Kerrriiist! Framing a Bloody Dictator?

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The state will gladly let us play "Masters of the World" through its offices.


nothing to do with Objectivism, libertarianism, individualism or freedom, now only a label stamped on American foreign policy before sending it out the door, frequently attached to a drone

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Here's the British MP George Galloway on Iran's PressTV, selling his own zany anti-imperialist leftist conspiracy theory. It is short and punchy. The Joos gave Al-Qaeda the chemical weapons.

Meanwhile, another story that suggests "rogue elements" of the Syrian military ...

As the threat of an imminent U.S. attack on Syria dims, supporters and officials in the regime of Syrian President Bashar Assad are quietly worrying about another potential crisis, one that hits even closer to home. Speculation in Damascus that the chemical-weapons attack against the rebel-held suburbs of Damascus on Aug. 21 may have been initiated by rogue elements within the Syrian armed forces raises fears about Assad’s overall grip on the forces fighting under him. One regime official tells TIME that what bothers him most about the long-term prognosis for Syrian stability is not the collapse of the regime, but the rise of Assad’s militias, commonly referred to as shabiha. Says the official: “After this crisis, there will be a 1,000 more crises — the militia leaders. Two years ago they went from nobody to somebody with guns and power. How can we tell these shabiha to go back to being a nobody again?”

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We all probably feel variations on the same sense of horror and anger and impotence. A most brutal war, not between two states, but within. Outrageous death tolls and no end in sight.

Rush indeed just put the Bodansky stuff out there, the 'Was Assad Framed' confection. He comes closer to my "beware" above with his closing remarks, but I must mention his intro again. How is an article 'scholarly' that gives no references, no hyperlinks, nada, squat?


I want to offer an out-of-the box video to you that I just saw the other day. It rocked my world and I hope it does yours, too. (I have written my fair share of songs and poems in the past, and I sure wish I had thought of this--life would have been soooooooo much easier.)

How this relates to the current topic is as follows. I believe you and I see the same things, sing the same melody so to speak. You play it in the key of liberal and I play it in the key of conservative (or thereabouts).

But the melody is the same.

I believe that is why I like you so much.

(As to Rush, I have a simpler explanation--rhetorical excess. :) )


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