The Donald Sterling spectacle

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Magic Johnson is hardly one who should speak out on Sterling's
character. While married and on the road with his
team he bedded anything with a skirt and contacted HIV.

Sterling, as with all of us, should be free to voice his opinion about anything/ anyone-without retribution.

He will now be "penalized" for his comments.

Freedom of speech, R.I.P.?


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Sterling is not a good guy. Everybody has known that for years and the media has contained it.

Now there is a media circus over what he said in his own home, not in public.

Why, I wonder?

I have a theory.

Sterling was a staunch Obama supporter and overall Democrat. The elections are coming and the funds for the Democrats are not as robust as in previous years. Some people are jumping ship and/or backing off.

I think the Progressive machine is making an example out of Sterling as if to say to the normal donors, "Keep the cash flowing or we will do that to you based on your shortcomings. We know what they are and you are not safe in your own home no matter how much money you have."

Sterling is so sleazy he is expendable. This publicity is far more valuable to scare donors to get in line than the money he contributed.

That makes a hell of a lot more sense to me than the media suddenly crucifying--on moral grounds at that--an old racist fart because he offended his gold-digging girlfriend at home.

Since when has the media had any morals anyway?


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I certainly agree Sterling resides at the bottom of the barrel.

Your theory has merit.

The media has no morals? Aw c'mon, be nice. lol

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Here's another theory by a caller to Rush Limbaugh:

Rush Limbaugh Caller's Theory: Sterling Was Set Up So Magic Johnson Could Buy The Clippers

The theory is that Sterling is close to dying, has dementia, and has given about as much as he's going to be giving to different causes, so they need to do something to get the team away from him (and into the hands of Magic Johnson) before he dies and it goes to his heirs. So they set him up.

That sounds plausible to me, too.


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Kareem's input has been most interesting.

He asserted the privacy issue and states clearly that the persons, or, persons who invaded the owner's privacy should be put in prison.

Shouldn’t we be equally angered by the fact that his private, intimate conversation was taped and then leaked to the media? Didn’t we just call to task the NSA for intruding into American citizen’s privacy in such an un-American way? Although the impact is similar to Mitt Romney’s comments that were secretly taped, the difference is that Romney was giving a public speech. The making and release of this tape is so sleazy that just listening to it makes me feel like an accomplice to the crime. We didn’t steal the cake but we’re all gorging ourselves on it.

His op ed is worth the read. I have always admired both Lew Alcindor and Casious Clay before and after they converted to Islam.

The big question is “What should be done next?” I hope Sterling loses his franchise. I hope whoever made this illegal tape is sent to prison. I hope the Clippers continue to be unconditionally supported by their fans. I hope the Clippers realize that the ramblings of an 80-year-old man jealous of his young girlfriend don’t define who they are as individual players or as a team. They aren’t playing for Sterling—they’re playing for themselves, for the fans, for showing the world that neither basketball, nor our American ideals, are defined by a few pathetic men or women.

Let’s use this tawdry incident to remind ourselves of the old saying: “Eternal vigilance is the price of freedom.” Instead of being content to punish Sterling and go back to sleep, we need to be inspired to vigilantly seek out, expose, and eliminate racism at its first signs.


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I just listened to the whole video by Rush on Real Clear Politics that I linked above. I had to leave early this morning so I relied on scanning the written blurb for the info, not on listening. The thing is about 20 minutes and I ran out of time. But now I've heard it.

The caller sounded black and, as Rush mentioned, he sounded a bit like Hutch. To be precise, he laid out his theory as I gave--actually it is even more interesting, but he did not name Magic Johnson as the person interested in buying the Clippers (i.e., the person possibly behind setting Sterling up). After a break, Rush mentioned that he got the info that Magic was making moves to buy the team from Yahoo News.

Note for the record. Just because Sterling is a dirtbag, that doesn't mean he can't be set up. I don't see anyone wearing a team uniform from Sainthood in this story. :)

Very interesting take by Rush and his caller.

btw - On the bigger cultural issue, I agree with Kareem. I think partly the mainstream audience likes being manipulated by the news organizations. The manipulation allows folks to feel alive and pious without having to use their brains.


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I agree with Kareem too. I thought that was a good piece.

But why is this something more complicated than the free market at work? Robert Nozick and Adam Smith would be proud.

A bigot is getting his just desserts, not because of some government sanction, but because of market forces.

This is good. This shows society need not improve because of government actions, but instead by market forces.

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Yes you're both correct.

Supposedly Geeffen, THE Oprah and Ellison the CEO of Oracle are interested in the team.

It is refreshing that this is being resolved by market forces and the leagues franchise contract. The Clippers are just like a MacDonald franchise that just can't shoot the outside 3 pointer...


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This is interesting:

A crowd gathered outside Los Angeles' Staples Center on Tuesday night before Game Five of the Clippers-Warriors NBA playoff series to protest racist comments made by Clippers owner Donald Sterling.

Reason TV talked with protesters about the NBA banning Sterling for life, how free markets reacts to racism, and whether government policies and other forms of institutionalized racism hurt black Americans far more than anything Donald Sterling said.

For more coverage of the Donald Sterling saga, click here.

Interviews by Alexis Garcia. Shot and edited by Zach Weissmueller.

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The title should be fixed. It's Donald Sterling, not David Sterling


Thanks Merlin.

Quack quack.


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  • 2 weeks later...

It's F.T. Sterling for Filthy Tarnished. However the currency is still good and Massa Don will not lose one cent whatever the NBA does to him. That's the sports biz for you, and sportsbiz owners contain the lowest specimens of homo sapiens. (No disrespect to Mark Cuban or Ed Snider, they are exceptions.


(just thought I should check in and confirm that I have not been in jail, hospital, or football camp with Rob Ford. Just preoccupied with stuff).

afterthought - I don't know who owns the Wild but they oughta be proud! Jonathan can emerge from his basketball/football gloom into the playoff gleam of hope. Go Minny!

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It's F.T. Sterling for Filthy Tarnished. However the currency is still good and Massa Don will not lose one cent whatever the NBA does to him. That's the sports biz for you, and sportsbiz owners contain the lowest specimens of homo sapiens. (No disrespect to Mark Cuban or Ed Snider, they are exceptions.


(just thought I should check in and confirm that I have not been in jail, hospital, or football camp with Rob Ford. Just preoccupied with stuff).

afterthought - I don't know who owns the Wild but they oughta be proud! Jonathan can emerge from his basketball/football gloom into the playoff gleam of hope. Go Minny!

Well it is about time!

Glad you are ok.

Happy Mothers Day...

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Speaking of race, NYT science writer Nicholas Wade has a new book out called A Troublesome Inheritance. He argues that racial differences are real and play out in terms of different cultures and success levels. It's kind of like The Bell Curve, although more on culture than IQ.

Anyone have any thoughts?

There is an excerpt of the book at time magazine, but for some reason I can't link to it.

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Thx Adam -- don't make me feel guiltier now -- the Luddite slope is slippery enough!

Rangers are hanging on by a skatelace----

Yep it sucks when your powerplay is powerless kinda like the Green agenda which does nothing but kill Bald Eagles.

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Thx Adam -- don't make me feel guiltier now -- the Luddite slope is slippery enough!

Rangers are hanging on by a skatelace----

Yep it sucks when your powerplay is powerless kinda like the Green agenda which does nothing but kill Bald Eagles.


And the eagles did nothing to deserve it.

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Sterling will be on Anderson Cooper's show Monday, 5/12. He is claiming he is not a racist.

This is reported on the CNN site:

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