A Duh Question About Obamacare

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Nevermind guys, Brant has been ready for retaliation for a long time, and you are both in easy reach of his Great Lakes Fleet when the Day of Destiny dawns.

He, of course, will be stuck in the southwest watching hockey replays.

Please!! BRANT'S BALL BREAKER BRIGADE is a lighting fast deploymert force armed with the Linux Computer enhanced, $17,000.00 rifle which can guarantee hiting the bull's eye at 10 football fields. Imagine how well your fleet's men on deck will do in their approach to shore with the numbers in his BBB force. Just in case that it gets past some other "difficulties" you might encounter in your crossing.


My photographer, Steve, squints through a computerized scope squatting atop a big hunting rifle. We're outdoors at a range just north of Austin, Texas, and the wind is blowing like crazy—enough so that we're having to dial in more and more wind adjustment on the rifle's computer. The spotter and I monitor Steve's sight through an iPad linked to the rifle via Wi-Fi, and we can see exactly what he's seeing through the scope. Steve lines up on his target downrange—a gently swinging metal plate with a fluorescent orange circle painted at its center—and depresses a button to illuminate it with the rifle's laser.

"Good tag?" he asks, softly.

"Good tag," replies the spotter, watching on the iPad. He leaves the device in my hands and looks through a conventional high-powered spotting scope at the target Steve has selected. The wind stops momentarily. "Send it," he calls out.

Steve pulls the trigger, but nothing immediately happens. On the iPad's screen, his reticle shifts from blue to red and drifts toward the marked target. Even though I'm expecting it, the rifle's report is startling when it fires.

A second later, the spotter calls out, "That's a hit!"

Steve has just delivered a .338 Lapua Magnum round directly onto a target about the size of a big dinner plate at a range of 1,008 yards—that's ten football fields, or a tick over 0.91 kilometers. It's his very first try. He has never fired a rifle before today.

Almost erotic...lol.

Great video in this article.


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Formidable, However as one of the difficulties to be encountered in crossing, good luck Brantoids in breaking my balls.


Laura Secord



Laura Secord (née Ingersoll; 13 September 1775 – 17 October 1868) was a Canadian heroine of the War of 1812. She is known for having walked 20 miles (32 km) out of American-occupied territory in 1813 to warn British forces of an impending American attack. Her contribution to the war was little known during her lifetime, but since her death she has been frequently honoured in Canada. Though Secord had no relation to it, most Canadians associate her with the Laura Secord Chocolates company, named after her on the centennial of her walk.


We already raided her gravesite, took dna samples and have cloned a frontline company of her. Tough bunch of bicthes.

Thomas helped suppress Shays' Rebellion in 1786, which earned him the rank of major, but in the years following, he witnessed and was offended by the continuing persecution of Loyalists. He realized that in the depressed economic conditions that followed the Revolutionary War, and with his own deep debts, he was unlikely to see his former prosperity again.[11] In 1793, Thomas met in New York City with Mohawk leader Joseph Brant, who offered to show him the best land for settlement. He and four associates travelled to Upper Canada to petition Lieutenant Governor John Simcoe for a land grant. They received 66,000 acres (27,000 ha; 103 sq mi) in the Thames Valley, and founded Oxford-on-the-Thames (later known as Ingersoll, Ontario), on condition that they populate it with forty other families within seven years. After winding up their affairs in Great Barrington, the Ingersoll family moved to Upper Canada in 1795.[12]

Treasonous dog!

Remember the Beaver Dams!!

Wow, that is so wrong on so many levels.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laura_Secord < interesting Wiki


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