Got Him On His Vanity - Obamacare Lie

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Got Him On His Vanity - Obamacare Lie
Obama is finally going down. And it's going to get ugly.
The one thing that will destroy a politician more than anything else is if he keeps lying and denying in the face of clear and present evidence.
It's so easy to fix this, it's not funny. All the politician has to do is say (and mean it), "I screwed up. Sorry." It all goes away. Some times it takes longer than other times, but this owning up keeps the politician in good moral standing with the vast majority of people.
But power is heady stuff. It makes the person wielding it arrogant. He begins to believe his own BS at times. And, to him, there is one thing he can never do--admit he committed an act of serious shortcoming. This is vanity from power.
Consider what this attitude did to Meg Whitman in her run against Jerry Brown for governor of California. She had hired an illegal alien as a maid in her past. Rather than own up as soon as this broke and admit she screwed up, she dug in and tried to make people swallow the unbelievable, that she didn't, that she didn't know, that she must have known but forgot, yada yada yada. Why? Pure vanity. This cost her an election that she had almost won.


Now it's Obama's turn. He's dug in and he ain't giving it up. And this will bring him down, or at least paralyze his presidency until the end of his term.


Look here:
Obama denies ‘you can keep it’ videotaped promises
by Neil Munro--White House Correspondent
The Daily Caller
From the article:

President Barack Obama told his enthusiastic supporters Monday night that he never promised what video recordings show him promising at least 29 times.
The videos show Obama promising 300 million Americans that “if you like your health-care plan, you will be able to keep your health-care plan, period.”
But that’s not what he really said, Obama announced Monday in a speech to about 200 Organizing for Action supporters, gathered at the St. Regis hotel in D.C.
“What we said was you could keep it if it hasn't changed since the law was passed,” he told Obamacare’s political beneficiaries and contractors.

It took some digging, but I found the video compilation. It's on the New York Magazine site here:
Video: President Obama Promising That You Can Keep Your Health-Care Plan, Again and Again
By Dan Amira


New York Magazine


Notice that this video was on the Internet  almost a week ago. Soon it will be all over YouTube, but I am going to see if I can get the original to embed here:


Ah, sweet vanity.


You're a whore, but one helluva ride.





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It might mean impeachment. It might mean a Congress after 2014 (depending on how mad Americans are at voting time) that revokes Obamacare and overturns a Presidential veto. It might mean simply lame duck--a really lame-ass duck--for 3 years.

There are lots of ways to interpret going down.

No need to nitpick.


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Got Him On His Vanity - Obamacare Lie

Obama is finally going down. And it's going to get ugly.

The one thing that will destroy a politician more than anything else is if he keeps lying and denying in the face of clear and present evidence.

It's so easy to fix this, it's not funny. All the politician has to do is say (and mean it), "I screwed up. Sorry." It all goes away. Some times it takes longer than other times, but this owning up keeps the politician in good moral standing with the vast majority of people.

But power is heady stuff. It makes the person wielding it arrogant. He begins to believe his own BS at times. And, to him, there is one thing he can never do--admit he committed an act of serious shortcoming. This is vanity from power.

Consider what this attitude did to Meg Whitman in her run against Jerry Brown for governor of California. She had hired an illegal alien as a maid in her past. Rather than own up as soon as this broke and admit she screwed up, she dug in and tried to make people swallow the unbelievable, that she didn't, that she didn't know, that she must have known but forgot, yada yada yada. Why? Pure vanity. This cost her an election that she had almost won.

Now it's Obama's turn. He's dug in and he ain't giving it up. And this will bring him down, or at least paralyze his presidency until the end of his term.

Look here:

Obama denies ‘you can keep it’ videotaped promises

by Neil Munro--White House Correspondent


The Daily Caller

From the article:

President Barack Obama told his enthusiastic supporters Monday night that he never promised what video recordings show him promising at least 29 times.

The videos show Obama promising 300 million Americans that “if you like your health-care plan, you will be able to keep your health-care plan, period.”

But that’s not what he really said, Obama announced Monday in a speech to about 200 Organizing for Action supporters, gathered at the St. Regis hotel in D.C.

“What we said was you could keep it if it hasn't changed since the law was passed,” he told Obamacare’s political beneficiaries and contractors.

It took some digging, but I found the video compilation. It's on the New York Magazine site here:

Video: President Obama Promising That You Can Keep Your Health-Care Plan, Again and Again

By Dan Amira


New York Magazine

Notice that this video was on the Internet almost a week ago. Soon it will be all over YouTube, but I am going to see if I can get the original to embed here:

Ah, sweet vanity.

You're a whore, but one helluva ride.



That lying son of bitch!

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I remember reading AR stated how small the enemy or adversary is (Objectivist Newsletter or The Objectivist magazine).

Obama is proof of that.

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I remember reading AR stated how small the enemy or adversary is (Objectivist Newsletter or The Objectivist magazine).

Obama is proof of that.


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  • 2 weeks later...

MSK - Obama's political death has been declared over and over for a long time now. I remember thread on OL, for example, on Benghazi, where Dennis May was gleefully tracking the trickling of information coming from Glenn Beck which was supposed to spell certain doom for Obama's presidency.

Many yawns later, I wonder how this is different? Yeah, he got caught finding out that his plan didn't match his promise. But is this one of those times where someone just makes an undefined declaration "Obama's going down!" without any criteria of falsification or validation, or is this something you are actually willing to admit you're wrong about when it doesn't actually happen?

I am pretty confident that the mid-term elections will see the tea party pushed out of the GOP, and the dems pick up some seats in the house (maybe not the senate).

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The headlines are saying Obama's approval rating stinks sinks to a record low. It doesn't matter. If Obama could run for election a third time, he would tell some more lies and get elected a third time. He is crookeder than a dog's hind leg and lower than a snake's belly and he is slicker than shit. His Messiahship is a master at the art of telling lies, a useful skill for a politician.

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This is all you see in his 20 + speeches about these two (2) critical points:

1) if you like your plan, you can keep it. Period. and

2) if you like your Doctor you can keep your Doctor. Period.

These two (2) statements were calculated prevarications because if it was known, he would never have had the votes to "pass" this structure for tyranny.

Yeah, he got caught finding out that his plan didn't match his promise.

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Many yawns later, I wonder how this is different? Yeah, he got caught finding out that his plan didn't match his promise.


The difference is this. When you talk about something that does not hit people in their pocket, the propaganda machine can churn and turn and burn. This machine can even work if you nibble at people's pockets, like with inflation and increasing gas prices. But if the pocket takes a direct hit like "stop your insurance plan and immediately get one that is more expensive," what are people going to do?

Here. Take a guess. What do you think (multiple choice)?

1. People will listen to the propaganda, be influenced by it and accept their lot.

2. People will find a scapegoat and roast it.

My bet is on Number 2.

So here's the reality. Five million people have lost their insurance plans so far and the prospect of replacement appears to be universally more expensive. Every single day... drip drip drip... a new case appears in the press. Not just conservatives, either. Some flaming liberals have publicly cried uncle and "WTF?"

The underlying psychological process weds two messages here: (1) Ouch, that hurt, and (2) Obama lied to cause this. Loss aversion is a much stronger cognitive bias than promise of gain. No amount of reasoning, rationalization, snark, staged testimonials, blah blah blah, is going to change that bias or that perception of causation. The only thing that can possibly do it on the scale Obamacare is playing out is a miracle or some major disaster like a nuclear war.

There are only five million plus plans so far. Day by day more victims appear. The Progressives complain and say they are not understood and that people are missing the point, but the victims keep coming. Drip... drip... drip...

When the employer mandate kicks in next year, that number will go up to about 100 million. Drip drip drip... will turn into slurg slurg slurg... and into glog glog glog... and into whoosh whoosh whoosh... and into a friggen' flood.

No propaganda on earth can withstand that without shutting down the press. And I just don't see that happening in today's America.

But wait, there's more! :smile:

The Democrats in the Senate just shot themselves in the foot by getting rid of the super-majority requirement for approving Presidential judge appointments (and we all know that's just the beginning, hmmmmm?). I see a strong possibility of a Republican Senate in 2014. They will most certainly tell Harry Reid, "Woah. Thank you so much for the extra powers." :smile:

If a Republican President gets elected in 2016 (and I think this will happen presuming that all hell will break loose with the 100 million insurance plans getting canceled while the Obamacare exchange stays mired in incompetence and corruption), this will be a Homeric nightmare for Democratic Progressives. I just hope it will not be a celebration for Republican Progressives and instead for the more libertarian and Tea Party small government folks. If the Republican Progressives get the Executive and the Legislative (both houses), I fear the Iraq War will seem like a minor picnic by comparison to what they will do this go around.


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It ain't over yet. Not only do NOT get to keep our prior insurance, but we may not get to keep the doctors we are used to seeing.

Yes another lie.

Even Joseph Goebels could not save Obama's ass. My suspicion: look for a war real soon.

Ba'al Chatzaf

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A factual correction:

Apparently, the five million (5,000,000) number is eight million (8,000,000) individual policies have been "cancelled."

The saddest part of this debacle is that it would have been infinitely less expensive for the "taxpayers" to fund an "assigned risk" policy and subsidize that social net responsibility with rigid means testing.


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