used chemical weaponry. I'm not convinced by any evidence made public so far.

But mainly: who is there, like the many self-respecting individuals caught in the middle of that Syrian Hell, who prizes their own lives and their kids' lives a little more than that deadly, ancient Arabian 'Honour'?

They are whom I reserve my compassion for.

After all, where do those small youngsters we see flashing defiant signs for the cameras get that hatred from, but from their fathers - and mothers. Those hating parents must take responsibility, not you or I.

I think sometimes the best thing to do is the hardest, and it is to do nothing.

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It is not the gassing, that is just a pr point. Assad has been doing this for months, for years to opponents before war broke out. I cannot see is as "Side to support", it is simply about stopping carnage, stopping it somehow.

Inevitably I am influenced by being Canadian, our military have been UN" peacekeepers" for 50 years and have become as good at it as they have been allowed to be. Just put out the damn fire. the lily-livered Russia-cowed UN should already be in there.

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Not one single dollar, plane, ship, or, American service person should go anywhere near the Syrian civil war.

It is not our responsibility to stop the conflict.

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Thank you Tony. It tears me up to see the torment of these people so coolly detachedly assessed, as if our theories and political analyses were more important than their lives.

Coolly, as in philosophically. Yes, it's a philosophical forum, too, Carol. This one is very much concerned with reality and human existence as you know, so you just could be reading impartiality as nobody caring. There is some sort of philosophy behind every policy. A purpose of this philosophy is how to forestall casually violent death, but if any individual suffering is ever depreciated by anyone - speaking for myself, I for one, have you to remind me.


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Not one single dollar, plane, ship, or, American service person should go anywhere near the Syrian civil war.

It is not our responsibility to stop the conflict.

Agreed, it is absolutely not your responsibility.

I don't think Canada should either.


can't we agree about something?

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Obama needs his war. It is the only thing that will keep his administration from falling apart after ACA hits the fan this October.

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Robert now stop it!

You know that every war in the 20th Century was started by the United States and by evil Republican Presidents like George Bush!

WWI was hmmm Wilson a Progressive rascist eugenisist and a Democrat. OK but that was just coincidence.

WWII, got you there hmmm, OK Roosevelt was a nice dictator thought. Kinda like a philosopher King guy. OK, the war got us out of the Great Depression. See Roosevelt knew what he was doint.

Korea, well, that was a Police Action and yeah he was a Democrat.

Vietnam, JFK a Democrat, but it was REALLY started by Ike with those advisors on the ground. OK the expansion was done by LBJ [hmmm shouldn't he donate those iniatials to William Jefferson Clinton ["B"JC?].

I give up.

Maybe BHO will earn his Peace Prize by being involved in four (4) wars. See he really is George Bush [GWB]!


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Not one single dollar, plane, ship, or, American service person should go anywhere near the Syrian civil war.

It is not our responsibility to stop the conflict.

Agreed, it is absolutely not your responsibility.

I don't think Canada should either.


can't we agree about something?

Of course we can agree about something Brant! We just haven't found it yet.

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Not one single dollar, plane, ship, or, American service person should go anywhere near the Syrian civil war.

It is not our responsibility to stop the conflict.

Agreed, it is absolutely not your responsibility.

I don't think Canada should either.


can't we agree about something?

Of course we can agree about something Brant! We just haven't found it yet.

I agree! I agree!


never give up!

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