King Barak reveal that he will rule by Decree.


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King Barkak, the First of his Name, has said in his State of the Union Address that he will rule by Decree if Congress will not go along with him. It is well that our Constitution does not permit the President to Dismiss Congress in the same way that Kings of England (Charles I, for instance) dismissed Parliament.

Ba'al Chatzaf

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Kind of makes one wonder if there will BEE another election....ever.

Wait two years. But be of good cheer. Think of what Parliament did to King Charles I.

Ba'al Chatzaf

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King Barkak, the First of his Name, has said in his State of the Union Address that he will rule by Decree if Congress will not go along with him. It is well that our Constitution does not permit the President to Dismiss Congress in the same way that Kings of England (Charles I, for instance) dismissed Parliament.

Ba'al Chatzaf

One more reason to lament the passing of the Articles of Confederation, which provided for no executive branch of government.

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Given the following options:

Immanuel Kant (Ayn Rand's arch-enemy) --- polling 49%

Satan the Devil (the ultimate bad guy in Christianity) --- polling 49%

John Galt (Ayn Rand's ideal man) --- polling 2%

Objectivists are half and half between Kant and Satan, on the ground that John Galt is unelectable. Some vote for Kant because Satan is worse; some vote for Satan because Kant is worse. Apparently nobody can figure out something better. Every election it's the same deal. Anyone who is good is unelectable. It is always a question of which is less bad between 2 evils. They voted for Obama because the other guy was worse.

Such is the nature of politics. Politics is the opposite of a free market. How does a businessman in a free market get you to do anything? Create a product or a service for a good price. Voluntary trade. How does a politician get you to do anything? Force. Either force applied to you or a promise to apply force to someone else on your behalf. The difference between free market and politics is the difference between trade and force. In a free market the best people rise to the top. In politics the worst people rise to the top. That's why you have Obama.

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